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Year 1

Summer 1

In this term, the unit of work is 'Who helps to keep us safe?'.

The children will mainly focus on the following:

  • Know some people who help children stay safe and healthy, say how or when they can help and why it is important to ask for help.
  • Know how to get help in emergency situations and follow instructions to keep safe.

Summer 2

In this term, the unit of work is 'How can we look after each other and the world?'.

The children will mainly focus on the following:

  • Know how I am the same and different to other people, and how to treat myself and other people with respect.
  • Know some ways to care for the plants, animals and people around us and why this is important.

Year 2

Summer 1

In this term, the unit of work is 'What helps us grow and stay healthy?'.

The children will mainly focus on the following:

  • Know some ways to keep healthy and explain why it is important.
  • Know how to follow simple hygiene and dental health routines.
  • Know ways to help myself and other people feel good, or feel better if not feeling good, such as sleep, regular exercise and balancing time on and offline.

Summer 2

In this term, the unit of work is 'What jobs can people do?'.

The children will mainly focus on the following:

  • Know what money is, where it comes from, and how it can be looked after, saved or spent.
  • Know that people have different strengths, identify some different jobs that people do and some skills needed for those jobs.

Year 3

Summer 1

In this term, the unit of work is 'Why should we eat well and look after our teeth?'.

The children will mainly focus on the following:

  • Know a range of ways to keep healthy, that habits can have positive and negative effects on health, and how to manage pressure to do things that are not healthy.
  • Know, demonstrate and give reasons for hygiene routines, and explain the importance of following them regularly.
  • Know signs that I or someone else may need help with their physical health or mental wellbeing.
  • Know a range of sources of support (people who help children stay safe and healthy) and suggest who to ask in different situations, including if I or someone I know is at risk.

Summer 2

In this term, the unit of work is 'What makes a community?'.

The children will mainly focus on the following:

  • Know the benefits of having diversity in our community and ways to promote inclusion in our school and community.
  • Know what discrimination is, recognise that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, and how discrimination can be challenged.

Year 4

Summer 1

In this term, the unit of work is 'How can we manage risks in different places?'.

The children will mainly focus on the following:

  • Know safe or unsafe different choices for health and wellbeing, explain the purpose of laws, rules and restrictions to keep children safe, and how to use risk assessment skills to make safe choices.
  • Know ways of reducing and managing risk at home, online on the road and elsewhere.
  • Know why information online is not always true, suggest ways to assess whether online information is accurate and trustworthy, and explain how to report harmful content.



Summer 2

In this term, the unit of work is 'How can our choices make a difference to others and the environment?'.

The children will mainly focus on the following:

  • Know our shared responsibilities and ways we can care for others and the environment, and how everyday choices impact the environment.  
  • Know a range of different rules, laws, and human rights, explain why they are important and possible consequences of not following rules. 

Year 5

Summer 1

In this term, the unit of work is 'How can drugs common to everyday life affect health?'.

The children will mainly focus on the following:

  • Know how different substances, including legal and illegal drugs, can affect health positively and negatively; identify a range of associated risks and influences, and suggest ways to manage these.
  • Know peer influnce or pressure in a range of situations and suggest strategies to manage and respond to it.

Summer 2

In this term, the unit of work is 'What jobs would we like?'.

The children will mainly focus on the following:

  • Know strengths, skills and achievements, how these might help me choose a job, and use these to set goals.
  • Know some of the pathways into a range of jobs, and recognise that peoples' jobs can change over their lifetime.
  • Know factors that might limit or support people's career choices, including stereotypes related to different jobs, and be ambitious for my future.

Year 6

Summer 1 and 2

In this term, the unit of work is 'How can the media influence people'.

The children will mainly focus on the following:

  • Know how people use the internet in different ways, including how data is gathered and used, describe benefits and challenges of using the internet and safety rules to help minimise risk when using digital devices. 
  • Know why information onine is not always true, suggest ways to assess whether online information is accurate and trustworthy, and explain how to report harmful content.
  • Know the importance of balancing time online with other activities for physical and mental wellbeing.