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English: Published diaries

Date: 18th Oct 2020 @ 12:32pm

We have been working really hard in our English lessons. Using the book 'The Journey' we have created our very own diary entries based on 6 different scenes from the book. We also have examples of diaries from the guards, children, the mum and even the house! Writing as authors can be a long process but we have persevered through and even edited and redrafted our work (this is really important as a writer). I wonder if you can spot the features of a diary in the examples below?

Maths No Problem: Subtraction with renaming

Date: 18th Oct 2020 @ 12:25pm

Now we have mastered adding with renaming, it is time to tackle subtraction with renaming. Here are some photographs of our journals which help to explain the method. 

Maths No Problem: Addition with renaming

Date: 18th Oct 2020 @ 12:22pm

Adding 4 digit numbers when we have to rename can be really tricky, but that has been no problem for 4MB. We have been using place value disk to help us explain the method (we also have some tutorials on our page - go check them out). I wonder if you can tell us what we would rename 13 as?

PSHE: Relationships

Date: 18th Oct 2020 @ 12:10pm


'You have been formally invited to the wedding of King and King at the Royal Palace'

4MB have created their very own wedding invitation to the royal wedding of the two kings (look at our fabulous designs). We looked at the book 'King and King' exploring gay relationships in relation to The Equality Act 2010.

PE: Basketball

Date: 18th Oct 2020 @ 12:04pm

Not only have 4MB been focusing on gymnastics, but we have also been learning how to play basketball. We have been looking at tactic to get free from a defender so we can get the ball to the goal. We can use a sprint dodge, feint dodge and a double dodge. We have had lots of fun trying to trick our opponents. We even got to play a full game against each other. 

History: The Terrible Tudors

Date: 18th Oct 2020 @ 11:59am

4MB have been looking at the Tudors and what fun we have had! Before looking at all the terrible things the King and Queens did we had to work out which King and Queens we were talking about. We created our very own Tudor timeline, looking at how long each monarch was on the throne. Who would have thought that Lady Jane Grey was only Queen for 9 days before she was executed! 

Woodland Learning

Date: 18th Oct 2020 @ 11:46am

4MB thoroughly enjoy their time spent in the forest. This experience allows them to explore the outdoor environment, whilst helping to develop practical skills. 


Fantastic woodland learning

Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 3:12pm

RE - Diwali

Date: 12th Oct 2020 @ 9:59am

This week we have been learning all about the Hindu festival of Diwali.  We learnt that it is known as the 'festival of light' because it is a celebration of when Rama defeated the evil Ravana and rescued his wife Sita. when good (light) won over evil (dark).  We learnt all about the story of Rama and Sita (Ramayana) and then wrote about it.  We also designed our own symmetrical rangoli patterns.



Date: 7th Oct 2020 @ 5:00pm

We had a go at creating a rangoli pattern.

Geography - How and why is my local area changing?

Date: 5th Oct 2020 @ 9:55pm

Getting to know our local area!

Woodland Learning Week 3

Date: 4th Oct 2020 @ 6:56pm

This week in Woodland Learning we talked about birds and how they survive during the winter time when the ground is frozen.  We looked for pine cones and then we made our own bird feeders that will be tied up around our woodland area for all the birds.

English SPaG

Date: 4th Oct 2020 @ 6:47pm

This week, as well as looking at non-chronological reports, we have also done some spelling grammar work on alphabetical order and comparative and superlative adjectives.

We arranged ourselves into alpahbetical order as a whole class based on our first names, it took us a while to work out the order for all the names beginning with 'M' as there are so many in 2S.  We then did some vocabulary work using a dictionary to look up the meanings of some of the words in the non-chronological report on Toucans that we are studying.

Using comparative and superlative adjectives, we arranged ourselves in groups according to the adjectives (eg. tall, taller, tallest), then we wrote sentences about animals using some of these adjectives.

PSHE Relationships

Date: 4th Oct 2020 @ 6:33pm

This week in PSHE we talked our relationships with others, particularly our classmates.  We discussed the qualities that make a good classmate and a good friend.

We then created our own 2S relationship web.  Mrs Simmons gave the ball of wool to our Golden Tie winner Daisy and asked her to think about who she wanted to pass the wool on to and why.  We loved creating our special web and it was lovely hearing about the qualities we have too.

Have a look at our photos from the lesson.

5A Geography: How do volcanoes affect the lives of people who live near them?

Date: 4th Oct 2020 @ 3:47pm

In this lesson we discussed: What does a volcano do? How does a volcano form? We learnt that a volcano is an opening in the Earth's crust to reach the surface. 

Year 5 Outdoor PE: Hockey!

Date: 4th Oct 2020 @ 1:57pm

5A learnt why a warm-up routine is important and learnt about the importance of the heart in physical excercise. We learnt how to use different skills and ideas to move away from a defender. We talked in detail about the skills and tactical ideas that others are using and we even evaluated each others performance during practise. A fun lesson! 

RE Gallery

Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 8:31pm


5th October 2020

This week we have been learning all about Harvest and the communities we belong to. We found out that Harvest means 'freshly picked foods' and that we celebrate this in Autumn when the foods are collected. 

Here are some photographs of our learning.


2nd December

We have been learning about the 'Christmas story' and have role played and sequenced what happened in the correct order. We also talked about the 'bible' and how it is split into two parts.

We have also explored how Christmas is celebrated around the world by Christians and made comparisons between the UK and Australia. 


6MG Gymnastics

Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 10:40am

Retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs

Date: 30th Sep 2020 @ 4:33pm

We enjoyed retelling the story of The Three Little Pigs in our role play and small world areas.

Light topic

Date: 30th Sep 2020 @ 12:39pm

English: The Journey

Date: 29th Sep 2020 @ 6:40pm

Diary entry build up:

Our current class text 'The Journey' has granted children the opportunity to explore emotive language and make inferences and predicitions. The children have thoroughly enjoyed this book based on a refugee journey. 


Woodland Learning Week 2

Date: 28th Sep 2020 @ 11:13am

This week, in our Woodland Learning session, we explored the forest area looking for items we could use to build a den with.  We found lots of long sticks and longs and plenty of leaves.  We also had a super time on the rope swing and in the mud kitchen.  Have a look at our photos!

P.E Lessons

Date: 25th Sep 2020 @ 9:35pm

Enjoying the last of the warm weather!

Autumn Science Topic

Date: 25th Sep 2020 @ 9:22pm

We have had great fun learning all about the digestive system and our teeth.

Math Journals

Date: 25th Sep 2020 @ 9:13pm

4MB learning to use their new Maths Journals. 

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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