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3D - DT Workshop

Date: 8th Mar 2022 @ 1:44pm

In DT, we have been looking at ingredients in different sandwiches and exploring what food groups they belong to. 
Today, we got the chance to practise the skill of cutting some vegetables that we will put in our sandwiches. We designed our own sandwich that we will make tomorrow.

6P-Maths Finding Volume

Date: 8th Mar 2022 @ 9:55am

We started a new topic today in Maths, finding the volume of cubes and cuboids. We explored the topic by trying to make different cuboids with the same volume. 

RCD- Toy Shop - Role Play

Date: 8th Mar 2022 @ 9:54am

This week we have been learning all about toy shops. We discussed what a toy shop looks like, what they sell, what to bring if you are visiting the toy shop and the different jobs that are in the toy shop. We made our own toy shop in our deconstructed role play area and we had lots of fun labelling the toys, being the shop keeper, buying toys, writing shopping lists and receipts. 


1C PE - Dance

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 9:31pm

Learning Objective

THEME: Trees and Leaves

To remember and repeat actions and respond imaginatively to a stimulus.

Success Criteria
Use a change of direction and speed to make your dance look interesting.
Use clear actions to help to tell the story.
For today's lesson we practised some simple movements to include in our performance.                                    First we were a seed all curled up on in the ground. Then we began to grow some shoots and roots and continued to grow in time with the beat of the music (on a count of 8). We then stretched up tall amd swayed in the gentle breeze until the wind picked up and we had to change the speed of our movements.
Next we used our bodies to imagine that we were a leaf falling from a tree. Swaying and twirling gently to the ground until a gust of wing throws us into a swirling whirling motion. Once the wind died down, we swayed back to the ground.
Then we put all of our movements together to create a sequenced and performed  to a piece of music. We had to listen carefully to the tempo of the music whilst moving to a count of 8 in order to porteay the different parts of the dance.

Creating the dance:

  1. A seed curled up on the floor, growing to a tree -16 counts.
  3. Swaying in the wind - 8 counts.
  5. Leaf falling from the tree, including two changes of direction - 16 counts.
  7. A big gust of wind and travelling around the space as chosen by the pupils for 16 counts.
  9. The leaf landing on the floor to finsih.

1C DT - Making a fruit salad

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 8:54pm

Today was our next part of our fruit sald DT unit. W e had special catering visitors in school today who showed us how to peels, deseed and cut fruit up safely. We practised using a knife safely buy using our fingers as a bridge to secure the fruit and protect our fingers whilst cutting. We learned all about hygiene procedures when preparing fruits; washing hands, washing the fruit (as it grows on plants and trees), making sure our table washed down beforehand, ensuring that we did not lick our fingers or pick our noses whilst preparing the fruit and if some fell onto the floor, we put it into the bin!

We really enjoyed cutting up the fruits and choosing what we would like to include in our very own fruit salads. Once we had cut up all of the fruits, we placed them into a bowl and then ATE our fruit salad ALL UP!

They were absolutely delicious!

1C computing Data and information Lesson 1

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 8:23pm

Lesson 1 - Label and Match


In this lesson, we have been learning to understand that objects have many different labels that can be used to put them into groups. We named different objects and have begun to experiment with placing them into different groups. We also labelled a group of objects, and are beginning to understand that an object can fit into more than one group depending on the context.

Learning objectives

To label objects

  • I can describe objects using labels
  • I can match objects to groups
  • I can identify the label for a group of objects

Key vocabulary

Object, label, group, search, image

For our first activty, we had to find some labels around our classroom. We were surprised at just how many there are!

For our second activity, we looked at how computers show groups of images and learned that computers do not know what a cat, dog, bus or tree is, the computer doesn’t recognise that the images are these objects; it is showing the images because a human gave the image a label, like those that we found around the classroom.

Next we had to find and group objects from around our room to match the labels that were being displayed; things that we can write with, things that we can play with and things that we can eat.

For the third activity, we practised using a computer mouse to move images into the correct groups and then finally completed a matching activity sheet. 

2S - Maths: Money

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 7:25pm

Today, we started our new maths topic, Money.

Today's lesson was about exploring and identifying the different coins and notes we use. Children were able to order the coins and notes in terms of their value and then we had a 'fastest finger first' competition whereby I would say a coin or a note and the children would select it and wave it. 

