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Year 1 1C 2024 - 2025




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Class Teacher: Mrs Carey  

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Whitehead






We are delighted to have your child in our class and look forward to being part of their learning journey.  See below some useful information regarding our class.  


Latest Class News

Please see everything we have been up to in the 'Gallery' section at the bottom of this page or conveniently accessible via our School Spider App!


Class Gallery  

Throughout the year, please be sure to visit our class gallery regularly as it will contain updates regarding our class activities, including photographs for you to see for yourself how our exciting curriculum engages and stimulates your child. The easiest way to access our class gallery is via the School Spider app, however you can also click on the gallery picture below. 

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Class Reminders    

Homework is reading, spelling and basic maths skills.

Spellings are set by your child's RWI teacher every Friday using the Spelling Shed online platform.

Numbots is used as our maths learning platform. Children will receive certificates when they complete levels.

Children's RWI books are changed on a 3 day or a 5 day cycle depending on what colour book they are reading.

We ask that children spend 5 mins on spelling and maths 5 nights a week and their reading at least 3 nights a week.
Your child will also change their library book weekly for you to share together


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Woodland Learning

We are very proud of our ‘Woodland Learning’ offering, where your child will be experiencing a range of new skills in our forest every week. We want you to make the most of every session whatever the weather, so you will need to be appropriately dressed. Please make sure you wear PE/Woodland uniform on your ‘Woodland Learning Day’. 


Class 1C's Woodland Learning day is Friday


Your child will also need to bring in waterproof clothes in a waterproofdraw-string bag and wellington boots. As the weather becomes colder they may also want to bring an extra jumper/fleece, an extra pair of warm socks, waterproof gloves and a warm hat.

Please ensure your child does not attend school wearing their wellies and arrives in alternative footwear as this ensures the spread of mud around school is kept to a minimum.

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It is essential that you wear appropriate clothing for P.E.  We have two sessions per week, one indoors and the other outdoors.  Children should attend school in their PE/Woodland uniform on PE days.  Black pumps or trainers must be worn for both sessions.  



Class 1C will have PE on Tuesday




Class News

Please visit our class gallery regularly to see what we have been learning at school.



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Home Learning

It is expected that your child is reading a minimum of 3x per week.  However, you are encouraged to read every day. 

In addition, children should aim to log on to our home learning games which incorporate maths and spellings via Numbots and Spelling Shed. These educational game platforms are a great way for your child to practise at home whilst having fun.    



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Code of Conduct

We will be looking at our 3 character traits: Look after yourself, Look after each other, and Look after our School Any children following our code of conduct will be presented with ‘Dojo points’ which will enable them to receive a reward. Any children breaking any part of the code of conduct will be given a warning, which may be followed by a sanction.



At TPS we have a code of conduct that all children are expected to follow. We need your support to implement this.  Please also see our Behaviour Policy.



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Lost Property

Any named items will be returned to your child’s class.   Please ensure all items of uniform are clearly marked with your child’s name (not just initials).  All lost property is collected by each year group and is available for checking at each home time for parents/carers to claim any lost items. If you cannot attend at this time, please speak to your child’s teacher.  Alternatively another parent/carer may claim lost uniform on your behalf.   



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How to Help at Home?

Practise 2, 5 and 10 timestables in the first instance and continue to practice counting in 1sup to 100 and backwards to 0. 

Challenge your child to complete activities on the Timetable Rockstars, Numbots and Spelling  Shed on a device at home as often as possible.

Practise reading and spelling Year 1 common exception words (see our English>spellings page).  These are words that all Year 1 children MUST be able to read and spell by the end of the academic year. You may also want to revisit Reception Words. 

Read with your child every night when possible or at least 3 times every week.  The more you read with your child, the more they will know. Daily readers will be rewarded for their commitment.  

Useful websites:

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Any concerns?

If you have any queries or concerns about your child or school, please do not hesitate to discuss these with your child’s class teachers in the first instance.  

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Year 1 1C: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Get in Touch

Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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