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1D - Mrs Dixon: Gallery

1D computing

Date: 14th May 2024 @ 11:54am

In computing, we are learning how to use a keyboard.  We used the printout of a keyboard to circle the letters that we have in our name.


1D mindfulness

Date: 13th May 2024 @ 2:37pm

In our woodland learning sessions and class lessons, we are learning to use mindfulness techniques. They help us to calm down, refocus and they help us with our mental health.  In 1D we have used 3 animals to help us - a sloth, a puffer fish and a crab.

The children are so good at it I'm sure they would love to show you!


1D woodland learning

Date: 9th May 2024 @ 5:30pm

The children love their woodland learning sessions. They are able to explore the natural world and develop their physical skills using the different equipment out there.


1D science

Date: 25th Apr 2024 @ 5:02pm

In science, we have been exploring materials. We used a Carroll diagram to sort two types of materials into the categories of rigid and flexible. We found out that plastic and wood can be flexible and rigid. Paper and cardboard are made from wood and it has different properties in its different forms. Plastic is rigid or flexible depending on the purpose of the object.


1D woodland sculptures

Date: 16th Apr 2024 @ 1:52pm

The children love working in the woodland. They have been creating their own woodland creatures using clay.  They had to mould and decorate their clay so it looked like a minibeast. 

1D art

Date: 13th Mar 2024 @ 10:40am

In art, Year 1 have been exploring using different media.  We used pencils and charcoal to show how we can create different tones.  To create darker tones we had to press more firmly and to create lighter tones we pressed lightly. We found that the charcoal was good at smudging so we tried creating different effects with it.  After we had explored the media, we drew some Tudor houses using feathery strokes for our lines. We had to hold the pencil further up to be able to do this. 

1D geography

Date: 12th Mar 2024 @ 9:40am

In geography we have been learning about the four countries of the United Kingdom and the borders between countries. We marked the countries of the United Kingdom, borders and coastline on a map. Then, we created a key to help us know what each area was. 

1D world book day

Date: 11th Mar 2024 @ 10:08am

We had some very strange characters in the 1D classroom on World Book Day.  There were fairytale princesses, superheroes, a tree and even a human body! All the children loved dressing up and sharing their favourite books.  Rosie won one of our KS1 prizes with a fantastic costume for her book.  She chose 'The Body Book' and her costume showed all the organs that you find inside the body! Mrs Williams also received a prize from the office for her fabulous Elmer costume! 

1D Balanced diets

Date: 24th Jan 2024 @ 12:16pm

Year 1 have been learning about balanced diets. We identified food which is healthy and food which we shouldn't eat as often.


1D fruit tasting

Date: 24th Jan 2024 @ 12:08pm

Year 1 are working towards making their own fruit smoothie. Our first lesson involved the children evaluating fruit. This meant that they had to taste it and decide which fruits the liked and didn't like.  They then recorded their work in a table by sorting pictures of fruit.




1D exploring lines and tone

Date: 5th Dec 2023 @ 1:53pm

In art we have been using our pencils to create different tone by changing the pressure of the pencil. To make a darker tone we pressed hard and to make a lighter tone we pressed more gently. We then used our pencils to explore different lines e.g. wavy, zig-zag and curled.



1D Andy Warhol sketch book page

Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 2:29pm

The children have loved learning about Andy Warhol and his pop art. They created artist pages about him and his work. They loved the bright colours and repeating images that he used. They used pictures of some of his work showing famous people and items from the time that everyone would recognise.


1D Rapunzel drama

Date: 7th Nov 2023 @ 5:45pm

We are using the story of Rapunzel as our English stimulus. We listened to the story and at different parts we explored how the characters might feel, move or what they might say. It was lots of fun and there are some super actors in 1D!



1D parts of the body

Date: 7th Nov 2023 @ 5:29pm

Our new science topic is about humans and other animals.  In the first lesson we had to name parts of the body. We worked as a team to label many of the external body parts. Some of us even remembered the names of some of the private body parts that we learnt in our PSHE lesson. 


1D maths

Date: 7th Nov 2023 @ 5:24pm

Each day, we have an extra maths session which ensures that we are confident and fluent with our basic number skills.  Today, we used rekenreks to compare numbers.  We used one push to move the correct number of beads along the top row and then did the same on the bottom row with another number of beads. We could then see if one number of beads was greater than, less than or equal to the other beads on the other row. We used the phrases really carefully so we could talk accurately about the numbers.



1D English

Date: 7th Nov 2023 @ 3:48pm

Last week, something very strange happened in 1D. We found that some very strange things had been left in our classroom....



1D Signs of Autumn

Date: 30th Oct 2023 @ 12:42pm

In science we have been exploring the seasons.  We went for a walk in the school grounds to look for signs of Autumn.  We found berries, fallen leaves, leaves that had changed colour and saw flocks of birds flying south for the winter. 16282319-4C1B-4726-8664-AA44274678C2.jpeg

1D Trusted adults and private parts of the body

Date: 30th Oct 2023 @ 12:38pm

We have spent a few weeks learning how to keep ourselves safe.  We learn the proper names for the private parts of the body.  We also talked about the NSPCC Pants song which teaches us about keeping what is in our pants private.  At Townfield, we identify who our trusted adults are in school.  It could be a teacher or teaching assistant. 45889ED2-87B7-45BE-8402-609F08417B6F.jpeg

1D maths

Date: 30th Oct 2023 @ 12:25pm

The children have been learning how to make up number stories and showing their working out with part, part, whole models.


1D creating story freezeframes

Date: 9th Oct 2023 @ 6:47pm



In our English lessons we have been using a book called Major Glad, Major Dizzy to help us with ideas for our writing.  We read a story linked to it about a boy called Albert who visits his granny. When he is at granny's house he drops his toy bus down the gap in the floorboards.  Imagine his surprise when he finds a lost teddy bear under the floorboards.  When he shows it to granny, she recognises it as being hers when she was a little girl. We created freezeframes in groups to show the main parts of the story about Albert.

1D PE fundamentals

Date: 9th Oct 2023 @ 6:28pm



In our fundamentals lessons we have been exploring the fundamental skills of balancing, running, changing direction, jumping, hopping and skipping. We develop and improve these skills and then use them when we do other PE units like dance, invasion games and athletics.  We also learn to work collaboratively with others, taking turns and sharing ideas. 

1D Woodland Learning

Date: 9th Oct 2023 @ 6:10pm

We love learning in the woodland. We learn lots of new skills and have many new experiences. One of the things that we like best is the chance to spend lots of time with our friends.


1D finding 5 in a number

Date: 3rd Oct 2023 @ 12:00pm



We do extra maths lessons which make sure we can use numbers really quickly to work out calculations.  We have been learning how to find 5 in a number. 6=5+1, 7=5+2, 8=5+3 and 9=5+4.  We used cubes to help us with this. 

1D music - pulse and rhythm

Date: 3rd Oct 2023 @ 10:49am



In music we have been exploring pulse and rhythm.  We tapped out the pulse to the music on different parts of our bodies.  We used our names to tap out a rhythm.  Some of us performed the rhythm that we would tap to our names. 


Date: 3rd Oct 2023 @ 8:34am


The children have been thinking about how they are unique and drew pictures of themselves. They looked carefully in the mirror to be able to include all the features of their gorgeous, unique faces.

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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