We then discussed what 'p' means and practised writing the £ sign and what it means. We learned that 100p = £1 as well as other coins we could use to make £1.

RCD- Maths

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 12:27pm

This  week in Maths we have been looking at number 10!

RJ - Expressive art and design

Date: 6th Mar 2022 @ 7:02pm

Blending with oil pastels 

This week we learnt a new techqnique to use when colouring with oil pastels. We  discussed warm and cool tone colours. We drew our favourite toys and when colouring them we used the blending technique. We then watched Austin's butterfly and discussed as a class about positive critique. We looked at our pictures of the toys we drew and discussed how we could make could make them even better. 

RJ - World book day

Date: 6th Mar 2022 @ 6:56pm

World book day ?

We had fun coming in to school dressed as our favourite characters. Everyone looked amazing!

1C World Book Day

Date: 5th Mar 2022 @ 10:26am

Today we all came to school dressed up in our favourite book characters. Some of even brought the book containing our favourite character. Due to the fact that we were all dressed up in beautiful costume, we did not go into the forest for our woodland learning session so we di some world book day activities inside.

We even did our RWI sessions all dressed up. This was fun!

1C DT Exploring fruit

Date: 5th Mar 2022 @ 10:22am

Fruit Tasting

This week in DT, we have been exploring fruits and vegetables.

First we looked at a variety of fruits and vegetebles and sorted these into a table

The children have been learning this week that a plant is categorised as a fruit if it contains seeds.

They had the exciting opportunity to explore and taste a variety of 12 different fruits and had to decided whether they liked the taste of them or not in order to plan and design their fruit salad that they will be making next week!

Fruits included: banana, blueberry, rasspberry, strawberry, tangerine, honeydew melon, galia melon, apple, pear, grapes, mango and plum.

For each fruit the children had to think of these questions:

  • Can they spot the seeds in the fruit?
  • Can they use adjectives to describe what the fruit looks like?
  • Can they describe what the fruit tastes like?
  • Did they like the taste of the fruit? Give reasons for their answers.

1C Nouns and proper nouns

Date: 5th Mar 2022 @ 10:03am

We have been learning all about nouns and proper nouns.

We have laerned a very catchy song all about nouns from Anchor education which can be found below.; 

We looked and some cards containing nouns and proper nouns and had to sort them into a table. Some of these were tricky as we know that school is a noun but Townfield Primary School is a proper noun because it is the name of the noun. This confused us a little but we got there in the end. There were also another few little surprises as we learned that proper nouns must have a capital letter. This meant that we had to think carefully about what we were reading and had to decide whether some of them required us to add capital letters!


1C Measuring height and length

Date: 5th Mar 2022 @ 9:57am

Learning objective - measure height and length.

In maths we have been measuring. We have used a veriety of methods for measuring objects and people such as; using non-standard measures (paper clips, strips of paper, hands and feet), rulers (cm) and have compared hights and measures using th following vocabulary; Tallest, taller, shortest, shorter, longest, longer.


1C Maths - tens and ones

Date: 5th Mar 2022 @ 9:50am

Numbers to 40

Learning Objective - To be able to understand that digits represent tens and ones; to be able to represent numbers using Base 10 materials and numbers.


1C Science - What's growing in the garden?

Date: 5th Mar 2022 @ 8:33am

In science we have been learning all about plants.

We have had so much fun exploring how and where plants grow in the wild and have also planted our own beans.


Lesson 1 - First we had a discussion about what we thought a plant needs in order for it to grow. We recorderd our ideas on our whiteboards and then we planted our beans. We set up an a little experiment to check if our ideas of what a plant needs actually works. For this, we put a bean into 3 different pots labelelled;                                                  1, No soil, water or light.  2, No water.    3. No light.  And we observed the changes and progression of each pot over time.

Lesson 2 - We went outside to conduct a wild plant hunt. For this, we worked with a partner using our wild plants tick sheet and a tally chart to find out what the most common wild plant is around our school grounds. We learned and chanted a rhyme to help us when inputting the data on our tally chart; 1 2 3 4 shut the door (shut the door is the 5th mark). We learned that using a 5 bar gate tally makes it easier and quicker to count the frequency of plants recorded. After gathering all of our data, we then transfered our findings into a bar chart. once our bar chart was complete, we then had to analyse the data to asnwer the following questions; 

  1. What type of wild plant was the most common?
  2. What type of wild plant was the least common?
  3. What was the difference between the two?
  4. Which 2 plants had the greatest difference?

