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4M Reading: The World of Whales

Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 9:12pm

Each week in reading, we focus on a new book. This week we have been exploring the book 'The World of Whales', where the children have been discovering the different qualities each whale has in order to survive in the ocean. We have thoroughly enjoyed defining key vocabulary and text marking our book to find the answers to our anchor questions. 

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4M Maths: Place Value

Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 9:05pm

During the beginning of Autumn term, 4M have been focusing on place value. We have been exploring the different representations of each digit in a number. We have been able to represent our numbers using place value discs. 

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1C Reading

Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 7:45pm

In 1C, we are enjoying using our new reading area. We love spending our free time choosing and reading a range of books in a variety of ways such as; In our reading area, At our tables, On the carpet, With a partner, In small groups, To our class, With an adult and even outdoors!

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We have recently been introduced to Roald Dhal and have a fantastic selection of his books that we can both listen to and read ourselves. As we were unable to choose which Roald Dahl book to have as our 'shared class book' at story time, we had a class vote! We had a explored the front covers and the blurbs on each of the books and posted our names onto the book that we thought we would like to listen to. The winner for this term was The Witches.

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We have been talking about and drawing the front covers of our favourite books that we have read in school and at home. We are now bringing in our own books so that we can read them in our reading area when we have completed our learning. We are also going to be voting for the book to be read each day during our story time, the book will be chosen from the books that are brought in.

Here are some of our favourite books. We will be adding to this gallery as we bring in books.

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We are now studying the great author known as Julia Donaldson and we have been getting creative!!! We have been loving reading our favourite Julia Donaldson books with our friends. We have replicated book covers and book marks this week, Look!

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1B Music

Date: 4th Oct 2021 @ 4:57pm


Year 1 really enjoy their Music lessons with Miss Mimnar. They are exploring pulses and beats in songs. 


1B Computing

Date: 4th Oct 2021 @ 4:53pm

Children have been using the Paint app on a laptop to practise using a trackpad to open a program, move objects and create a picture. 


3D Look at our learning this week (1/10/21)

Date: 2nd Oct 2021 @ 6:12pm

Have a look at some of things that we have been up to this week.


We have continued to learn about earthquakes and have explored their cause. We have looked at tectonic plates and plate boundaries. We have also had a look at how volcanoes are formed and why they usually occur at the same place as earthquakes. 

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This week in reading, our book was called 'Forces in Action'. We enjoyed this non fiction text and learnt about gravity, friction and learnt new skills such as how to use a dictionary.




3C PE Week Beg. 27.9.21

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 10:00am


3C Maths Week Beg. 27.9.21

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 9:58am


2MB Team building games

Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 8:38pm

During PE the children have been playing team building games this week. We had a lot of fun trying to pass the hoop around our circle of friends without unlinking hands!

2 MB A River

Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 7:43pm

So far in English, we have enjoyed sharing our Vehicle text - A River, and studying the Model - Circular Narrative text, which we are gathering ideas from. We have had fun with creating similes and noun phrases, which we are looking forward to using in our own story writing based on a journey. 

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2 MB Woodland Learning

Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 6:34pm

What muddy fun we had! 

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2MB South African Style Music

Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 6:17pm

We have been discussing different African animals and the sounds they make. We created a piece of music, as a class, which represented each of the animals that we looked at. 

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2MB Numbers to 100

Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 6:00pm

So far this term, we have been looking at Counting to 100, Place Value, Comparing Numbers, Number Bonds and Number Patterns. We have just started our next topic of Addition and Subtraction.

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3D - What have we been doing this week? (24/9/21)

Date: 26th Sep 2021 @ 7:41pm

Another great week for 3D! Take a look at some of our learning this week...

In geography this week, we started our new topic, which is about earthquakes. We have been looking specifically at a case study from the 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand and looking at the destruction that it caused. The children have enjoyed exploring how earthquakes happen and have used maps to plot the epicentres of other earthquakes. 

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In PE, during our 'fundamentals' lesson, we have been demonstrating how change of speed and direction can be used to outwit others. 

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6P Gymnastics Lessons

Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 2:18pm

We have been practising our balancing in Gymnastics this week! We worked in pairs to create lots of body tension! 






