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Welcome to Maths No Problem at Townfield Primary School!

At Townfield Primary School, we follow the national curriculum and deliver a ‘Maths Mastery Approach’ using the ‘Maths No Problem' scheme.

The Maths curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Where required, pedagogy is adapted so that all pupils including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND are on the same knowledge journey towards the same endpoint. More able learners are also given the opportunities to excel in terms of their acquisition of long-lasting knowledge and understanding, and mastery of core mathematical skills. 

Problem solving, fluency and relational understanding are at the heart of the scheme. The planning and order of topics is carefully sequenced, ensuring that pupils build upon component parts from previous year groups in order to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. Children are given the opportunity to fully explore a topic and the underpinning procedures and methods before being given ample opportunity to practise and rehearse the new skill. Children are encouraged at all times to use efficient, neatly-presented methods in order to solve the problems.  All concepts are built on previous knowledge and pupils have ample opportunity to develop relationships between topics.

Knowledge and skills are constantly revisited and refreshed to ensure that they become embedded. These arithmetic skills are built upon in daily maths starters. In KS2, these short daily assessments focus on core mathematical facts such as times tables and number bonds. In KS1, children use NCETM resources to develop their understanding of number. 

Pupils come from a mixed urban area of Wirral. To build pupils’ cultural capital, we prepare children with the knowledge and skills for what comes next.  We realise the exploration of new skills and experiences helps to nurture resilience, curiosity, and creativity. Ultimately, this leads to the growth of new forms of cultural capital that makes a difference in individual mindsets and shapes the future.

Parts of the lesson - lessons are typically broken into four parts: 

  1. Explore Task - all children spend time on a focus question and are encouraged to think of efficient and varied methods to solve the problem.
  2. Master - the teacher introduces and explains the new learning for the lesson and children complete a daily journal task.
  3. Guided Practice - After a clear model given by the the teacher, the children are given frequent, calm and purposeful opportunities to practise new skill through series of questions.
  4. Workbook - Children provided with an opportunity to independently apply skills in a range of questioning styles.

Find out more from the Maths No Problem website

For further information on our curriculum intent, implementation and impact, please see our curriculum page  . 

See below the Maths curriculum overview EYFS, KS1 and KS2 

Full curriculum coverage available in links at the bottom of page.


Curriculum Enhancements


From Year 2 upwards, outside of their maths lessons, children are encouraged to login to TT Rockstars to practise their rapid recall. Specific tables are selected by the class teacher and children practise these facts both in maths starters and at home. Having a secure and automatic recall of times tables is vitally important in meeting the endpoints of the National Curriculum. 


In Reception and Year 1, children have access to Numbots - a game which encourages children to achieve understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction in order to progress from counting to calculating.

See below for examples of the Maths curriculum at Townfield:



In Autumn Term, pupils focus on the following areas of learning:

Shape, Pattern, Comparison

They will learn about:

  • Identifying and matching colours
  • Sorting
  • AB Patterns
  • Language of size
  • Comparing

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In Autumn Term, pupils study:

  • Matching & Sorting
  • Comparing & Ordering
  • AB Patterns
  • Counting
  • Time
  • Composition of Numbers to 5
  • 2D Shapes
  • Positional language

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Year 1

In Autumn Term, pupils study:

  • Numbers and Place Value up to 10
  • Calculations: Addition and Subtraction to 10
  • Position and Direction
  • Numbers and Place Value up to 20
  • Calculation: Addition and Subtraction within 20                        


Year 2

In Autumn Term, pupils study:

  • Numbers and Place Value: Numbers to 100
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Multiplication & Division of 2s, 5s, 10s
  • Measuring Length (metres and centimetres)
  • Measuring Mass ( grams and kilograms)


Year 3   

In Autumn Term, pupils study:

  • Place Value: Numbers to 1000
  • Addition and Subtraction (with renaming)
  • Multiplying and Dividing by 3, 4, 8.

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Year 4

In Autumn Term,  pupils study:

  • Place Value: Numbers to 10,000
  • Addition and Subtraction (with renaming, mental strategies, word problems)
  • Multiplication  and Division: (Multiplying by 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, division with remainders)
  • Further Multiplication and Division: (multiplying 3 digits, commutativity) 

Year 5

In Autumn Term,  pupils study:

  • Place Value: Numbers to 1000000
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Multiplication and Division (common factors, multiples, prime numbers, composites, up to 4 digit multiplication and division)
  • Word Problems
  • Statistics: Graphs (tables, line graphs)

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Year 6

In Autumn Term,  pupils study:

  • Place Value: Numbers to 10,000,000
  • Calculation: Four Operations (mixed operations, multiplying and dividing by up to 4 digit numbers)
  • Fractions: (ordering improper fractions, multiplying pairs of proper fractions, dividing fractions by whole numbers)
  • Decimals: (multiplication and division)

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Woodland Learning

In Autumn Term, pupils focus on the following area of learning:

Nursery - To make comparisons between length of different objects

Reception - To compare length of different objects

Year 1 - To estimate and measure the distance between objects in metres.

