Gymnastics Unit 1
Children will:
- Know how to make different shapes with the body.
- Know to be still when holding a balance.
- Know how to change body shape to perform a roll.
Dance Unit 1
Children will:
- Know how to move the body in different ways to create interesting actions and that this can show an idea.
- Understand that using a lot of space can make a dance look interesting.
Woodland Learning
Gymnastics Unit 2
Children will:
- Know how to make different shapes with the body.
- Know to be still when holding a balance.
- Know how to change body shape to perform a roll.
Dance Unit 2
Children will:
- Know how to move the body in different ways to create interesting actions and that this can show an idea.
- Understand that using a lot of space can make a dance look interesting.
Woodland Learning
The children were learning all about to their feelings, displaying resilience (being brave when losing), celebrating when others win, supporting team mates and communicating with each other in order to achieve a goal. They were exploring rules and imagination to travel safely around the woodland area on an imaginary train, using communication skills to prevent them from bumping into trees and teammates. They used a variety of ways and speeds of travelling and following instructions to change direction.
Year 1
Children will:
- Know to improve shapes by extending body parts.
- Know to hold still for 5 seconds when performing a balance.
- Know to change body shape to perform a roll.
- Know to land on the balls of feet.
- Know that using a starting and finishing position tells people when a sequence has ended.
Children will:
- Know that actions can be sequenced to create a routine.
- Know how to use fast and slow actions and exaggerated movements.
- Know there are different shapes and pathways.
- Know to be aware of partner and work in time.
- Know that standing still at the start and end of a dance indicates start and end to the audience.
Woodland Learning
The children had to use good communication skills to enable them to work together to complete a tasl as a team. In order to change the speed of the parachute (waves) they needed to listen carefully to instructions and work together to achieve the goal. They then needed to communicate well with their team mates to enable them to transport the hoola hoop all the way around the circle without breaking the chain (Without letting go of hands)
Year 2
Children will:
- Know that some shapes link together well.
- Know how to squeeze muscles to balance.
- Know that different rolls must be performed differently.
- Know to look forward when landing.
Children will:
- Know to sequence actions to tell a story.
- Know to change the way actions are performed to show an idea.
- Know to use different pathways and levels.
- Understand using counting to stay in time.
- Know to use facial expressions.
Woodland Learning
Year 3
Children will:
- Know that sharing ideas enables a group to work collaboratively.
- Know that actions can be performed differently.
- Know how to use space to make a dance flow.
- Know how to use timing techniques such as canon and unison.
- Know that a performance should correspond with music.
Children will:
- Know that jumping and landing in quick succession provides momentum.
- Know the speed of a throw helps create power.
Woodland Learning
Year 4
Children will:
- Know that some actions and dynamics are best suited to a certain character or mood.
- Know that space can be used to express a mood, character or idea.
- Know that awareness of other performers enables synchronised movement.
Children will:
- Know the need to pace oneself when running further or longer.
- Know that knee drive, pumping arms and running on balls of feet gives power.
- Know that transferring weight helps the body to jump further.
- Know that transferring weight helps to throw further.
Woodland Learning
Year 5
Children will:
- Know that different dance styles utilise selected actions and relationships to develop sequences and express mood.
- Know that space relates to where the body moves on the floor and in the air.
- Know what makes a performance effective.
- Know to use dance principles to express an atmosphere or mood.
Children will:
- Know the need to take steady breaths to enable the body to run further.
- Know that driving knees high builds power and distance in jumps.
- Know how transferring weight increases the distance of a throw.
Woodland Learning
Year 6
Children will:
- Know that actions can be improved with consideration to extension, shape and recognition of intent.
- Know a variety of dynamics for a performance.
- Know how to combine space and use of props to express an idea.
- Know to keep in character throughout a piece.
Children will:
- Know the need to prepare the body for running.
- Know that a run up builds speed and power.
- Know the muscle groups needed in order to throw.
Woodland Learning