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Athletics and pitching and fielding in PE

Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 9:37pm

Thanks to the lovely weather we've been having recently, 2S have been able to enjoy both weekly PE sessions outside. This half-term, we are concentrating on pitching and fielding and athletics.  As such, since Easter, we have been practising our catching and throwing skills as well as testing our stamina by doing lots of exercises and races for athletics.

(Having a bit of trouble uploading photos).

Planting Sunflower Seeds

Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 4:09pm

We have learnt about the parts of a plant and what a seed needs to grow.  We planted sunflower seeds.  We can't wait to observe them grow and change!

Making a fantastic spider web

Date: 15th Apr 2021 @ 10:34pm

After our story of the Very Busy Spider, we worked together as a team and made a Web!

World Poetry Day

Date: 15th Apr 2021 @ 5:25pm

For World Poetry Day our class performed,

The Very Busy Spider and Fruit and Vegetable Shop Role-Play

Date: 14th Apr 2021 @ 5:40pm

This week we have been listening to the story of The Very Busy Spider, talking about how we feel about spiders and finding out simple facts about them.  We have explored spiders in our minibeast area and used tweezers to remove spiders from the web. We have worked together as a team to create an enormous spider web and used wool to carefully thread their own web onto a paper plate.

We would like to say a huge thank you for all your contributions to our Fruit and Vegetable shop, it is looking fantastic.  Our children have been using their senses to explore the different produce, develop their mathematical language and use their imagination to  play different roles. 



Date: 14th Apr 2021 @ 1:23pm

The children have decided to change our role play area into a campsite.  They wrote a list of the resources they would need.  They created some of their own props including a fire and marshmallows to toast.  

Bug Hotel

Date: 14th Apr 2021 @ 8:24am

The children really enjoyed using natural resources to make a bug hotel in the forest.  They listened to instructions and worked as a team.  

Making sandwiches

Date: 13th Apr 2021 @ 2:32pm

Getting creative

Date: 13th Apr 2021 @ 2:06pm

There are always lots of children at the craft table in RN! They are so creative and enjoy sharing these experiences with their friends. Many children often like to make cards for their family and friends and use different resources to make some brilliant creations!

Making Easter crispy cakes

Date: 13th Apr 2021 @ 1:57pm

Designing and making vegetable kebabs

Date: 12th Apr 2021 @ 8:22pm

For our DT topic, we spent two days researching vegetables and designing our own vegetable kebabs.  We talked about food hygiene and how we can keep ourselves and others safe whilst preparing food.

With Mrs Evans, we learnt how to chop, peel and dice salad vegetables and arrange them to look appetising as we then ate them for our lunch.  We also got to make our own vegetable kebabs and, as a special treat, Mrs Evans had kindly organised for us to make fruit kebabs too!  We got to eat those straight away and enjoy them with chocolate sauce and marshmallows!



Date: 12th Apr 2021 @ 8:12pm

Charles Fazzino and Leonid Afremov

Date: 12th Apr 2021 @ 8:06pm

Fresh Prince Of Bel Air

Date: 12th Apr 2021 @ 8:03pm

We enjoyed rapping and playing along to the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air.

Bread Making

Date: 12th Apr 2021 @ 7:59pm


Date: 12th Apr 2021 @ 7:57pm

Here are some photographs of 5R's outdoor fitness session. 

World Book Day 2021

Date: 12th Apr 2021 @ 7:44pm

World Poetry Day.

Date: 27th Mar 2021 @ 8:11am

Our Nursery children had a wonderful day celebrating World Poetry Day.  We had a visit from a giant dinosaur in the morning and Mrs Kinnear came to recite 'The Owl and The Pussycat' in the afternoon. We shared stories and rhymes and each child told us who their character was.

Thank you for your continued support, the children all looked fantastic in their costumes.

Poetry Performance

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 9:40am

We hope you enjoy our performance of the poem 'Tippy Tappy',

Spring term 2021

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 7:14am

DT - March 2021 - Free standing structures

 In our DT lessons we have been learning all about free-standing structures. We first explored a variety of structures focusing on the materials that were made from, how they were joined together, what their purpose is, who uses them and how they work. We chose some of our favourite structures to sketch and label using the technical language involved in structures such as; framework, joins, stability, shapes, materials etc. We then used a variety of construction kits to try and build a free-standing structure, our main aim was to build any structure that would stand alone. We made a few errors along the way and begun to reflect on the 'How' and the 'What' to make it stronger and more stable. 

We then received a letter from Baby Bear. He was so upset because Goldilocks had broken his chair. He asked us if we would be able to make him a new chair that was fir for purpose so we first thought about how this could be done. We experimented using paper to make a prototype first. This forced us to think about appropriate shapes and joins that would make it stable.









