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RJ - Jubilee

Date: 8th Jun 2022 @ 1:57pm


We had an amazing day celebrating the queens jubilee. We would like to thank the FOT team for organising such a fun day. 

3D Science

Date: 8th Jun 2022 @ 12:08pm

In science, we have been exploring plants and how they grow. The children completed multiple investigations which include how plants grow well and how temperature impacts water transportation in flowers. The children worked like scientists and then drew graphs to display what they had found. 

3D - Music

Date: 8th Jun 2022 @ 12:02pm

In music we have been looking at key terminology and their meanings. We have also been enjoying ragtime style music, Dixieland Music and scat singing. 

3C Egyptian Art

Date: 8th Jun 2022 @ 9:54am

In Art we have been looking at the work by artist Derek Gores. We have taken his style and created our own Egyptian portraits.

2S - Art: Wonderful Wirral

Date: 7th Jun 2022 @ 8:20pm

Today we used charcoal and oil pastels to sketch ships and lighthouses in the style of Alfred Wallis.  We found out that charcoal is VERY messy and smudges easily!
We then discussed the colours Alfred Wallis used in his paintings and discussed the meaning of tones, tints and shades.  We then had a go at creating our own tones, tints and shades of our chosen hue of blue which we will use in our final piece for the sea.

4R Jubilee Day

Date: 7th Jun 2022 @ 4:19pm

What a fabulous day we had today all organised by our wonderful FOT parents.

We began with activities on the field and played beat the goalie, coconut shy, hook a duck and an assault course. Throughout the day we had Alice in Wonderland activities, we watched the magician and had a scavenger hunt in the forest for the Queen's lost Crown Jewels.

In the afternoon we also visited the petting zoo where we held a snake, a tree frog, a bearded dragon, a barn owl and a chinchilla and also got to touch a tarantula. Next it was onto the playground for tattoos and face paints, jewellery making, noughts and crosses, jenga, put the crown on the queen and many more things. 

After that, we finished the day with an ice lolly and a certificate and jubilee badge. 

i am sure the children told you about the amazing, fun day they had and about all the exciting activities. 

RD -Butterflies (Understanding the World/Science)

Date: 7th Jun 2022 @ 2:23pm

All 5 of our butterflies emerged from their chrysalis.  We took them down to the forest and released them.  

3C Maths

Date: 7th Jun 2022 @ 1:19pm

In maths we have been learning how much change to give when shopping. 

3C Food Technology

Date: 7th Jun 2022 @ 1:08pm

In food technology we have been learning about healthy and varied diets. We designed and made sandwiches. 

3C Branching Databases

Date: 7th Jun 2022 @ 1:06pm

In computing we have been learning about branching databases.

25th March Cake Sale

Date: 7th Jun 2022 @ 1:03pm

4M Computing- Using loops to create shapes

Date: 7th Jun 2022 @ 12:39pm

Following on from our previous computing topic on Locotacular, we are now applying our knowledge of creating loops using code to scratch. We input our code to get our sprite to create specific shapes.

4M Art: Final pieces

Date: 7th Jun 2022 @ 12:30pm

We are so incredibly proud of our cardboard Anglo Saxon crosses that we have created. We have used metallic and realistic colours to create a deep and balanced final piece. Have a look at our fabulous designs and sketchbooks.

4M English- Setting poem

Date: 7th Jun 2022 @ 11:29am

Year 4 have started a new text in English .. we are yet to reveal the book to the children but we have been immersed in an array of wonderful videos, pictures and clues. Today we have created a setting poem using Blue Planet as our inspiration. Have a look at our fabulous work. 

RJ - Fun day

Date: 7th Jun 2022 @ 8:20am

5C - Tennis

Date: 6th Jun 2022 @ 9:29pm

Y5C have been enjoying their tennis topic this term. The children have been learning how to perform various different shot types, such as forehand and backhand. The pupils began initially playing as a team to maintain a rally, before moving onto singles and doubles competitive matches. We also had a group of 12 pupils go to Woodchurch Schools Festival and competed against other Y5 pupils.

5C - Garage Band

Date: 6th Jun 2022 @ 9:20pm

We've been using GarageBand to compose our own music, with a focus on loops and different rhythms.

5C - Greek Pottery

Date: 6th Jun 2022 @ 9:14pm

In our Summer topic, 5C are learning about Ancient Greek pottery and how/why it was used. The children have created analytical drawings of different vase styles and experimented with play-dough to test patterns and create coils to make their own prototype.

5C - Jubilee Party

Date: 6th Jun 2022 @ 9:08pm

5C had a fantastic day celebrating the platinum jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. We had a great time taking part in many different activities including a magician, an animal handler and a scavenger hunt in the woodland.

1C Jubilee celebrations

Date: 6th Jun 2022 @ 6:56pm

Date: 27th May 2022 @ 6:22pm                                              Jubilee Day At Townfield


What an extremely enjoable we had today! Wow!!! FOT parents, you did such an amazing job and we are very greatful. 

Our day of fun-filled events began with a magician who did such fabulous tricks! We then went along to visit a petting zoo where we got to meet and hold some beautiful animals; a bearded dragon, a magnificent owl, a very hairy tarantula (Which Mrs carey was terrified of!), a snake, achinchilla and a silky tree frog! What a treat! After this we went to have a quick play and a snck and then went out onto the playground where we were greeted by an array of activities such as; tattoos and face paints, jewellery making, noughts and crosses, jenga, put the crown on the Queen, play your cards right and guess the lock code. After that, we had a scavenger hunt in the forest for the Queen's lost Crown Jewels.

For lunch we had hotdogs, chips and cookies and then went to do Alice in Wonderland activities in the hall and then we went down to the field to be greeted with yet more amazing activities such as; beat the goalie, duck fishing, coconut shy, obstacle courses and some free play. Finally, we had party games in class and finished the day with an ice lolly and a well earned 5 minute rest! We all received  a certificate and jubilee badge to take home. This was a day that we will never forget! One child said "This is the best day of my life!" another said "I wish we could do this every day, it has been so much fun!" 









Date: 6th Jun 2022 @ 5:47pm

Class 6P have been learning all about the circulatory system. They designed their own experiment to test how exercise affects our heart rate. Have a look at the pictures below! 


Date: 6th Jun 2022 @ 5:44pm

We have been learning all about consent in PSHE. We have thought about what the word consent means and looked at some scenarios and thought about whether or not permission would be needed. 


Date: 6th Jun 2022 @ 5:42pm

We have been learning all about emotions and sports in French. We have been writing sentences to say which sports we like and dislike and why. 

6P-Hansel and Gretel

Date: 6th Jun 2022 @ 5:40pm

Year 6 are preparing to write their dual narrative. In preparation for this they have been revising pronouns and thinking about the different types of pronouns that can be used when writing a third person narrative. They began by finding a wide range of pronouns in our model text and created a list of their own for characters in the text. 


Date: 6th Jun 2022 @ 5:37pm

We have been thinking about what makes a place special or sacred. We thought about Lucy in Narnia and the emotions she experiences when she enters the wardrobe and how they can relate to feelings in a special or sacred place. We wrote about a place special to us. 

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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