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Date: 3rd Nov 2020 @ 8:12pm


This week we have launched our brand new maths curriculum; Maths No Problem. The children have been learning different ways of counting, counting and ordering numbers in the ascending order, counting and ordering numbers in descending order and using objects to reflect this, they have recorded their learning in a JOURNAL!  The journal is a book where the children can show how they have understood a concept by writing numbers and including their own versions of pictorial represtations for these. We have been learning through our numbers in a fun and active way and we have loved it!


Date: 3rd Nov 2020 @ 12:45pm

WK BEG 9th November 2020

We have had the most amazing week learning about materials and conducting two investigations. We completed an ice experiment - we wanted to find out where in our classroom ice would melt the quickest. The children loved predicting what would happen, completing the experiment and then finding out what happened and also discussing whether our predictions were correct. We found out that the ice melted the quickest nearest the radiator and the ice that took the longest to melt was the ice cube that was placed outside the classroom door.

Our second experiment was to find out which material out of a selection would protect an egg if dropped from a height. The children were so excited to plan their experment and wrap their egg in a chosen material. We made predictions on which material would protect the egg fully and then we completed the experiment. The children were so excited and had a smashing (ha ha) time. The children were so intrigued to unwrap their eggs and to find out which material were able to fully protect the egg. We found out  that 'bubble wrap' was tthe only material that protected the egg. All the other materials (cling film, bin bags, blu tac, fabric, foil and newspaper) did not protect the egg!



WK BEG 7th September 2020

Well what a lovely first week we have had in 1JR. All children have been brought along with; big, happy smiles and a fantastic learning attitude. Every child has tried their absolute best. Well done 1JR!

This week we have launched our new science topic "Materials" and we went on a materials hunt around school. The children were excellent detectives and were able to find objects made from wood, plastic, metal, paper, fabric and brick. Please take a look at the photographs of the children on their material hunt.


WK BEG 14th September 2020

We had a great start to our week! We completed a science investigation on which materials were waterproof and windproof. We had great fun using a 'hairdryer' for the wind! The children found out that wood and metal were the most suitable to build a house for the third pig. Ask your child to explain what waterproof and windproof  means.



16th September 2020

We had more fun today finding out whether materials were transparent or opaque.  We now understand that transparent means you can see through a material and that opaque means that you cannot see through an object. We found out that 'glass' would make a great material for windows because it is transparent. We also found out that 'wood' would be a good material for a door. We really enjoyed investigating and we were really sensible with all of the different materials. 


3.11.20 - Where will ice melt the quickest in our classroom?


The children have really enjoyed investigating where ice will melt the quickest in our classroom. They decided on 4 different locations. We used timers and timed how long it took for the ice cube to turn into just liquid. We found out that heat does help ice to melt the quickest as the ice cube nearest to the radiator melted the fastest. 



Great Fire of London

Date: 1st Nov 2020 @ 1:21pm

Halloween Day

Date: 1st Nov 2020 @ 12:38pm

On the last day of the first Autumn half term, we came to school dressed in our scariest and/or most creative Halloween costumes.  Mrs Loftus had kindly said that we could as due to COVID, Halloween parties and trick or treating weren't taking place this year.

We had a spooktacular last day of term :)


Woodland Learning

Date: 26th Oct 2020 @ 12:47pm

We LOVE being out in our woodland area. We have been learning lots of skills such as; teamwork, safety, den building, climbing trees, making smores and brioche on the campfire, baking in a mud kitchen, digging, swinging, hopping, balancing, rolling down hills, splashing in puddles and much more!


Date: 26th Oct 2020 @ 12:27pm

Year 1 had such a fun afternoon playing halloween games! we had a spooky treasure hunt (and we we allowed to eat our treasure; chocolate ghouls, squishy eyeballs and chocolate pumpkins, we played ghost skittles, pumkin paintingmusic monster bumps and had a ghost challenge where we had to dance with a ghost (toilet roll) between 2 of us whithout using our hands and not drop it, this was fabulous!