All of this experience enabled us to plan, make and evaluate a chair that was suitable for Baby Bear. We labelled our plan; ensuring that we labelled our materials and the shapes that we were going to create so that this would keep us on track. We made a fair few errors along the way, but with teamwork and perseverance, we achieved what we had set out to do. When we came to evaluate our finished product, we were able to reflect upon what we liked and what worked well with our chairs as well as thinking about what we could do to improve our work. We are extremely proud of our hard work! Who knew what budding designers we have in our class!!!








RE - March 2021 - All about Easter

In our RE lessons we have been learning all about the Easter story and how Christians all around the world celebrate Easter. First, we listened to and discussed the events that occurred within the Easter story. We have learned lots of new vocabulary such as Christians, crucified, celebration, resurrection, and betrayal and used this vocabulary to retell the story through both ordering the events and role-playing parts of the story in groups. During our role-play, we explored and used the emotions involved in each of the scenarios. This was a lot of fun, we even performed our role-plays to the rest of the class. We now have a better understanding of why we have hot cross buns and Easter eggs - The cross on the bun represents Jesus dying on the cross and the chocolate eggs represent 'New Life'.





Art - February 2021 - Land Art - Andy Goldsworthy and Henry Matisse

Andy Golsdworthy

We have been studying the work of a famous artist called Andy Goldsworthy. He is famous for using nature to create wonderful art and sculptures. The children have particularly enjoyed learning about how he used cow dung and human hair within some of his work. The children have been creating a fact file all about Andy Goldsworthy and have been to the forest to collect some natural materials ready for them to study and sketch. We have been exploring texture, tone, shape, rough and smooth.





We then had a discussion and explored the idea of land art as art that is a part of the landscape that is left to erode naturally. We observed some of Andy Goldsworthy's work and identified the materials that land art sculptures could be made from. We went back to the forest to use the natural materials around us to make our own miniature land art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy!





Henry Matisse

We have been learning a lot about the work of Henry Matisse. Similar to Andy Goldsworthy, he creates art using natural materials also. Henry Matisse used leaves to create paper cut out collage and printed images, paying particular attention to contrasting colours and shapes. We began with exploring his work and learning all about him to create a fact file. We then used the leaves that we collected from our woodland area to observe their shapes in order to create some paper cut out collages and printed images in the style of Henry Matisse.






After all of this exploration, we used all of our skills to create leaf sculpture using our collected leaves and clay. We had great fun manipulating the clay. What we did find tricky was sculpting the clay to recreate the  shapes and textures of our real leaves. However, we think we did a fantastic job! 







Maths - numbers and place value.

This term in maths, we have been practising our counting forwards and backwards to 50. We took our learning outdoors to revisit adding and subtracting on a number line with a friend; This was "super fun" because we had to try and beat our classmates in solving the addition and subtraction problems, location the answer within the playground which revealed a letter! We then needed to crack the code to find out the secret word!



We have also been practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s by playing Ping Pong with our teacher, singing songs, passing a bean bag around a circle and going head to head to say the next multiple. We have been learning to count, read, write and make numbers to 40. We have practised using the

DT - Making Circuits

Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 7:47pm

Year 6 had a fun morning exploing circuits today.

Road maps

Date: 24th Mar 2021 @ 8:10am

This week we made our own road maps!  We thought about the places on the map, drew pictures and labelled them.  We made sure that we stretched out the sounds before we wrote.

Easter Activities

Date: 23rd Mar 2021 @ 10:01pm

We have been busy in Nursery, learning about Easter and taking part in some fun activities

The children have used cotton buds to add detail to Easter egg pictures and have worked hard to cut them out.  They have used stencils to make cards, using crayons and felt tip pens.  We are extremely proud of how they have perservered, even when they found it difficult. 

We had an egg hunt in our outside area, which the children were fantastic at. They then came up with the idea of hiding them for the Teachers to find.  I can say that the children won! 
The children really enjoyed our Egg and Spoon Race and when they understood the rules of not keeping their thumb on the egg, they became eggs-perts !!!!

Spring Activities

Date: 23rd Mar 2021 @ 8:16pm

The children in Nursery have been learning about Spring. We have looked at new life and how our environment changes during this time. The children have used different resources and tools to make and paint Daffodils.  We are very proud of the fantastic pictures created.



Celebrating Easter.

Date: 22nd Mar 2021 @ 7:20pm

Our children have been developing their fine motor skills by using tweezers to place pompoms on Easter chicks, using cotton buds to decorate an egg and then cutting it out with scissors. They have explored our sensory trays, using tweezers , looking at different eggs and leaves, finding numerals and  matching  numbered eggs to the correct number of dots. They have developed perseverance and team work by taking part in egg and spoon races in our outdoor area. We also made chocolate Easter nests, ensuring good hygiene before preparation. We have shared lots of stories relating to Easter and Spring and one of their favourites is 'We're Going On An Egg Hunt'.

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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