Lesson 3 -  Using the data from our tally chart, we transfered our findings into a bar chart. The X axis showed the number of plants found and the Y axis showed the plant types. Once our bar chart was complete, we then had to analyse the data to asnwer the following questions; 

  1. What type of wild plant was the most common?
  2. What type of wild plant was the least common?
  3. What was the difference between the two?
  4. Which 2 plants had the greatest difference?

Lesson 4 - This lesson was all about trees. We started the lesson with some questions to see out what we actually already knew about trees; What do you think makes a tree an evergreen? Do you know what time of year deciduous trees start to lose their leaves?  We learned that an evergreen tree stays green and does not lose it's leaves during the colder seasons but a deciduous tree's leaves change colour in the Autumn and then the it loses all of it's leaves during the winter months.

We went around our school grounds on a tree hunt. We collected leaves and identified them by matching them to the photos on our Tree Hunt Activity Sheet. We then discussed which leaf was the most common then sorted our collected leaves into columns; Everfreen and Deciduous.

Lesson 5 - This lesson was fantastic!!! we got to use magnifying glasses to observe the parts of a rose. We were able to see the parts much more clearly when using the magnifying glasses! We then sketched and labelled what we could see into our sccience boos.

Dissection Time 

We worked in groups to gently pull the rose apart, laying all the pieces of it onto a white piece of paper. We then labelled the parts: 'stem', 'roots', 'leaves' and 'flower'. The cut flowers didn't have roots so we had to draw them onto the paper. 


2S - Computing: counting and comparing using tally charts

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 11:33pm

Today we had the first lesson of our new computing topic - pictograms. Today's lesson was paper based and actually corresponded well with our current maths topic which is also about pictograms. Mrs Simmons said we will all be experts on pictograms! 
We looked at pictures of animals and created tallies to show the amounts. We then looked at pictograms and tallies to compare and contrast data about a different set of animals.

1B- D&T -

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 8:01pm

Topic- Preparing fruit and vegatbles 

The children learnt this week that a plant is categorised as a fruit if it contains seeds.

The children had the exciting oppertunity to explore and taste a variety of 12 different fruits. They had to decided whether they liked the taste of them or not in order to plan and design their fruit salad that they will make next week!

Fruits included:






-honeydew melon

-galia melon






For each fruit the children had to think of these questions:

  • Can they spot the seeds in the fruit?
  • Can they use adjectives to describe what the fruit looks like?
  • Can they describe what the fruit tastes like?
  • Did they like the taste of the fruit? Give reasons for their answers.

1B- Computing - Grouping Data

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 6:28pm

Topic - Grouping Data

This unit introduces pupils to data and information. Labelling, grouping, and searching are important aspects of data and information. Searching is a common operation in many applications, and requires an understanding that to search data, it must have labels. This unit of work focuses on assigning data (images) with different labels in order to demonstrate how computers are able to group and present data. 

Pupils will begin by using labels to put objects into groups, and labelling these groups. They will demonstrate that they can count a small number of objects, before and after the objects are grouped. Pupils will then begin to demonstrate their ability to sort objects into different groups, based on the properties they choose. Finally, pupils will use their ability to sort objects into different groups to answer questions about data.


1B- Music - pulse and tempo

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 6:20pm

The children loved using the instruments with Miss Mimnar to understand pulse and tempo. 

They used the story The Three LIttle Pigs to create music with different insturments based on the parts of the story. 

1B- Maths - Counting tens and ones

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 6:09pm

Topic- Numbers to 40

Learning Objective - To be able to understand that digits represent tens and ones; to be able to represent numbers using Base 10 materials and numbers.


1B- Science - parts of a flower

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 5:56pm

Topic - Plants

Identifying parts of a flower

The children worked in groups to look at a flower with stem. They gently pulled it apart, laying all the pieces of it on a white piece of paper (they even drew thew roots!) and then labelled the basic parts of the flower: stem, roots, leaves and flower (including petal and anther). 

1B- World Book Day

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 5:37pm

The children loved dressing up on World Book Day and talking about their favpurite books.

2MB Computing - Comparing Data

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 9:08am

Year 2 have been using collecting data about animals to record in tally charts. We will be using this information to find out how many more and how many less animals there are. 

2MB World Book Day

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 8:50am

The children looked fantastic today in their costumes and loved sharing their favourite stories with Year 5. 

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