Summer Term
Using Technology
In this topic, children will :
- Know how to use the internet with adult supervision to find and retrieve information of interest to them
- Know how to retrieve content of interest to them e.g. recall trips and past events
Year 1
Digital Writing
In this topic, children will :
- Know that a keyboard is used to enter text into a computer
- Know that the shift key changes the output of the key
- Know that information on a computer can be stored and shared
Year 2
Making Music
In this topic, children will :
- Know a computer can be used to create a piece of music for a purpose
- Know that there are patterns in music and consider how different musical sequences create different effects.
Year 3
Desktop Publishing
In this topic, children will :
- Know landscape and portrait as page orientations
- Know how different font styles and effects are used for particular purposes
- Know that DTP pages can be structured with placeholders
- Know how to add images, manage layour, shift to add capitals and return to create paragraphs
Year 4
Photo Editing
In this topic, children will :
- Know how to use a computer to manipulate images by changing the composition, arranging cutting and cropping part of an image,
- Know how to make additions by drawing or adding an element.
Year 5
Vector Drawings
In this topic, children will :
- Know that an image comprises of separate objects
- Know that objects are layered and that vector images can be coloured without impact on quality
- Know how to create graphical objects, select shapes and combine objects by grouping and changing layers.
Year 6
3D Digital Drawings
In this topic, children will :
- Know that structures can be broken down into a collection of 3D objects
- Know that 3D objects consist of length, width and height
- Know the similarities and difference between real life 3D and virtual 3D
- Know how to create a 3D object in a 3D space and be able to reposition, rotate, resize and recolour.