Year 2 - To measure lengths in cm using a ruler.

Year 3 - To measure the diameter in cm.

Year 4 - To estimate distances and compare measures/To order measures.

Year 5 - To measure perimeter in cms/ to estimate and compare perimeters.

Year 6 - To estimate and measure the perimeter of different points/ to compare distances of perimeters/ to convert cms to metres and metres to cms.


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In Spring Term, pupils focus on the following area of learning:

Understanding Number

They will learn about:

  • Counting
  • Composition
  • Shape


In Spring Term, pupils study:

  • Counting & Ordering
  • Addition
  • Patterns
  • Measuring
  • Capacity
  • 2D and 3D Shapes

Year 1

In Spring Term, pupils study:

  • Shapes and Patterns
  • Height and Length
  • Place Value: Numbers to 40
  • Addition and Subtraction: Word Problems
  • Multiplication and Division with equal groupings

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Year 2

In Spring Term, pupils study:

  • Measuring (mass and temperature)
  • Statistics (pictograms)
  • Word Problems 
  • Money
  • Properties of 2D/3D shapes.

Year 3

In Spring Term, pupils study:

  • Length (metres, centimentres, kilometres)
  • Mass (grams, kilograms)
  • Volume (millilitres, litres)
  • Money 
  • Time (measuring in seconds, minutes, hours and converting)


Year 4

In Spring Term,  pupils study:

  • Statistics: Graphs (bar, line)
  • Fractions (mixed numbers, improper fractions, equivalents, addition and subtraction)
  • Time (converting seconds, minutes and hours)
  • Decimals (tenths, hundredths, comparing, rounding, dividing by 10 and 100)

Year 5

In Spring Term,  pupils study:

  • Fractions (multiplying whole numbers by proper fractions, multiplying mixed numbers and whole numbers)
  • Decimals (adding, subtracting)
  • Percentage 
  • Geometry: Properties of Shapes (measuring angles, drawing angles, describing, solving problems)
  • Position and Movements: (describing translations and movements)

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Year 6

In Spring Term,  pupils study:

  • Measurements
  • Word Problems
  • Percentages: (Finding percentages of an amount, finding differences)
  • Ratio
  • Algebra: (describing patterns, writing algebraic expressions, writing formulae)
  • Area and Perimeter: (triangles and parallelograms)
  • Geometry: (Investigation of angles)
  • Geometry: (position and movement)

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In Summer Term, pupils focus on the following areas of learning:

Shape and Space, Measure, Composition and Pattern

They will learn about:

  • 2D and 3D shapes
  • Sequencing Events
  • Length and Height
  • Capacity
  • Positional Language.


In Summer Term, pupils study:

  • Counting on to add
  • Counting forwards and backwards
  • Counting to 20
  • Doubling
  • Halving and Sharing
  • Odds and Evens
  • Mass
  • Volume and Capacity
  • Money
  • Data

Year 1

In Summer Term, pupils study: 

  • Fractions: Halves and Quarters
  • Place Value: Numbers to 100
  • Measurement (time, money, volume, mass)
  • Geometry - space

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Year 2

In Summer Term, pupils study:

  • Fractions (comparing, ordering, counting in, finding fractions of an amount)
  • Time and Volume


Year 3

In Summer Term, pupils study:

  • Statistics: Pictographs and Bar Graphs
  • Fractions (counting in, equivalents, simplifying)
  • Geometry: Angles 
  • Geometry: Properties of shapes (vertical, horizontal, drawing 2D and 3D shapes)
  • Measurement: Perimeter


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Year 4

In Summer Term,  pupils study:

  • Money
  • Measurement: Mass, Volume and Length 
  • Measurement: (area)
  • Properties of Shapes
  • Position and Movement
  • Roman Numerals

Year 5

In Summer Term, pupils study:

  • Measurements (converting units of length, mass, time, temperature) 
  • Area and Perimeter
  • Measurement: Volume (finding, comparing, converting metric and imperial)
  • Roman Numerals: (up to 1000s)

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Year 6

In Summer Term, pupils study:

  • Graphs: (calculating mean, averages, pie charts)
  • Negative Numbers
  • Volume (cubes and cuboids)
  • Geometry: Properties of shapes
  • Geometry: Position and movement
  • Statistics: Graphs and Averages

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Get in Touch

Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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