English Rapunzel Autumn 1

Date: 25th Oct 2020 @ 2:15pm


Our new book for this term is called Rapunzel by Betan Woolvin 

Rapunzel, Corebooks

We have not even opened the book yet and the children have already been predicting what/who the story is about and what might happen. They have been writing short sentences, writing questions to which they will find out the answers once the is read, they have labelled all of the nouns that they can see on the front cover and they have been building towers for the witch using a variety of media.


Date: 25th Oct 2020 @ 2:14pm


Today's PE lesson was gymnastics, we really wanted to do this outside on the field but the sun was just far too hot for us so we moved our classroom around and got on with it! And we got on with it fantastically, I have a class of talented gymnasts! We started off our warm up by using our bodies to form letters of the alphabet (t, v, o, I and w) some we could do solo but for others we needed to work with a partner.

we then moved on to making the PE shapes Pike, straddle, tuck, straight, star. Some we did sitting down and some we did standing up. We found the tuch shape too difficult to do standing up HAHA!

After that we had a go at finding a partner and taking turns to choose a shape for our partner to mirror us. This was a fantastic way to show understanding of the names of the gymnastic shapes. We have learned some new vocabulary in PE this week; Flexibility, Agility, Position, Strength and Balance!

We have been learning all about body tension and control. We have been using these skills whilst creating pencil rolls. We help organise equipment so that we can learn about health and safety and also have more time enjoying our lessons.

Science materials - waterproof and windproof

Date: 25th Oct 2020 @ 2:13pm

WK BEG 14th September 2020


What a great start to our week! We have begun a science investigation to find out which materials are most suitable for building a house for the Three pigs to live safely from the big bad wolf!  First, we recapped the names of the materials that we were investigating (wood, metal, fabric, plastic, paper) then made predicted whether we thought the material would/would not be waterproof/windproof by using our thumbs up/down. Next we tested materials to see if they were waterproof/not waterproof and windproof/not windproof. We had great fun using a 'hairdryer' for the wind! After testing a few materials, we found out that wood and metal were the most suitable as they were both waterproof AND windproof!  Ask your child to explain the meaning of waterproof and windproof to you.

English Elmer September 2020

Date: 25th Oct 2020 @ 2:12pm

Wk Beg 7th September 2020


In English we have been learning all about Elmer the Elephant. He is a patchwork elephant. At the beginning of the story, Elmer was sad because he was different to all of the other elephants so he made himself elephant colour by rubbing elephant colour berries all over his skin. Elmer thought that being the same as everyone else would make him feel happier but he just blended in and went unnoticed. One day when all of the elephants were standing around, Elmer got botred and called out "BOO!" this made all of the elephants laugh and they then realised who he was. It began to rain and the berry juice ran off his skin, revealing his 'true colours'. From this story, Elmer realised that it is ok to be different, he realised that the other elephants like him for who he was and that he made them laugh. From this story, the children have been learning all about being unique. they have been exploring adjectives (blue, sad, talented etc), the conjunction 'and', recognising and discussing their own stregths and talents and sequencing the story.


Date: 25th Oct 2020 @ 2:10pm

Autumn 1


We had lots of dicussion during our first PSHE lesson. We are learning about relationships. In our first lesson we had fun looking at and sorting a variety of images, we were then asked to use some new vocabulary during our discussions such as; 'likes', 'dislikes' and 'I prefer'. Throughout this lesson, we discovered that we do not all like or dislike the same things, but this is ok because these are the things that make us 'unique'


We have been learning all about our bodies and how to keep ourselves safe. We are all familiar with the scientific names for our bodies and can distinguish the differences between males and females. We also know what to do and who to tell if we are worried about something. Below you can see how we have drawn around one of our friends and worked as a team team to label all of our body parts. we then went on to write the names of the body parts that we could remember. You can also see a selection of the posters we created to remind everyone how to keep themselves safe.



We have been learning all about keeping healthy, emphasising this month on healthy foods. We explored different types of foods and their effects on our bodies. We have learned that occassionally it is fine to eat foods that are not very beneficial to our health but we need to consider eating these in moderation. We worked in groups to sort foods into catagories ; healthy and not healthy.




