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2S - Science: Planting Investigation

Date: 27th Apr 2022 @ 10:18pm

We are learning all about plants in Science.


In today's lesson, we planned an investigation about the conditions needed for a seed or bulb to grow successfully:

  • sunlight and water
  • water but no sunlight 
  • sunlight but no water
  • no water and no sunlight

After creating our own enquiry questions, we discussed and wrote down what we would need to do to make it a fair test. We then wrote down our predictions and in groups, we were given either a seed or a bulb to plant, plus a condition for our seed or bulb.

Over the next few weeks, we will see if and how well our seeds/bulbs grow in those conditions.

2S - PE: Net & Wall

Date: 27th Apr 2022 @ 10:10pm

This half term, we will be honing our racket skills.

During our first lesson, we discovered how to hold a (plastic) tennis racket.

We used our balancing skills to gently throw an try to catch and balance the ball on the racket. This was tricky but we definitely improved with practice. 
In pairs, we also had a game of 'splat', using our rackets and moving quickly to stop our opponent's ball from hitting our cone.

RJ - Easter

Date: 27th Apr 2022 @ 6:46pm

Easter ? 

We learnt
all about Easter and what Christians do to celebrate Easter. We had lots of fun celebrating Easter in our class by making our own easter cards, chocolate nests, decorating eggs, rolling the eggs down a hill and going on an easter egg hunt.We learnt that eggs are used as a symbol of new life.

RCD- Supertato - Literacy

Date: 26th Apr 2022 @ 9:42am

This week we have been reading Supertato. 

2S English: Using dictionaries to find the meaning of vocabulary

Date: 25th Apr 2022 @ 9:36pm

Over the Easter break, Tallulah the toucan flew from Grandad's Island and delivered a letter to us from Grandad.  Grandad is really enjoying living on the tropical island and had planned to write a series of non-chronological reports about the island's tropical birds and animals.  However, after writing his first report about toucans, he lost his glasses so is unable to write any more which is why he has asked for our help.  He needs us to write the non- chronological reports for him which is what we will do over the next few weeks.

Grandad sent us a copy of his toucan report so we know how to set our reports out.  When we read through his report, there was a few unfamiliar words and phrases so we worked with a partner to find these words in the dictionary and write down a definition.

2S - Maths: describing 3D shapes

Date: 25th Apr 2022 @ 9:26pm

Today we began learning about 3D shapes.

We learnt that 3D shapes have depth and you can pick them up, unlike 2D shapes which are flat with no depth at all and therefore cannot be picked up.

We thought about the 3D shapes we see and use in everyday life and identified some of these eg. Cylinder (mug, glass beaker, glue stick), cuboid (bricks, tissue boxes, box of chocolates, TV), cone (party hate, traffic cone) etc.

We then discussed how we could describe the appearance of these 3D shapes by their faces. We used languages such as 'flat' and 'curved' to describe the faces as well as identifying the 2D shapes of the flat faces eg. A cone has 2 faces; 1 curved face and 1 flat circlular face.

RCD- Maths

Date: 25th Apr 2022 @ 6:55pm

This week we have moved on to number 11. 


Date: 25th Apr 2022 @ 6:44pm

In this unit children will develop their ball skills through the topic of 'weather'. Children will develop fundamental ball skills such as throwing and catching, rolling a ball, using targets, dribbling with feet, kicking a ball, bouncing and catching a ball. Children will be able to develop their fine and gross motor skills though a range of game play with balls. Children will work independently and with a partner and will develop decision making and using simple tactics.


Today children practised rolling skills using the weather as stimulant to encourage them to roll the ball at fast and slow paces. We also used "kites" in stormy weather and calm. 

5C - Mad Hair Day

Date: 8th Apr 2022 @ 12:28pm

Take a look at some of our brilliantly wacky hairstyles in 5C!

4M Mad Hair Day

Date: 8th Apr 2022 @ 10:03am

4M have gone above and beyond for Mad Hair Day... have a look at our fabulous designs. 


3D - Mad Hair Day 2022

Date: 8th Apr 2022 @ 9:48am

3D Mad Hair Day 2022

1B- PSHCE - No Outsiders

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 2:54pm

Topic- Who is special to us?

Lesson-  How can we play with each other?

