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: Gallery


Date: 21st May 2021 @ 7:59pm

This week we have been making props to help us get into role as pirates. We even made our own pirate ship to sail the Seven Seas! No pirate costume is complete without a pirate hat. We followed some instructions and made our own origami hats. Some of the folds were quite complicated but we persevered and were all very proud of our finished creations.


Date: 19th May 2021 @ 3:50pm

Ahoy Mateys!!  We have had so much fun exploring pirates this week.  We have made hooks, swords, hats, flags and telescopes for our pirate ship.  We have made treasure maps and written messages to put in bottles.  We have read clues that led us to a treasure chest!

Woodland Art

Date: 17th May 2021 @ 8:22pm

PE Striking and Fielding

Date: 12th May 2021 @ 9:48pm

One of our current PE units is called Striking and Fielding. We have been developing our basic understanding of striking and fielding games such as Rounders and Cricket. We are learning skills including throwing and catching, stopping a rolling ball, retrieving a ball and striking a ball. We've had opportunities to play one against one, one against two, and one against three, learning how to score points and how to to use simple tactics. We are beginning to understand the rules of the games and use these to play fairly.

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Reading opportunities

Date: 12th May 2021 @ 9:15pm

We LOVE reading in 1C! We have a daily story time session with our teacher and we are currently reading James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dhal.

We have lots of opportunities for reading, both alone and with our friends. We can go into the reading area to read a genre of our choice, we have silent reading sessions where we can sit and read quietly to ourselves (indoors and outdoors), We have guided reading groups, shared partner reading and sometimes we can even read to our whole class!

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Date: 12th May 2021 @ 7:48pm


This week Nursery have been reading the story Handa's surprise by Eileen Browne. We have talked about the animals in the story and other animals that live in Africa. We have used books, the internet and a world globe to find the answers to some of our questions.
 We have danced to African music and the children were challenged to carry baskets containing fruit on their heads, just like Handa in the story. 
The children have looked closely at the fruit in the story ,discussing their likes and dislikes.
 In our creative area we have talked about the patterns, textures and colours of fruit and have been learning to shade using coloured pastels. 


Art in the forest

Date: 12th May 2021 @ 12:16pm

This week we really enjoyed art in the forest!  We used paint to create our own stick animals!


Date: 11th May 2021 @ 1:41pm

The children have been given their own usernames and passwords to log into their own Numbots account.

The Storm Whale

Date: 6th May 2021 @ 10:24pm

We have been reading,

Magic moment

Date: 6th May 2021 @ 7:48pm

We have been learning how to bounce and catch a ball.  We tried to catch the ball at the

Repeating patterns

Date: 6th May 2021 @ 7:41pm

We can all create a repeated pattern in a straight line but today we challenged ourselves by creating patterns in a circle. We discovered this is much harder!  We helped each other identifying mistakes and suggesting solutions. 

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Date: 6th May 2021 @ 7:15pm

This week we have been reading the book

Geography - At the seaside

Date: 6th May 2021 @ 2:18pm

We have been using our Geographical Skills to find out about and locate the seven continents on Earth. We have been working collaboratively by using maps and globes to find the different countries and which continents they are in. 

We have also been studying Human and Physical Geography, focussing on the landscape and environment of the seaside – in particular – Wembury beach. Children have expressed why Wembury beach is such a popular place to visit and explored some of the habitats that can be found there. We have focused mainly on rock pools and the creatures that reside in them, this enabled us to explore adaptations, camouflage and nutrition. This knowledge enabled us to create a rockpool food cahin. We engaged in some simple fieldwork and observational skills to explore how seaside animals and plants might be harmed by pollution and how we could prevent this by abiding by the ‘Seashore Code’.

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PSHE People who help keep us safe

Date: 6th May 2021 @ 1:49pm


As part of our ‘How to stay safe’ unit, we have been learning all about what we should do in an emergency. The children have been finding out about our emergency response services and how and when to call them. We were so excited for our planned visit from Birkenhead Fire Brigade, so in order for us to find out more about what they do, we generated lots of questions such as “How long does it take to put a fire out?” “What is the biggest fire that you have ever been to?” and “Do you only go to fires?”. We found out lots of interested facts about the different types of emergencies that they attendand the equipment that they use for each emergency.  We even listened to the siren!!! “It was so, so loud” said Louis. Do you know that a firefighter can get his whole attire on within 38 seconds??? We counted!


Woodland fun

Date: 6th May 2021 @ 1:41pm

The Children have been exploring the woodland area. They have been climbing on the wooden assault course and using the rope swing. During their visit they spotted a fox cub on the field and witnessed its mum coming to find it. 

RE Easter

Date: 6th May 2021 @ 10:41am

PSHE Looking after our teeth

Date: 6th May 2021 @ 10:31am

Geography Summer 1: Megacities

Date: 6th May 2021 @ 10:23am

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Date: 5th May 2021 @ 5:57pm

This week in Nursery, we have been reading the story of

Snail Trail

Date: 5th May 2021 @ 5:56pm

We have really enjoyed looking closely at the story

Super Worms

Date: 5th May 2021 @ 5:40pm

Our children have been very excited to have a wormery in the classroom and have enjoyed the responsibility of making sure that the worms are well cared for by ensuring the soil is moist and that they have suitable food.

We have provided factual books about minibeasts to allow them to find out information and magnifying glasses for them to look closely at the worms. Our

Throwing and catching

Date: 5th May 2021 @ 8:21am

We have been practicing our throwing and catching skills in PE!

Under the Sea

Date: 27th Apr 2021 @ 5:53pm

We are exploring different environments from the one we live in.  We have started to look at the features of a beach and the animals that live there.  We have really enjoyed accessing our under the sea role play area.  We have shells, sea creatures, seaweed and we even made our own boat with an anchor!

Making 15p

Date: 26th Apr 2021 @ 4:16pm

We used Numicon to investigate different ways of making 15p. We know that there are not coins for every value so we only used the 1 shape for 1p, the 2 shape for 2p, the 5 shape for  5p and the 10 shape for 10p. We found lots of different ways of making 15p and some children recorded their calculations in a number sentence. 

Linked Provision

Date: 26th Apr 2021 @ 4:07pm

Every morning we start the day with linked provision.  Each day there is a different activity focusing on a skill we are developing.   This week activities have included handwriting, reading and spelling tricky words, ordering numbers and writing. 

Get in Touch

Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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