We continued with our 'keeping healthy' theme this month, concentrating on hygiene. We discussed all of the different ways that we can keep clean from; washing, bathing, cleaning teeth, clean clothes etc. We had fun focussing on keeping our hands clean and washing them effectively to prevent spreading germs. We did some experiments such as covering our hands in vaseline (dirt and grime) and glitter (germs)and used avariety of ways to 'clean' our hands. First we tried to just use a paper towel to wipe away the dirt - there was no change to the amount of germs (glitter) on our hands, then we rinsed them under cold water- still not good enough! After this we warm water alone - this was effective but it did not clear away ALL of the germ. The warm soapy water and washing for 2 minutes worked best!  We also place an untouched piece of bread and a handled piece of bread into seperate bags and watched the changes over time. We found that the braed that was touched developped more mould more quickly than the untouched piece.  


Science Sept 2020 materials hunt

Date: 25th Oct 2020 @ 2:08pm

WK Beg 7th September 2020


We launched our new Science topic - Materials; Let's build. We have been learning the names and properties of everyday materials. we have been exploring real life objects by sight, sound amd touch, this has enabled us to experience and describe the properties that each material has. We even went on a materials hunt in and around our school grounds.


Date: 25th Oct 2020 @ 2:04pm

WK BEG 7th September 2020

Well what a lovely first week we have had in 1C. All children have been brought along with; big, happy smiles and a fantastic learning attitude. Every child has tried their absolute best. Well done 1C!


This week we have launched our brand new maths curriculum; Maths No Problem. The children have been learning different ways of counting, counting and ordering numbers in the ascending order, counting and ordering numbers in descending order and using objects to reflect this, they have recorded their learning in a JOURNAL!  The journal is a book where the children can show how they have understood a concept by writing numbers and including their own versions of pictorial represtations for these. We have been learning through our numbers in a fun and active way and we have loved it!



Date: 24th Oct 2020 @ 9:47pm


Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 4:32pm

Making Vegetable Soup

Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 12:13pm

The children wrote ingredients, read instructions, chopped the vegetables and made their own soup!  They thought it was really tasty!

Woodland Learning

Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 10:03am

Maths Number of the Week

Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 5:32pm

We have been exploring a number a week in maths.  By doing this, the children develop a deep understanding of number, make links and notice patterns.  We have found that a number can be reperesented in many different ways- shape, money, time, different objects and numerals.

Exploring Colour Mixing

Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 5:25pm

The children explored mixing to create new colours and light and dark colours using paint and pastels.

Woodland learning Fun

Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 5:17pm

The children have had so much fun in the forest.  They have learnt to respect the fire in the fire circle, use the tyre swing, balance, identify signs of Autumn and even enjoyed s'mores! 

Woodland Learning - tree swing

Date: 20th Oct 2020 @ 9:52pm

We had a super time exploring the woodland area today and playing on the tree swing.

Woodland Learning - making s'mores

Date: 20th Oct 2020 @ 9:45pm

This week we had a delicious time in our woodland learning session.  Mrs Hancox had kindly bought marshmallows and chocolate biscuits and we made s'mores.  We all got to toast our marshmallows ourselves over the campfire.  The s'mores were delightful; very sweet and a bit sickly.  Mrs Simmons was very sad that she didn't get to have one.

After we had eaten, we played on the tree swing and enjoyed ourselves in the woodland area.

Have a look at our photos of us toasting our marshmallows.

History: Henry VIII and his 6 wives

Date: 20th Oct 2020 @ 9:17pm

As we know King Henry VIII had many wives, but today we debated whether or not he should divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon for, Anne Boleyn. We listed the positives and negatives of him doing this and created a conscience alley with our very own Henry VIII. The overall verdict was that Henry VIII was going to stay with Catherine. 

Woodland Learning: Smores

Date: 20th Oct 2020 @ 9:06pm

We were so lucky that in our woodland learning session we got to make and eat smores! You can see from the pictures that we really enjoyed ourselves. We always remember how to behave and act around the fire to ensure we stay safe. 

Eyewitnesses of the Great Fire of London.

Date: 20th Oct 2020 @ 5:07pm

We interviewed eyewitnesses of the Great Fire of London.

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Townfield Primary School

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