The book we focused on this lesson was 'Want to play with Trucks?' by Ann Stott

The children first looked at the front cover to make predictions on what they thought the book was about.

They dicussed these questions:

What do you see?  What is happening?  What do you think the two children are saying?  What might happen next?  They are holding very different things;  can they play together?  How?

The children then read the story ‘Want to Play Trucks?’

We then dicussed these questions as a class:

The two children like different toys’ how are their favourite toys different?

Why does Jack say to Alex, ‘want to play trucks?’

When Alex puts his doll into Jack’s truck, why doesn’t Jack say no?

Jack and Alex argue about the crane driver wearing a tut, what is the reason Jack gives?  What is Alex’s solution?

What do both Jack and Alex agree on?


We talked about how Jack and Alex remind us of our class because they are different in some ways but they are still friends, and that is just like us!  Also, we are really good at solving challenges.  The chlidren got put into pairs and each got given a different toy. The challenge was for them to find a game that uses both toys so that no one is left out. 

1B - RE - Comparing Easter and Eid

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 2:44pm

Topic - Who is a Muslim, and what do they blieve? 

The chlidren have learn so much about Islam and what Muslims believe in. They have loved learning about other religions. 

They have learnt that Mulsims believe on one God, Allah and that prophet Muhammad is the most important leader to them. Many Muslims read the Qur'an, which is their Holy book, and that they pray 5 times a day! The children have also learnt about why Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr and why it is important to them. 

For this week's RE lesson, the children learnt all about Easter and how this important Christian festival is similar and different to Eid al-Fitr. They had to work in groups to put the statements in the right place in a Venn Diagram comparing both festivals. 

1B - Computing - Grouping Objects

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 2:37pm

Topic - Goruping data 

In this lesson, pupils began to think about grouping objects based on what the objects are. They demonstrated the ability to count a small number of objects before grouping them, and began to show that they can count groups of objects with the same label. Pupils also learnt that computers are not intelligent and require input from humans to perform tasks.  

1B- Odd Sock Day

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 2:23pm

World Down Syndrome Day was celebrated on 21st March and the children came into school to 'Rock their socks! ' by wearing odd socks to raise funds to support people with a learning disability.

4M Music - Haiku compositions

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 12:45pm

4M have been exploring blossom and spring haiku poems. They have then created their own melodies using the glockenspiels using notes that match the lines from their poems. The children then performed their final compositions.

4M PSHE - Challenges

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 12:36pm

During PSHE this term, we have been focusing on challenges and how to show resilience and perseverance when we come across a barrier preventing us from reaching our goal. We did a circuit of activities which challenged the children e.g. tying shoe laces, writing with their non dominant hand and building a tower out of cards.

4M DT - Torches

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 12:23pm

During our DT topic, we created torches for a specific purpose. Children explored how to create circuits with a switch and applied this to their torch design. Some children created headtorches, hand torches and safety torches. The children worked really hard to meet their design criteria. 

4M Science - Soundproofing Investigation

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 12:19pm

Year 4 have been exploring sound within science. We planned an investigation to explore which materials are best at soundproofing. The children used a decibel metre app to record the volume with each material covering the speaker. 

4M STEM Robotics Workshop

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 12:06pm

We had the opportunity to have a STEM Robotics Workshop working with Lego. In the STEM workshop, children have been working on their engineering skills. To begin with, children took part in some activities to familiarise themselves with Lego and programming software. Their next task was to build and program a roaring lion. Children learned about gears, timers, motor power, and simple algorithms to control their models and used practical problem-solving skills to create their models. Their learning was then extended to using motion sensors within their algorithm. They then programmed the Lion with movement, sound, and backgrounds.

5C - British Values

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 10:01am

After our assembly with Mrs Dixon about our British values, 5C created a vibrant piece of work in our PD books to show how we share these values at TPS!

RCD Maths

Date: 6th Apr 2022 @ 11:27am

RCD-Physical Education

Date: 6th Apr 2022 @ 10:18am

This week our dance theme was "in the jungle".

RJ - Visit from Mabel

Date: 4th Apr 2022 @ 2:34pm

Visit from Mabel

Mabel came to class RJ for a visit. We gave her lots of cuddles and treats. We love when Mabel's comes to visit! 

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