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Autumn Term


Holding and Using an iPad

In this topic, children will :

  • Know that a device can be turned on and off
  • Know how to interact with a touch capable device with support eg. ipad
  • Know how to use a simple application to create marks e.g. glow and draw


Programming 'Code and Go Mice'

In this topic, children will :

  • Know how to move a robot forward, backward, left and right and demonstrate this

Digital videoing

In this topic, children will :

  • create content using a digital device such as a video recording, stories and digital drawings
  • Handle the device effectively for the given purpose

Year 1

Technology Around Us

In this topic, children will :

  • Know what technology is and how it helps, giving examples.
  • Know that choices are made when using technology and to explain why rules are needed.
  • Use a mouse in different ways and to use the keyboard to type and edit text.

Digital Painting

In this topic, children will :

  • Know that basic tools e.g. a camera or paint app can create an image
  • Know that the folling tools can be used to create an image and apply these in their work e.g. brush tool, shape tool, line tool and undo tool
  • Know that people around me can view my screen to see my work

Year 2

Information Technology

In this topic, children will :

  • Know different types and features of information technology and how they are used
  • Know how rules for using information technology can help us and keep us safe and recognise that choices are made whilst using information technology
  • Know how information technology benefits us

Digital photography

In this topic, children will :

  • Know that some digital devices can capture images using a camera and understand how to navigate the camera application
  • know when to choose a landscape or portrait photograph and that akk photos can be changed through editing and apply this to their work by cropping and recolouring
  • Know the features of a good photograph

Year 3

Connecting Computers

In this topic, children will :

  • Know what an imput is and that a process acts on the input
  • Know that an output is produced by the process and identify how chnaging the porcess can affect the output
  • Know how devices in a network are connected and that they are made up of a number of components
  • Know how information is passed through multiple connections and identify the benefits of computer networks

Stop-frame animations

In this topic, children will :

  • Know that an animation is made up of a sequence of images which can be drawn or captured
  • Know the relationship betweens frames and motion
  • Know the terms composition, stage and capture area
  • Know how to fix mistakes in captured images and play a sequnece of images back to review and remove images to improve an animation. 

Year 4

The Internet

In this topic, children will :

  • Know how networks are connected to each other
  • Know how information can be shared via the World Wide Web and that this is part of the internet and explain the benefits.
  • Know that the global interconnection of networks is the internet
  • Know the reliability of content and the consequences if unreliable content

Audio Editing

In this topic, children will :

  • Know where the microphone and speaker are on the device. 
  • Know how to record sounds, edit audio and use controls on a device and to use this to begin and stop recording
  • Know how to locate a recorded audio and select a section of an audio to apply effects

Year 5

Sharing Information

In this topic, children will :

  • Know that computers can be part of a system in an electronic device and can be connected together to form systems
  • Know input, output and process in larger computer systems and how information is transferred using agreed protocols
  • Know that data is transferred in packets
  • Know the role of computer systems in our lives and that connection between computers allows us to access shared stored files

Video Editing

In this topic, children will :

  • Know video as moving pictiures combined with audio
  • Know that video can be captured automatically
  • Know the features of a good video can be improved
  • Be able to pan left to right, up and down, focus, zoom and compose

Year 6


In this topic, children will :

  • Know why search engines exist and how they create different indexes
  • Know how search results are selected
  • Know the role of web crawlers
  • Know that ranking narrows down the dearch results returned from the index and that search results are ordered
  • Know limitations of search engines

Web Page Creation

In this topic, children will :

  • Know the relationship between HTML and visual display
  • Know that web pages can contain different media types
  • Know components of a web page layout and apply this by inserting hyperlinks, embeddig media, adding and altering text