Class 6P- Rivers from source to mouth

Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 2:12pm

We have started our brand new Geography topic which is all about Rivers! We have been looking at lots of pictures of the River Axe and putting them in order from the beginning of a river's journey at the spring to where it meets the sea. Have a look at the pictures below and our fantastic posters! 






Date: 20th Sep 2021 @ 5:35pm



The children have been reading and writing all numbers to 10 in numerals and in words. They have been categorising and counting objects with the same name in a group. 




1B Science - Materials

Date: 20th Sep 2021 @ 5:24pm



The children had lots of fun exploring a range of objects and their properties. 



1C - Maths No Problem

Date: 19th Sep 2021 @ 2:35pm


In Maths No Problem, we have been exploring numbers to 10. We have been counting forwards and backwards and ordering the numbers accordingly, itentifying missing numbers, continuing from a given number, and singing number songs.

We have also been using manipulatives and drawings to show our understanding as well as forming our numbers the correct way and even learning how to write the names of numbers to 10! 


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1C PE team building

Date: 19th Sep 2021 @ 2:18pm

In PE we have been learning how to work as a team. We learned that communication is a key aspect of teamwork. we had to hold a ball with our partner without using our hands and move around without dropping it. We found this really tricky at first, but once we realised that talking to eachother about how we wanted to move and in what direction we wanted to go, we found this a lot easier. The same principles helped us when we had to sit back to back with our arms interlocked, we had to try and get up from the ground without using our hand. For this we needed to rely upon our partner, trusting that we would be supported and not be left to fall over.


1C PSHE Relationships

Date: 19th Sep 2021 @ 2:09pm

PSHE - Atumn 1 - Relationships

We have been finding out about eachother's families (who we will live with), exploring and discussing our likes and dislikes, looking at how we are all similar but have differnces in what we look like and explaining how we are unique.

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We used mirrors to study the features on our faces and used real artist scetching pencils to scetch our portraits.

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1C Golden Tie

Date: 19th Sep 2021 @ 1:56pm

Golden Tie

Every week, a child in our class is awarded the golden tie. This is a reward for consistently showing respect, responsibilty and resilience. We can show these traits by being well prepared for school and learning, trying our best and not giving up, being in the right places at the right times and listening carefully, helping out and being kind to eachother and looking after our clasrrom resources.







Science September Materials 2021

Date: 19th Sep 2021 @ 1:34pm

Materials - September 2021

We have enjoyed exploring materials and their properties in our science lessons this half term. We started off by having a little quiz to find ourt what we already know about materals. We then used our knowledge organisers to learn the names of every day materials and their properties. At the beginning of each lesson, we used our knowledge organisers to play games such as 'Fastest finger first', spot the material and Mrs Carey called out some properties and we had to point to the material that we thought best suited her clues. Our knowledge organisers really help us with our learning, we even have them on our tables to refer to during our learning. We can even check our spellings too!

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We had a special visitor from a local high school who came in to show us how to make a parachute. But first we had to discuss which materials would be best suited for a parachute. We then chose our materials, made our parachutes and tested them outside to see if our choices were suitable.

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We then went on to sort, and describe materials according to their properties.


3D What we've been up to so far... (17/09/21)

Date: 18th Sep 2021 @ 4:43pm

We are delighted with how well 3D have settled back in to school. They are showing such resilience and hard work. Have a look at just some of the interesting things we have been up to so far. 



In Science, we have been learning about 'Animals including humans'. We have been exploring the different bones and muscles in our body and have investigated whether people with a longer femur can jump further than those with a shorter femur. Also, we have been learning about a balanced diet and how much sugar is in our drinks. 

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In PSHE, we have been looking at 'How to be a good friend'. We have completed freeze frames to demonstrate what it might look like if someone is feeling ostracised and explored ways to be a good friend, who is inclusive.

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This year, we are really lucky to have a French teacher that will be coming in once a week to deliver French lessons. Already, the children have learnt how to say 'My name is...' and have explored numbers and body parts. Their French accents are already sounding amazing! 





Likes and Dislikes

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 8:20pm

In PSHE we have been thinking about the things we like and don't like.  Lots of children disliked the spooky house but that was Mrs Dixon's favourite!

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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