Summer Term
In this topic, children will
In woodland learning, children learn how to use a mallet
Year 1: Make a freestanding structure
In this topic, children will:
- Know what a structure is
- Know how to make structures stronger, stiffer and more stable and demonstrate this in their work
- Know how to join materials purposefully using a variety of temporary methods e.g. masking tape, glue, sello tape, staples
- Know how to apply their knowledge of structures to make a freestanding structure
Year 2: Make a finger/hand puppet
In this topic, children will:
- Know how simple 3-D textile products are made
- Know what a template is and use templates to create two identical shapes
- Know how to join fabrics using different techniques e.g. running stitch, glue and stapling and demonstrate this
- Know how to do running stitch
- Know different finishing techniques that can be used e.g. using painting, fabric crayons, stitching, sequins, buttons and ribbons and demonstrate in their work
- Know how to apply their knowledge of stitches and finishing techniques to make a puppet
Year 3: Make a moving picture
In this topic, children will:
- Know the purpose of a lever and a linkage and demonstrate how they are used to create movement in their design
- Know the difference between fixed and loose pivots
- Know how to apply their knowledge of levers, linkages and pivots to make a moving picture
Year 4: Make a night light
In this topic, children will:
- Know how electrical systems are used in their products
- Know what a series circuit is and demonstrate how to make a successful circuit
- Know the press to make the switch, press to break switch, toggle switch
- Know what a buzzer is
- Know what a bulb is
- Apply their understanding of computing to program and control their products
Year 5: Make a bird box
In this topic, children will:
- Know how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce 3-D frameworks
- Know how to use a junior hack saw, g clamp and bench hook to accurately cut wood
- Know how to join 2 pieces of wood e.g. with wood glue, PVA glue, glue gun, hammers and nails
- Know how triangulation strengthens structures
- Know how to make a bird box based on their generated design
Year 6: Make soup
In this topic, children will:
- Know how to use and select appropriate equipment and utensils to prepare and combine food (blenders)
- Know how to research the origins of the ingredients needed
- Know the term seasonality and demonstrate through their ingredient choices
- Know how to adapt a recipe and measure ingredients to make soup