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4R - Cricket

Date: 13th Jun 2022 @ 10:41pm

4R have taken part in some fantastic Cricket lessons, delivered by a specialist cricket coach and avid cricket player, as part of our enriching Physical Education curriculum. 
The children had lots of fun and learnt lots of valuable skills! 

4R STEM Robotics Workshop

Date: 13th Jun 2022 @ 10:27pm

We had the opportunity to have a STEM Robotics Workshop working with Lego. In the STEM workshop, children have been working on their engineering skills. To begin with, children took part in some activities to familiarise themselves with Lego and programming software. Their next task was to build and program a roaring lion. Children learned about gears, timers, motor power and simple algorithms to control their models and used practical problem-solving skills to create their models. Their learning was then extended to using motion sensors within their algorithm. They then programmed the Lion with movement, sound and backgrounds.

4R DT - Torches

Date: 13th Jun 2022 @ 10:07pm

During our DT topic, we created torches for a specific purpose. Children explored how to create circuits with a switch and applied this to their torch design. Some children created headtorches, handheld torches, reading torches and safety torches. The children worked really hard to meet their design criteria.

3D Sprinting

Date: 13th Jun 2022 @ 4:00pm

Lesson 1 of athletics was focusing on sprinting.

2S - Art: Wonderful Wirral: final piece

Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 10:23pm

 Today we completed our final art pieces in the style of artist, Alfred Wallis. 
Firstly we cut up maps and brown paper to stick onto our paper and then we lightly sketched a lighthouse and a series of boats in the styles Alfred Wallis used. We then used oil pastels to colour these. After that, we used play doh to help guide us to see onto our pictures and finally, mixing a range of tints and tones of blue paint, we used stippling to create a water/sea effect.  Have a look T the photos and see what you think. Mrs Simmons will upload individual pictures of us with our pfinished paintings once they have dried.

RJ: Recycling

Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 2:27pm


This week we have been learning all about recycling. We learnt that there are different bins for specific pieces of rubbish. We came in to our class and it was full of rubbish! As a class we were able to help tidy up the mess and put the rubbish in to the correct bins. We also created recycling posters to make our friends in school aware of the importance of recycling and what it can do to the environment. 


Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 2:01pm

Ball Skills 

We have had fun practising our balk skills. We listened carefully to instructions, worked in partners and completed the different circuits set up outside.

4R Direct speech

Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 12:28pm

We have been reminding ourselves of using inverted commas for direct speech.
The children were put into groups of three to role play a scene about our new story 'Manfish.' Then they had to write expanded sentences and include inverted commas in their direct speech.


4R Multiplication test

Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 12:24pm

We have been practising for our upcoming multiplication test and trying our best to answer 25 questions with a 6 second break between each question. I wonder how many parents could achieve 25/25? 
The children are also enjoying using TT Rockstars to improve their score and speed.


2S - English: Information Text

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 8:34pm

Today, with relaxing music playing, we wrote up the information text we have planned about our chosen rainforest animal.

2S - Art: Wonderful Wirral

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 8:31pm

Today we got the paints out again! But not before we had a short sewing session using paper maps and play doh!
We then practiced stippling (using the tips of the paintbrush's bristles) as this create a lovely 'water' effect. We then stuck our sewn maps into our sketchbooks and stippled around the map using a range of tones and tints of blue and white to create a water effect.  This is all in the style of Alfred Wallis.

4R Anglo Saxon Jewellery

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 4:43pm

For our final art project, we looked at different types of Anglo Saxon Jewellery focussing on the shape and engravings. The children designed their own necklace and bracelets using similar styles. The children added beads and jewels to make them more realistic and used gold and silver pens to decorate. The children thoroughly enjoyed this activity and are looking forward to bringing them home to show their families, 

4M Art: Anglo Saxon Jewellery

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 12:24pm

As our final art project, we looked at different types of Anglo Saxon Jewellery focusing on the shapes and engravings. The children then designed their own necklace using similar styles. We added beads and jewels to make them look more realistic.

3D Art

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 10:45am

The children have been focusing on Derek Gores, an artist who uses recycled materials to create his portraits. The children have been creating an Egyptian styled piece using Derek Gores as their inspiration. 

3D English

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 10:36am

Our new book in English, Into the Forest, has created lots of opportunities for discussion. We have explored how to personify nouns. The children carried out a conscience alley to decide whether our character should go the long way round like his mother said, or take the short cut through the forest. They showed very good debating skills.

3D Maths

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 10:27am

Our new topic in maths is angles and the children have made a fantastic start. They have been able to make angles and identify them within shapes. 

3D French

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 10:22am

The children have been working so hard in French no have learnt about different animals and how to describe them. They have also been learning about different sports and to say what they think about them. The children have been writing their opinion about sports. 

3D Music

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 10:19am

In Music, we have been focusing on key musical vocabulary and their definitions. The children use this language during their music lessons. We have also focused on ragtime style music, Dixieland music and scat singing. The children have created jazz motifs using a swung rhythm. 

3D Science

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 10:16am

In Science, we have been exploring plants and how they grow. The children completed mulitple investigations which included how plants grow well and how temperature impacts water transportation in flowers. The children worked like scientists and then drew graphs to display what they had found. 

5R Jubilee Day

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 7:18am

The children had the most amazing day celebrating the Queen's platinum jubilee. They took part in a range of fantastic activities including craft and circus skills with Alice in Wonderland, watching a magician, going on a scavenger hunt and meeting some exotic animals.

Anglo Saxon art work

Date: 8th Jun 2022 @ 6:55pm

We are really proud of our cardboard Anglo Saxon crosses that we have created. We have used metallic and realistic colours to create a deep and balanced final piece. Have a look at our fabulous designs and sketchbooks.


Date: 8th Jun 2022 @ 4:41pm

RCD- Journeys - Understanding The World

Date: 8th Jun 2022 @ 4:40pm

This half term our topic is Journeys.  We began by discussing where we live, where we go to school and explored these places using Google maps.  We used the zoom function to show the street view. 

Then we talked about holidays and day trips.  We looked and maps and globes to find these locations.  Using our phonological knowledge, we wrote postcards describing our holidays.  


Date: 8th Jun 2022 @ 4:38pm

RJ -

Date: 8th Jun 2022 @ 2:05pm

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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