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Read, Write Inc (RWI) at Townfield Primary School   

We  follow the Early Years Statutory Framework and the National Curriculum and have chosen Read, Write Inc (RWI) Phonics Scheme to teach early reading at Townfield.  All pupils including SEND and disadvantaged pupils  follow the RWI scheme from Nursery (from Easter 2022) through to Year 2 (until approximately Christmas).  Our intention is that all pupils will learn to read with a strong start in early years and are able to read fluently by the age of six.  Some pupils in lower Key Stage 2 will continue with RWI, where appropriate. 

In Foundation Stage, children are introduced to the simple alphabetic code and learn one way of representing each sound. During Key Stage 1, children are given opportunities to build on and develop their Phonics knowledge, by applying previously learnt graphemes and exploring alternative representations of phonemes and graphemes.
Phonics sessions take place daily in small focused groups for all Nursery (summer term), Reception and Key Stage 1 children. Children in Nursery have daily exposure to stories, songs, poems and sounds in their classroom environment.

Within a daily phonics session, children are taught how to:

  • Read a new sound

  • Recognise new and familiar taught sounds

  • Write a new grapheme

  • Read words containing the new sound and familiar taught sounds

  • Spell words containing the new sound and familiar taught sounds

The Phonics Leader in school is responsible for ensuring that all children make the expected progress in their journey of learning to read. At the end of each half term the children completes a short Phonics assessment which ensures each child is making progress and allows for any identification of gaps or extra support needed. 

No pupil is left to struggle. Any pupil working below their peer group receives daily 1:1 tutoring until they catch up. Some pupils also have extra reading practice with an adult.

All staff across school are trained to be teachers of reading. RWI teachers receive weekly training and coaching by the Reading Leader. The Reading Leader is supported by regular training from the Trust Lead.


Reception pupils learning speed sounds    Reception pupils reading a book in pairs     Reception pupils using "Fred Fingers" to spell


KS1 pupils practising spelling Set 3 sounds in their handwriting books KS1 pupil using "Fred Fingers" to spell   KS1 pupils writing sentences in their "Get Writing" books


To access set 1, 2 and 3 sound videos so you can practice at home, please click this link:


Children accessing the RWI programme will receive reading books as follows:





Sound Blending Groups

Speed Sounds Practice Sheet

Blending Book

Story for pleasure book

Virtual classroom links





Ditty Group

Ditty sheet

Story for pleasure book



Red Ditty Group

Red Ditty Book (black and white)

1 x Book Bag Book (matched to the sounds taught that week)

Story for pleasure book

every 3 days

every 3 days


Green, Purple, Pink, Orange Group

1 x Black and White Core Book (same book as taught in school)

1 x Book Bag Book (matched to the sounds taught that week)

1 x Story for pleasure book

every 3 days

every 3 days


Yellow, Blue and Grey Group

1 x Black and White Book Bag Book Core Book (same book as taught in school)

1 x Book Bag Book (matched to the sounds taught that week)

1 x Story for pleasure book

every 5 days


every 5 days



Please see below to find out more about the RWI programme:



You can also find further Phonics details by clicking the following links: