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The R.E. curriculum offer follows the breadth of the Blackburn Diocese agreed syllabus for RE. The RE curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

Our curriculum is carefully weighted with equal priority given to both substantive knowledge (holy books, sacred texts, places of worship) and disciplinary knowledge (asking questions, identidying impact and influences, making links, comparing). Clearly defined substantive knowledge end points are identified at the end at the end of the unit and disciplinary knowledge end points at the end of each key stage. Components (building blocks) are carefully sequenced so new knowledge builds on what has been previously taught and leads to the end points. Where required pedagogy is adapted so that all pupils including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND are on the same knowledge journey towards the same endpoints.

Key concepts for example 'belief', 'worship', 'religion' and 'tradition' are covered and repeated throughout the curriculum. Vocabulary is also taught explicitly in every lesson. Key words and concepts are mapped out in the VOCUS document. There are also opportunities for developing reading in R.E..

In early years, plans are written following the Early Years Develpoment Matters Framework. In KS1 and KS1, plans are written following the Blackburn Diocese Agreed Syllabus. This is enhanced with a daily artefact starter and a disciplinary task so children have opportunity to pratise the key history disciplinary concepts e.g. historical significance, similarities and differences and change and continuity.

Review and retrieval is a key part of every lesson. Quick quizzes and knowledge organisers are used to support this.

 Our pupils represent an urban area of Wirral and this is reflected through an inclusive, diverse curriculum which is supported through additional extra-curricular focuses on events such as donating to a foodbank to mark Harvest, church services and visitors for Christmas.

Parental right of withdrawal from RE

'In the UK, parents still have the right to withdraw their children from RE on the grounds that they wish to provide their own RE. This provision will be the parents’ responsibility. This right of withdrawal exists for all pupils in all types of school, including schools with and without a religious designation. Students aged 18 or over have the right to withdraw themselves from RE. Parents also have the right to withdraw their child from part of RE, and can do so without giving any explanation.' (NATRE, 1998)

See below the RE curriculum overview for KS1 and KS2:

The RE curriculum is set out in the RE End Points document. 



Autumn Term 1

Nursery - Harvest. Why do people of faith say thank you to God at harvest time?

Children will:

  • Know similarities and differences between families and communities
  • Know people celebrate difference cultural, religious and community events
  • Know about harvest and why is it important to help others


Reception - I am Special. Why are we all different and special?

In this topic the children will know:

  • That Christians believe that they are made by God. 
  • That everyone is unique, special and loved. 
  • That Christians believe that God is their heavenly father.
  • That both Allah and God are known by many names.

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Year 1: Harvest

In this topic, the children will:

  • Know that not everyone in the world enjoys a good harvest. 
  • Know about Christian charities that are helping people who live in poor countries. 
  • Know that Christians believe it is good to say thank you to God for the harvest. 
  • Know that the Jewish festival of harvest is called Sukkot.

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Year 2: Holy Books

In this topic, the children will:

  • Know that the Bible is the Christian holy book
  • Know that the Bible is a library of books. 
  • Know that followers of Islam read a holy book called the Qu’ran.
  • Know that followers of Sikhism read a holy book called the Guru Granth Sahib.


Year 3: Harvest

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that Christians celebrate the harvest and is a way of thanking God. 
  • Know that the Bible gives instruction that people should give their first and their finest grain. 
  • Know that communities around the world celebrate the harvest in different ways. 
  • Know that charities help those who do not have a good harvest by providing food and support.

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Year 4: Places of Worship 

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that not all church buildings are the same but have similar features according to denomination.
  • Know that world faiths have different places of worship
  • Know that a mosque is a place of worship for Muslims.
  • Know that a gurdwara is a place of worship for Sikhs.
  • Name features of places of worship and give key information about them.

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Year 5: Sacred Texts

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that Christians believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. 
  • Know that there are many translations of the Bible. 
  • Know that the Bible and other holy books guides believers and affects their daily lives. 
  • Know about the origin and content of holy books from the world faiths I have investigated.

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Year 6: Life as a Journey 

In this topic, children will:

  • that Christians believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. 
  • that there are many translations of the Bible. 
  • that the Bible and other holy books guides believers and affects their daily lives. 
  • about the origin and content of holy books from the world faiths I have investigated.

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Autumn Term 2

Special visitors from Laird Street Baptist Church 

Pastors from Laird Street Baptist Church kindly volunteered to come into our school and retell the Christmas story to our children. They sang carol songs with a guitar, read  stories and poems about Christmas and even gave all the children gifts. A very special thanks to Cathy, Audrey and Ken for taking up your precious time to support the children's learning about the Christmas story.                        



 Nursery:  Celebrations - Christmas

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that for Christians, Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ birthday. 
  • Know the key events of the Nativity story.

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Reception: Christmas. How do Christians celebrate Jesus’ Birthday?

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that for Christians, Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ birthday. 
  • Know that Jesus was a very special baby, the Son of God. 
  • Know that Diwali is Hindu festival of light celebrated in the Autumn.

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Year 1: Giving and Receiving Gifts

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that Diwali and Hanukkah are religious festivals
  • Know that people of faith celebrate festivals by giving and receiving gifts.
  • Know that the wise men visited Jesus after the shepherds. 
  • Know that Christians believe that Jesus is a gift from God.

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Year 2: Good News 

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that Christians believe that the birth of Jesus is good news. 
  • Know that angels brought the good news to Zachariah, Mary and the shepherds. 
  • Know that Christians believe Jesus is the saviour of the world. 


Year 3: Christmas 

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that Jesus is called Emmanuel and that means God with us. 
  • Know that Christians believe Jesus is God’s son. 
  • Know that Christians believe the presence of God changes lives.

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Year 4: Symbols of Light

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that Christians believe that Jesus is the light of the world. 
  • Know that Christians believe the light of Jesus brings hope in dark places. 
  • Know that Hanukkah is a Jewish festival of light. 

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Year 5: Christmas

In this topic, children will:

  • Know holy scriptures are valued by faith followers because believers say they come from a holy leader
  • Know that the nativity story is found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke 
  • Know the true meaning of Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus, the Son of God, Messiah. 
  • Know the Nativity is a key part of  the Christian 'God’s Big Story’.

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Year 6: Advent

In this topic, children will:

  • Know Advent is a time of preparation and the season of hope. 
  • Know the themes associated with advent -  hope, love, joy and peace.
  • Know during Advent the church spends time focussing on the promise of Jesus’ return. 

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Spring Term 1

Nursery - Friendship: What makes a good friend? 

In this topic, children will know:

  • What is a friend?
  • What do you like to do with your friend?
  • How can we be a kind friend?
  • How might we spoil a friendship?
  • How can we make new friends?

Reception - Stories Jesus told: Why did Jesus tell stories?

In this topic, children will:

  • Know Jesus told stories and that they are found in the Bible.
  • Know Jesus told the stories to teach people about God.
  • Know the Prophet Mohammad told stories that can be found in the Qu’ran.

Year 1 - Welcoming New Babies 

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that Baptism is an occasion when Christians make promises to God and people are welcomed as a member of the church.
  • Know Jesus was baptised in the river Jordan by John.
  • Know that people of world faiths / no faith welcome new babies in special ways.

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Year 2- Friendship

In this topic, children will:

  • Know Christians believe Jesus was teaching Christians to be a friend to everyone.
  • Know World faiths teach the importance of friendship
  • Know charities help people in need.

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Year 3- Changemakers

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that Christians believe Jesus has/had the power to change people’s lives. 
  • Know that making changes is not always  an easy path
  • Know that the teachings of significant leaders in religions are key to followers  and their beliefs

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Year 4 - Values

In this topic, children will:

  • Know key stories in the life of David.
  • Know key stories in world faiths (e.g. Rama and Sita, The Crying Camel)
  • Recognise values that they know to be  important.

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Year 5 - Wisdom

In this topic, children will:

  • Know Christian beliefs come from Jesus’ teachings found in the bible.
  • Know that religious teachings make an impact on people’s lives. 
  • Know elements of religious teachings can be found in  our school and British values. 
  • Know wisdom can be found in the teachings of famous leaders.

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Year 6 - Eucharist

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that the Eucharist is an important celebration. 
  • Know that the Eucharist is celebrated by Christians worldwide. 
  • Know that Christians believe there is a direct link between the life and words of Jesus and the Eucharist. 

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Spring Term 2

Nursery - Friendship: What makes a good friend? 

In this topic, children will know:

  • What is a friend?
  • What do you like to do with your friend?
  • How can we be a kind friend?
  • How might we spoil a friendship?
  • How can we make new friends?

Reception: Easter - Why do Christians believe that Easter is all about love?

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey on Palm Sunday.
  • Know that Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday and rose on Easter Sunday. 
  • Know Easter is the most important time of the year for the Church.

Year 1: Easter

In this topic, children will:

  • Know who/what the people and events of the Easter story are.
  • Know that Christians believe Jesus died and rose back to life. 
  • Know that Christians believe that Easter is a new beginning.
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Year 2: Easter

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that the Easter story is central to Christian belief.
  • Know that Christians believe that Jesus died to save humankind 
  • Know that there are different objects and symbols used to help explain and understand the meaning of Easter.

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Year 3: Easter

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that the events of Holy Week reveal what Jesus came to earth to do. 
  • Know that the events of Palm Sunday, Holy week and Easter are a combined mixture of the emotions of joy and sadness. 
  • Know the different ways in which the church remembers and marks the events of Holy Week.

