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Vision, Values & Ethos

Our Mission Statement 


Townfield Primary aims to serve its community by providing education of the highest quality. We will endeavour to support families to ensure that each and every child achieves their very best, aiming to develop all pupils into well-rounded citizens of the future.


We believe that education is about learners experiencing the joy of discovery, solving problems and being creative, understanding that achievement will result from learners being excited and engaged. Education will therefore be the fusion of excellence and enjoyment.


English and Maths will be the backbone of our pupils’ success in learning. We will build on our strengths to serve the needs of our children, using the skills of everyone in the school. We will drive our own improvement, setting challenging targets and recognising that, for the sake of our learners, we can always do better.

We will provide activities outside school hours to extend and enrich learning.


At Townfield Primary School, we strive to develop the whole child. We believe that each person is a unique individual. All of our children are entitled to be given opportunities to reach their full potential. Therefore we must provide for them an education which will enable them to be personally fulfilled and to become socially, morally, emotionally, intellectually and culturally integrated members of society.  Townfield will be a bright, welcoming and friendly place, where children feel happy and secure. Success will be promoted, and progress, effort and achievement will be rewarded.

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Our Values  

Our school values are:

  • look after yourself  
  • look after each other 
  • look after our school 

Our Ethos

Through our rich curriculum, in all learning we endeavour to promote these values. Through our behaviour policy we model and celebrate these values. Through the relationships that we have with all stakeholders in our community we seek to foster these values.


Our broad and balanced curriculum promotes pupils moral, social and cultural development and provides opportunities for pupils to:-

  • Be happy, enthusiastic and reflective learners who take an active part in lessons
  • Think creatively, engage in problem solving and develop their resilience
  • To become responsible, rights-respecting and caring citizens who appreciate diversity and make a positive contribution to our school and wider community
  • To develop their confidence and their capacity to learn and work independently and cooperatively with others
  • To develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in all areas to enable them to make rapid progress

In order to allow the children to fully develop these aptitudes, language is a key focus for us, both to develop the children’s communication abilities, and also to provide them with the rich and specific vocabulary from across the curriculum that underpins their knowledge and understanding, further enhancing their subject specific knowledge and understanding.

We teach the National Curriculum using a subject based approach, which is enhanced by a carefully planned range of educational visits and memorable learning experiences which may include theme days, key speakers and visitors to school. We use a range of teaching strategies that take into account the ways in which children learn in order to foster engagement, motivation and creativity.

Our curriculum alongside the National Curriculum promotes moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and prepares them for the opportunities and experiences of later life.

Our Ethos 

We aim:

  • To be an inclusive school: all aspects of our work will ensure that all learners are given equality of opportunity and treated fairly.
  • To promote and achieve high standards for all by providing teaching and learning of the highest quality.
  • To treat learners as individuals and to differentiate teaching and learning to take account of their individual needs.
  • To provide for learners’ physical, mental, social, moral and cultural needs.
  • To provide for learners’ care, health and safety.
  • To ensure that all learners benefit from a rich, broad, balanced curriculum. It will be taught in an interesting, exciting and imaginative manner with lots of opportunities for first-hand experience.
  • To teach basic skills and core subjects, giving great emphasis to the foundation subjects.
  • To make connections between subjects and to apply basic skills across the curriculum.
  • To enliven and enrich the curriculum by visits, visitors, and extensive use of the environment.
  • To give responsibility to learners and develop their self-confidence by contributing to the community.
  • To make Governors, parents and the wider community equal partners with the school and to involve them in the evaluation of its success.
  • To promote a welcoming and lively environment where learners feel secure.
  • To build a school where good behaviour is expected.
  • To make this school a place of enjoyment – a place where success is celebrated.