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Anchor Education with Ed

Date: 17th Oct 2021 @ 3:00pm


2MB History

Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 8:03pm

The children really impressed us with how they found out about London in 1666 from paintings and Samuel Pepy's diary. We even figured out he was a musician from a very small piece of paper he was holding! 

3D - What have we been up to this week? (15/10/21)

Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 6:46pm

Hello everyone! This week concluded our History topic, which was about The Romans. It has been fantastic to see just how engaged the children were in learning about The Romans and they have been developing their skills to Think Like a Historian. Take a look at some of our learning this week.


We began our new book in our Steps To Read lessons this week. It is called 'The Wild Robot' and is a book based on the Iron Man. The children loved reading this book and exploring Roz, the robot. 

The Wild Robot.jpg


Romans (6).JPG     Romans 1 (1).JPG     Romans 7.JPG

The heirarchy of the Roman Soldiers.                 Timeline of when the Romans ruled.                   Julius Caesar


Roman 3.JPG  Roman 4.JPG

We explored the three Roman invasions on Britain. 


This week, we explored how computers are connected and the key components of a network. The children role-played how computers are connected and the purpose of each component. 

Computing 2.JPG  Computing 3.JPG  Computing 5.JPG

This shows 3 desktop computers passing             This shows how desktop computers can save files through using a 'server' to store this 
messages between each other using a                  information. 



Nursery - Exploring light

Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 2:04pm

Nursery have been experimenting with light.They have investigated where light comes from and where it goes. We have looked at how light affects objects and colours. They have explored light through colour mixing and creating shadows.



Nursery - Colour Mixing

Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 1:54pm

Nursery have been colour mixing. We have explored which primary colours create secondary colours using lots of different medias and materials. 



1B History - Mighty Explorers

Date: 12th Oct 2021 @ 3:50pm

The children are sequencing pictures of events in Columbus' life in chronological order.IMG_0275[1].JPG

Maths - Solving word problems

Date: 11th Oct 2021 @ 5:11pm

The children have been using cubes and number bonds to solve word problems. 



Computing - Typing on a keyboard

Date: 11th Oct 2021 @ 5:09pm


The children have been using a keyboard to type their names. They have also been practising how to delete letters using the backspace button on a keyboard. 


5C - Computer Safety (PSHE)

Date: 11th Oct 2021 @ 5:09pm

In 5C, we've been thinking about internet safety and the best ways to stay safe online. Have a look at our amazing PD books where we created collages of safety.


Date: 11th Oct 2021 @ 4:56pm

The children have been talking about what makes them unique and labelled different parts of their face. Children then usd a mirror to look at the different parts of their face to help draw their own self portrait. 



3D - English - The Iron Man (8/10/21)

Date: 10th Oct 2021 @ 8:08pm

Another great week of learning for 3D. Take a look at some of the things we have been doing. 


This week we were writing and publishing our 'Threat Narratives', which were based on 'The Iron Man' book. 3D created fantastic pieces of work, where they used noun phrases and similes to capture their reader's imagination. 

Threat narrative 1 (1).JPG Threat narrative 1 (2).JPG

Threat narrative 1 (4).JPGThreat narrative 1 (5).JPG

We have also started the work for our next piece of writing, an explanation text. This week, we were sent a letter from the Town Mayor of the city, where the Iron Man is set, asking for our help to create a trap for the Iron Man. 


We explored our letter further by highlighting the conjunctions in the text. 3D then created fantastic Iron Man inspired sentences that included lots of different conjunctions. 
Model text 1.JPG  Model text 3.JPG  Model text 4.JPG


2MB A River

Date: 10th Oct 2021 @ 7:42pm

In English, we have been very busily planning and writing our first draft for our circular narrative  'A River'.  We have had lots of fun applying the noun phrases, similies and repeated phrases we found to our own journeys.

Planning and writing a story about a lost toy.

Date: 10th Oct 2021 @ 7:30pm

In Year 1, we have been planning a story based on 'Major Glad, Major Dizzy', which is about two lost toy soldiers.  

We created a plan to show the four parts of the story and then we used the plan to help us to write the story.


Adding numbers - part, part, whole

Date: 10th Oct 2021 @ 3:13pm

In maths we have been looking at addition and number bonds.  

We have used the vocabulary of part + part = whole to help with our understanding.  


What is geography?

Date: 10th Oct 2021 @ 2:53pm

We looked at different pictures which showed lots of things happening in our world.  We sorted them into pictures about people and places.  

IMG_1613 2.jpgIMG_1622.jpgIMG_1625.jpg

Using maps to find the United Kingdom

Date: 10th Oct 2021 @ 2:47pm

In Geography, we used maps and Google Earth to find the United Kingdom.  We found the four countries on the map and labelled them on a map of our own.  


