In Spring Term, pupils focus on the following area of learning:
Understanding Number
They will learn about:
- Counting
- Composition
- Shape
In Spring Term, pupils study:
- Counting & Ordering
- Addition
- Patterns
- Measuring
- Capacity
- 2D and 3D Shapes
Year 1
In Spring Term, pupils study:
- Shapes and Patterns
- Height and Length
- Place Value: Numbers to 40
- Addition and Subtraction: Word Problems
- Multiplication and Division with equal groupings
Year 2
In Spring Term, pupils study:
- Measuring (mass and temperature)
- Statistics (pictograms)
- Word Problems
- Money
- Properties of 2D/3D shapes.
Year 3
In Spring Term, pupils study:
- Length (metres, centimentres, kilometres)
- Mass (grams, kilograms)
- Volume (millilitres, litres)
- Money
- Time (measuring in seconds, minutes, hours and converting)
Year 4
In Spring Term, pupils study:
- Statistics: Graphs (bar, line)
- Fractions (mixed numbers, improper fractions, equivalents, addition and subtraction)
- Time (converting seconds, minutes and hours)
- Decimals (tenths, hundredths, comparing, rounding, dividing by 10 and 100)
Year 5
In Spring Term, pupils study:
- Fractions (multiplying whole numbers by proper fractions, multiplying mixed numbers and whole numbers)
- Decimals (adding, subtracting)
- Percentage
- Geometry: Properties of Shapes (measuring angles, drawing angles, describing, solving problems)
- Position and Movements: (describing translations and movements)
Year 6
In Spring Term, pupils study:
- Measurements
- Word Problems
- Percentages: (Finding percentages of an amount, finding differences)
- Ratio
- Algebra: (describing patterns, writing algebraic expressions, writing formulae)
- Area and Perimeter: (triangles and parallelograms)
- Geometry: (Investigation of angles)
- Geometry: (position and movement)