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: Gallery

Reception Christmas Nativity

Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 9:22am

We hope you enjoy watching our Christmas Nativity!


Date: 14th Dec 2020 @ 1:04pm

December 2020 - Levers, sliders and joins.

We have had a great time exploring some different mechanisms. We enjoyed exploring moving books, cards, scissors and clocks. We even made our own!!!! We used treasury tags and a hole punch to create joins in the form of personalised chains, split pins to create a moving pair of scissors and moving hands on our clocks. We then designed, produced and evaluated our moving (sliders) Christmas cards!




Date: 14th Dec 2020 @ 12:55pm

WK BEG 9th November 2020

We have had the most amazing week learning about materials and conducting two investigations. We completed an ice experiment - we wanted to find out where in our classroom ice would melt the quickest. The children loved predicting what would happen, completing the experiment and then finding out what happened and also discussing whether our predictions were correct. We found out that the ice melted the quickest was the ice in the glass of water and the ice that took the longest to melt was the ice cube that was placed on the window ledge.



Our second experiment was to find out which material out of a selection would protect an egg if dropped from a height. The children were so excited to plan their experment and wrap their egg in a chosen material. We made predictions on which material would protect the egg fully and then we carried out the experiment. The children were so elated! We had a smashing (ha ha) time. The children could not wait to unwrap their eggs to find out which materials were able to fully protect the egg. We found out  that 'bubble wrap' was the only material that protected the egg. All the other materials (cling film, bin bags, blu tac, fabric, foil and newspaper) did not protect the egg!



Christmas Message from 2S

Date: 13th Dec 2020 @ 6:50pm

Mrs Simmons and all the children in Class 2S would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Christmas Performance 6MB

Date: 13th Dec 2020 @ 12:13pm

Click below to view our christmas message

Christmas in RE

Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 12:21pm

We have had so much fun celebrating Christmas in RE!  We have listened to the story of the very first Christmas and role played the story in our small world and role play areas.  We have written Christmas cards and posted them in our Christmas post box.  We have created our own wrapping paper by printing paint.  We have also been very excited to see what our cheeky elf has been up to everyday!

DT - Wheels and axles

Date: 10th Dec 2020 @ 7:39pm

This week we started our D.T. project.   We are looking at the mechanisms that allow vehicles to move (namely wheels and axles) and how they work.  We are going to be designing and making our own small vehicle for a child to play with.  Today, we investigated wheels and axles using kinex.  In groups we had to build a vehicle with at least 3 wheels that would go in a straight line when pushed.


RE Here Comes Christmas!

Date: 8th Dec 2020 @ 8:14pm

December 2020 RE -  Here Comes Christmas!

2nd December

We have been learning all about the 'Christmas story', we have role played and sequenced what happened in the correct order. We also talked about the 'bible' and how it is split into two parts.

We especiall enjoyed learning about how Christmas is celebrated around the world by Christians and made comparisons between the UK and Australia. 





Art - Andy Warhol

Date: 8th Dec 2020 @ 8:04pm

November 2020

This term 1C have been studying the work of a famous  'Pop' Artist called Andy Warhol. First we explored his work and found researched some facts about him. We then studied self portraits and used Ipads to take digital portraits of our partners. Using the digital images alongside mirrors, we sketched our own portraits; ensuring that we noted size, shape and proportions.


We then looked at complimentary and contrasting colours. We experimented with different types of media and chose some contrasting colours. This assisted us to when we came to choose our 4 favourite complimenary colours for our POP ART backgrounds. After this, we cut out our 4 self portraits and attached them to the backgrounds. We revisited the features of Andy Warhol's art and found that he used the colours from his backgrounds within his repeated images. We thoroughly enjoyed this topic!






Investigating moving vehicles

Date: 8th Dec 2020 @ 4:49pm

Woodland Learning - making Christmas decorations

Date: 7th Dec 2020 @ 9:36pm

This week (7.12.2020) we continued making our Christmas decoations from a log.  This meant, with the help of Mrs Hancox, that we had to use a saw to cut a piece of the wood for our decoration.  It was quite hard work.