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Year 4: Easter

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that trust and forgiveness are key values for people of faith. 
  • Know that Christians believe that the events of Holy Week and Easter are key to understanding what Jesus came to earth to do. 
  • Know Christians believe they can trust Jesus.

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Year 5 : Easter

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that Christians believe that Christ’s resurrection is a victory over death. 
  • Know that Christians believe Jesus’ death and resurrection restored the relationship between God and people.
  • Know that the theme of victory is present in world faiths through holy stories.


Year 6: The Exodus (Judaism and Christianity)

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that the Exodus is a significant event in Jewish and Christian history. 
  • Know that the Seder is the special meal celebrated by Jews on the first evening of the festival of Passover. 
  • Know that Christianity is rooted in Judaism and Jesus celebrated the Passover. 
  • Know that for Jewish people the events of the Exodus and Passover are very important.


Summer Term 1

Nursery:  Stories Jesus heard: Which stories did Jesus hear when he was a child?

In this topic, children will:

  • What are your favourite stories?
  • Which stories did Jesus hear as a child? - Moses, Noah, Joseph and Jonah.

Reception: Special People: Why do Christians believe Jesus is special? 

In this topic, children will:

  • Know Jesus was special and performed miracles. 
  • Know there are special/important/holy people /leaders/teachers in all world faiths. 

Year 1: Creation Stories

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that Christians, Muslims and Hindus believe that God created the world.
  • Know that we can help take care of our world.
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Year 2: Places of Worship 

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that the church is a special place where Christians meet to worship and pray. 
  • Know the church is a holy blessed space.
  • Know the story of Moses and the people of God building the tabernacle (tent of meeting) to house the ark of the covenant. 
  • Know that world faiths have special holy places of worship, what these buildings are called, their key features, and the worship that takes place there. 
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Year 3: Rules for Living

In this topic, children will:

  • Know Christians believe Moses rescued the people of God from Egypt and brought the ten commandments down from Mount Sinai. 
  • Know world faiths have rules to follow that have been given to them a long time ago. 
  • Know Christians try to live out the commandments given by God and Jesus. 
  • Know the commandments are the foundation of Christian and Jewish societies.
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Year 4: Prayer

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that prayer is a way of communicating with God.
  • Know that prayer is an important part of the life of a believer. 
  • Know the different ways in which followers of world faiths pray and why prayer is so important


Year 5 : Significant Women 

In this topic, children will:

  • Know the stories of significant women in the Old Testament and world faiths
  • Know the Jewish Festival of Purim celebrates how God used Esther to save his people. 
  • Know that being a person of faith isn’t always easy.


Year 6: God 

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that Christians believe God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Trinity. 
  • Know that Bible stories are used to answer questions about God and can talk about them. 
  • Know that there are similarities and differences between the names given to God by people of all world faiths. 


Summer Term 2

Nursery:  Stories Jesus heard: Which stories did Jesus hear when he was a child?

In this topic, children will know:

  • What are your favourite stories?
  • Which stories did Jesus hear as a child? - Moses, Noah, Joseph and Jonah.

Reception:  Friendship: What makes a good friend?

In this topic, children will know:

  • Know that Christians consider themselves to be friends of Jesus. 
  • Know thta Jesus has 12 special friends called disciples.

Year 1: Heroes in Holy Books

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that followers of world faiths admire key leaders such as; Jesus, Joseph, the Buddha, the Prophet Muhammed
  • Know that stories about heroes are found in holy books
  • Know that we can choose to have our own heroes.

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Year 2: Places of Worship 

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that the church is a special place where Christians meet to worship and pray. 
  • Know the church is a holy blessed space.
  • Know the story of Moses and the people of God building the tabernacle (tent of meeting) to house the ark of the covenant. 
  • Know that world faiths have special holy places of worship, what these buildings are called, their key features, and the worship that takes place there. 

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Year 3: Rules for Living

In this topic, children will:

  • Know Christians believe Moses rescued the people of God from Egypt and brought the ten commandments down from Mount Sinai. 
  • Know world faiths have rules to follow that have been given to them a long time ago. 
  • Know Christians try to live out the commandments given by God and Jesus. 
  • Know the commandments are the foundation of Christian and Jewish societies.

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Year 4: Prayer

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that prayer is a way of communicating with God.
  • Know that prayer is an important part of the life of a believer. 
  • Know the different ways in which followers of world faiths pray and why prayer is so important


Year 5 :  Endings and Beginnings 

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that Christians believe that through the death and resurrection of Jesus they have the promise of eternal life with God in heaven. 
  • Know that Christians believe that when you die your spirit goes to be with God in heaven.
  • Know that world religions share a range of beliefs about death


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Year 6: People of Faith

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that Christian people try to live out the teaching of the Bible and follow Jesus’ example. 
  • Know that Christians try to build God’s kingdom through their words and actions. 
  • Know the names and life stories of a few extraordinary people of faith. 
  • Know some similarities and differences between the ways in which people of faith live.