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Drama - Freezeframes

Lesson: English

Our English book, 'Major Glad, Major Dizzy', is about toy soldiers who get lost under the floorboards.  The model text based on this told the story of a little boy called Albert who went to visit Granny.  He was playing with his toy bus which fell between the floorboards.  There, he found an old teddy.  When he showed the Teddy to Granny, she said that it had been hers when she was a little girl.  

We created freezeframes in groups to show the four parts of the story.

Albert’s Discovery
Once there was a curious boy called Albert who loved to look for interesting
things to investigate. One day he went to visit his Granny. She lived all alone
in an old, terraced house at the end of Greenway Street.



Later that morning he was racing his favourite toy bus all around Granny’s
house. He raced it in the kitchen, he raced it in the living room and he raced
it everywhere! Suddenly the toy bus fell between a gap in the floorboards.
Oh no! So he took hold of his toy screwdriver and tried to pull up the old,
wooden floor board. He pulled and he pulled and he pulled. Crack! Up
popped the floorboard and Albert couldn’t believe his eyes!


Surprisingly, next to his bus, was a tatty, old bear. It had black, beady eyes
and a sad smile. Also, the fur was dirty and it didn’t feel soft at all. There was
a small tear on its back and a handful of stuffing was hanging out. What an
amazing discovery! Albert carefully lifted the bear and blew off the dust.


With this, Albert raced to tell Granny all about the unusual bear. Granny was
delighted. It was just like the teddy bears that she used to play with. In fact,
her eyes swelled and her heart jumped. It was her teddy from when she was
little. Granny gave Albert a huge hug. Albert wondered what it would be like
if the bear could speak. He wondered about what life was like in the olden


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