Drama - Freezeframes

Date: 10th Oct 2021 @ 2:40pm

Our English book, 'Major Glad, Major Dizzy', is about toy soldiers who get lost under the floorboards.  The model text based on this told the story of a little boy called Albert who went to visit Granny.  He was playing with his toy bus which fell between the floorboards.  There, he found an old teddy.  When he showed the Teddy to Granny, she said that it had been hers when she was a little girl.  

We created freezeframes in groups to show the four parts of the story.

Albert’s Discovery
Once there was a curious boy called Albert who loved to look for interesting
things to investigate. One day he went to visit his Granny. She lived all alone
in an old, terraced house at the end of Greenway Street.



Later that morning he was racing his favourite toy bus all around Granny’s
house. He raced it in the kitchen, he raced it in the living room and he raced
it everywhere! Suddenly the toy bus fell between a gap in the floorboards.
Oh no! So he took hold of his toy screwdriver and tried to pull up the old,
wooden floor board. He pulled and he pulled and he pulled. Crack! Up
popped the floorboard and Albert couldn’t believe his eyes!


Surprisingly, next to his bus, was a tatty, old bear. It had black, beady eyes
and a sad smile. Also, the fur was dirty and it didn’t feel soft at all. There was
a small tear on its back and a handful of stuffing was hanging out. What an
amazing discovery! Albert carefully lifted the bear and blew off the dust.


With this, Albert raced to tell Granny all about the unusual bear. Granny was
delighted. It was just like the teddy bears that she used to play with. In fact,
her eyes swelled and her heart jumped. It was her teddy from when she was
little. Granny gave Albert a huge hug. Albert wondered what it would be like
if the bear could speak. He wondered about what life was like in the olden


Reading captions

Date: 10th Oct 2021 @ 2:26pm

In English, we have been looking at a book called Major Glad, Major Dizzy, which is about two lost toy soldiers. 

We have been using our phonics to read captions to match pictures of toys.


6P- History WW2

Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 5:16pm



Noah in class 6P loves History, and WW2!

He has lots of war memorabilia so kindly brought it in to school for all of the class to have a look at. Have a look at the pictures below! 








6P - Reading

Date: 7th Oct 2021 @ 4:56pm


We are reading superstars in class 6P! 

In our Steps to Read lessons we have been enjoying reading the diary of Anne Frank. We have been learning all about her time in the annexe and the efforts she went to in order to stay safe.

anne frank.jpg

Next, we are going to read lots of different war poems. We are starting with 'The Blackout' by Mary Desire. We have been thinking about the contrasting atmosphere from stanza 1 to stanzas 2 and 3. 

The Blackout

I never feared the darkness as a child,

For then night’s plumy wings that wrapped me round

Seemed gentle, and all earthly sound,

Whether man’s movement or in the wild,

Small stirrings of the beasts and trees, was kind,

So I was well contented to be blind.


But now the darkness is a time of dread,

Of stumbling, fearful progress, when one thinks,

With angry fear, that those dull amber chinks,

Which tell of life where all things else seem dead,

Are full of menace as a tiger’s eyes,

That watch our passing, hungry for the prize.


Over all Europe lies this shuddering night,

Sometimes it quivers like a beast of prey,

All tense to spring, or, trembling, turns at bay

Knowing itself too weak for force or flight,

And in all towns men strain their eyes and ears,

Like hunted beasts, for warning of their fears.

Mary Desiree Anderson


We have also been reading Rose Blanche by Roberto Innocenti.


rose blanche.jpg

We wrote our our diary entries from the point of view of Rose. Have a look below at our fantastic work! 







Woodland Learning


Every week in Woodland learning we enjoy sitting around the campfire and listening to a story. This term we are reading Tom's Midnight garden by Phillipa Pearce.



4M Geography: How and why is our local area changing?

Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 9:34pm

In geography this term, we have been exploring the question ' How and why is our local area changing?' We used digimaps to help familiarise ourselves with Oxton and the different features we could find on our map. This included looking at residential, commercial, public service and recreational areas near us. 

Geog 1.png


4M PE: Gymnastics

Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 9:28pm

Our indoor PE unit this term has been gymnastics. We have begun by focusing on shapes and jumps which will eventually help us when we prodcue our final gymnastics routine. We have had lots of fun exploring our balance and how we can use a partner to make our routines more interesting. 

PE 1(1).png

4M Science: Tooth Decay Experiment

Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 9:23pm

During science this term, we were able to plan and conduct our own experiment about tooth decay. We were given the option of 5 different liquids and our aim was to see what effect they had on a piece of chewing gum (this acted as our tooth). We worked really hard to plan a fair test and conduct our experiment effectively. 

Science 2.png

4M Science: The Digestive System

Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 9:18pm

WOW! What fun we have had learning about the digestive system. Our topic began with understanding the location of the organs involved in the digestive system. We even had the opportunity to locate them on our friends body! Following on from this, we were very lucky to have a visitor come into school and explain to us the journey of baked beans. We were able to observe what happened at each stage of the digestive system ... we will never forget this lesson!


Science 1.png

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

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