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Autumn Term


         In this topic, children will:

  • Listen with increasing attention to sounds
  • Know what ‘sing’ means.
  • Know and use terms ‘loud’ and ‘quiet’
  • Name some musical instruments e.g. ‘claves’, ‘shaker’, ‘drum’ ’triangle’, ‘bells’, ‘keyboard’
  • Learn entire songs, including; Humpty dumpty, Jack and Jill, Twinkle twinkle little star, London Bridge is falling down, I’m a little teapot, If you’re happy and you know it, Hey diddle diddle, I hear thunder, Mary Mary quite contrary, Little Bo Peep, The big ship sails, 12345 Once I caught a fish alive, 5 little speckled frogs, Bingo.


Autumn 1 - Exploring Sounds

In this topic, children will:

  • Explore how they can use their voice and bodies to make sounds, experiment with tempo and dynamic when playing instruments, identify sounds in the environment and differentiate between them.
  • Know and use terms - fast/slow and high/low.
  • Listen attentively, move to and talk about music expressing their feelings and responses.

Autumn 2 - Celebration Music

In this topic, children will:

  • Learn about the music from a range of cultural and religious celebrations, including Diwali, Hanukkah, Kwankzaa and Christmas.
  • Respond to music through movement altering movements to reflect the tempo, dynamics or pitch
  • Know that there are different kinds of music across the globe

Year 1 

Autumn 1 - All about me (pulse and rhythm)

In this topic children will:

  • Identify the difference between the pulse and rhythm of a song.
  • Consolidate their understanding of these concepts through listening and performing activities.

Autumn 2 - Animals Classical Music (dynamics and tempo)

In this topic, children will:

  • Use their bodies and instruments to listen and respond to pieces of classical music that represent animals.
  • Identify the difference between dynamics and tempo.

Year 2

Autumn 1 - African music (animals)

In this topic, children will:

  • Learn a traditional African call and response song.
  • Recognise simple notation.
  • Compose animal-based call and response rhythms.

Autumn 2 - Orchestral instruments (Traditional western stories)

In this topic, children will:

  • Be introduced to the instruments of the orchestra and practice identifying these within a piece of music.

Year 3 

Autumn 1 - Ballads

In this topic, children will:

  • Learn what ballads are, including traditional ballads.
  • Learn how to identify a ballads features and how to convey different emotions when performing them.

Autumn 2- Recorders

In this topic, children will:

  • Learn to play B,A,G,C, D on the recorder.
  • They will begin to read notation.

Year 4

Autumn 1 - Rainforests (Body and tuned percussion)

In this topic, children will:

  • Learn about structure and texture using parts of thier body.
  • Revisit the interlated dimensions of music already learned.

Autumn 2 - Rock and Roll

In this topic, children will:

  • Learn about the origin and features of rock and roll music.
  • They will learn how to play the Hard Jive and Rock around the Clock.

Year 5 

Autumn 1 - Ancient Eygpt (notation)

In this topic, children will:

  • Learn to identify the pitch and rhythm of written notes and experiment with notating their composition.

Autumn 2 - Blues

In this topic, children will:

  • Be introduced to the genre of Blues music and its history
  • Learn to identify the key features and mood of Blues music and its importance and purpose
  • They will compose using features of this genre.

Year 6

Autumn 1 - Advanced Rhythms

In this topic, children will:

  • Further explore rhythmic patterns in order to build a sense of pulse and using this understanding to create a composition

Autumn 2 - Film Music 

In this topic, children will:

  • Explore and identify the characteristics of film music.
  • Create a composition and graphic score to perform alongside a film.