After we had cut out wood, we then went into the woodland classroom to paint our decorations.  Mrs Simmons is so excited to see what we have created during our Woodland Learning time.



Date: 7th Dec 2020 @ 8:33pm

As part of our R.E. topic 'Christmas', we learnt all about Advent and Christingle.  We wrote about Advent wreaths and why they're important for Christians.  We also learnt all about Christingles, what each part of the Christingle orange symbollises and we even made our own Christingle oranges and got to eat the left over sweets afterwards :)


Yoga Lesson 2

Date: 29th Nov 2020 @ 8:34pm

Today in yoga we began practising poses (child's, triangle, bird, moon).  We had to concentrate hard and use our balance for most of them but it was a lot of fun.  Some poses were much more difficult than others but we are sure we will get more confident the more lessons we have.


Final Art Lesson

Date: 29th Nov 2020 @ 8:31pm

Today (Friday 27th November) we completed our Rita Greer inspired Great Fireof London artwork.  We added tissue flames to our pieces which created a really effective fire.

Art: Klimpt final pieces

Date: 29th Nov 2020 @ 12:26pm

4MB art gallery now open! We have created our final pieces using oil pastels as resistant and ink to create a colourful background. We have worked really hard to create our final pieces in the style of Gustav Klimpt - and what a great job we have done. 

Great Fire Art

Date: 25th Nov 2020 @ 4:35pm

We used a variety of media to create a scene from the Great Fire of London.

Cricket Week 3

Date: 24th Nov 2020 @ 10:59pm

We had our third cricket lesson today and we learnt how to bowl like a proper cricketer.  Mr Rickman taught us how to stand and to try and keep our arms straight when bowling the ball.  We did find this a little tricky but continued to persevere and both Mrs Simmons and Mr Rickman were very impressed with how focussed we were and how much better we got just in one lesson.

We had lots of practise and then played a group game where we had to bowl the ball into a box and try and hit the wicket too.  It was a big challenge but lots of us managed to do it.

PE Basketball

Date: 23rd Nov 2020 @ 12:15pm

We have been learning all about basketball.

Music- Glockenspiels

Date: 23rd Nov 2020 @ 12:09pm

We are learning how to play the glockenspiel.

PE- Fundamentals

Date: 23rd Nov 2020 @ 12:05pm

We have been learning the principles of balancing. 

Geography - Earthquakes

Date: 23rd Nov 2020 @ 11:58am

We have been plotting earthquakes on a map of New Zealand.


Date: 23rd Nov 2020 @ 11:55am

We have been learning cricket with the Old Parkonians.

Art- Roman Mosaics- Designing our Tiles

Date: 23rd Nov 2020 @ 11:43am

We have been learning about Roman Mosaics. We are designing our own mosaic tile and creating a prototype.

Art: Great Fire of London Lessons 3 and 4

Date: 21st Nov 2020 @ 6:06pm

We have really been enjoying our art lessons this week.  After sketching Tudor houses in charcoal and then recreating them with strips of black paper, we started experimenting with different media (tissue paper, chalk, oil pastels and pencils) to create a fire effect for the background of our finished piece of artwork. We discovered that chalk was very easy to blend and made an excellent fire effect, whilst tissue paper gave the fire a deeper, more intense effect.

We began our final pieces (inspired by Rita Greer's painting) by blending yellow, orange and red chalk over a pre-paint washed piece of A3 cartridge paper and blended those colours as if our lives depended on it.  Next week, we will be adding our charcoal and paper Tudor houses and tissue paper fire.  We're certain our finished pieces will turn out brilliantly, 

Art: Hans Holbein

Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 1:08pm

We are so lucky to have a sketchbook to record all our findings and artwork. We have been studying the work of Hans Holbein who created portraits of Kings and Queens. We have been focusing on tone, colour and shading. Look at some of the examples of amazing artwork 4MB have created.

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

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