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RCD- Transient Art

Date: 4th Apr 2022 @ 2:09pm

Our transient Art is all about different sized circles. 


Date: 4th Apr 2022 @ 2:05pm

This week we have been learning about Easter. We have done lots of different activities to do with Easter.

1C English - Sequencing and re-writing a story

Date: 3rd Apr 2022 @ 4:07pm

Lesson onbjectice: Sequence and re-write the story of Where The Wild Things Are.

We listened to the story again and the used our knowledge to sequence a set of pictures from the book. Once we had placed the pictures into the correct order, we then had a go and re-writing the story. We tried to remeber to include some noun phrases, conjunctions and newly learned vocabulary.

2MB- Keeping Safe

Date: 2nd Apr 2022 @ 8:15pm

This week Year 2 have been looking at how to stay safe in different situations. We looked at a range of  pictures and decided in our groups if the children were safe or unsafe. We decided we can sometimes be safe even if we feel nervous, and sometimes we are unsafe even if we feel confident. We then created some safety rules to help others when they are taking part in different activities.

RCD- Aliens love underpants

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 10:33am

This week we read the story "Aliens love underpants". We made playdoh aliens and designed underpants for them to come and steal!

RCD- Topic

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 10:29am


We have been learning about transport in the past. As a class we found similaries and differences to the transport in the past and present. In our deconstructed role play we acted out being on a tram, bus, plane and train. We also made our own vehicles using wheels and split pins. 


RCD Maths

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 10:27am

This week we have been focusing on subtraction. 

2S - RE: Who is God to me?

Date: 30th Mar 2022 @ 8:43pm

In RE, we discussed how Christians and other religions view God. We learnt that some religions, like Christianity, worship one God and other religions, like Hinduism, worship many Gods. 
we looked imagined what God looked like and many of us agreed that he would be an old man in white robes with a long white beard.  We looked at artist impressions of God and many of these matched our own ideas of what God looks like. 
We found out that Muslims worship the same God as Christians but they call him 'Allah'. Muslims do not have pictures of Allah because they believe he is too special to be depicted in a drawing.

We drew and wrote about how we see God in our own lives.

2S - Music

Date: 30th Mar 2022 @ 8:32pm

In Music this week, we created our own melodies on the glockenspiels. Once we had decided on our melody, we wrote it down using letter name notation. Next week, we get to perform our melodies to the class :)


RJ - Forest school

Date: 30th Mar 2022 @ 8:26pm

Forest school 

We have been having fun in forest school. We have been making bug hotels and have been doing lots of counting. 

RJ - Farm visit

Date: 30th Mar 2022 @ 8:16pm

The farm came to visit our school!  There was a variety of small and large animals. We learnt lots of new facts about the animals and were able to stroke and brush them. After the visit we wrote about the animals we saw using our phonological knowledge.

RJ - School trip to the museum

Date: 30th Mar 2022 @ 8:09pm

We had a great time visiting Wirral Transport Museum.  We saw lots of vehicles from the past and the volunteers told us lots of information about them. We even got to go onboard a number of the buses and the trams. We loved the minature railway and had fun looking at photographs of transport in the past. 

We had two rides on the tram so we could experience riding both on the top deck and the lower deck.  The conductor even let us punch the hole in our tickets.  

RD - Woodland Maths

Date: 29th Mar 2022 @ 8:50pm

6P-Describing Translations

Date: 29th Mar 2022 @ 2:02pm

We have been working on our new Maths topic of 'Position and Movement.' Today, children described how shapes have been translated on a grid and gave the new co-ordinates. 

RCD- Our school trip!

Date: 29th Mar 2022 @ 9:35am

1C No outsiders

Date: 28th Mar 2022 @ 8:22pm


The vision for No Outsiders is inclusive education promoting community cohesion to prepare young people for life as global citizens. Children are taught there are no outsiders in our schools because everyone is welcome.

Today we read the book Want to Play Trucks? by Ann Scott and Bob Graham. The story is about two boys; Jack, a boy who likes to play with trucks and Alex who prefers to play with dolls. The pair meet in the sandpit at the park every morning and the book explores how they put their differences aside to play nicely together.

Image result for want to play trucks by ann stott and bob graham

Some of the questions we explored were; Thw two boys have different toys, how are the toys different? Why does Jack say "want to play trucks?" When Alex puts his doll into Jack's truck, why doesn't Jack so "no?" Jack and Alex argue about the crane driver wearing a tutu, what is the reason Jack gives? What is Alex's solution? What do they both agree on?

We were then given a toy/object from a box and had to work with a partner to create a new game using the two objects/toys. Some of the combinations were; a piece of string and a tennis ball, a doll and a car, a dinosaur and a doll, a train and a sheep, a teddy bunny and a train, a car and a ball. With our partners, we used our imagination to role-play some fabulous games, we realised that the actual objects could be used in so many different ways. We had so much fun! once we had played with a variety of objects and different partners, we had a discussion about the following questions; What have we learned from Alex and Jack? Why doesn't Jack tell Alex to go and play somewhere else? Do you think Jack and Alex would allow others to join in their game? What makes you think this? 

What do we say about different children playing different games at our school? -

"It doesn't matter what people like, they can still play with us",

"We can use our imagination to make a game so noone is left out",

No outsiders means not leaving anyone out no matter what".

Nursery - Stay and Play Spring 2

Date: 28th Mar 2022 @ 7:55pm

Thank you to all of the wonderful adults who came to join our stay and play. We love opening our doors and welcoming you in. We hope to see you all again next half term. 












5R Music 28.3.22

Date: 28th Mar 2022 @ 3:10pm

Today in Music, Mrs Minmagh taught us how to play the Theme tune to the Harry Potter films on the glockenspiels. 

RD-Allday's Farm (understanding the World/Science)

Date: 26th Mar 2022 @ 10:19pm

This week the farm came to visit our school!  There was a variety of small and large animals. We learnt lots of new facts about the animals and were able to stroke and brush them. After the visit we wrote about the animals we saw using our phonological knowledge.

RD-Exploring 10 (Maths)

Date: 26th Mar 2022 @ 10:16pm

This week we were delighted to see so many of our parents at our Maths Stay and Play.  After listening to a short presentation, our parents watched a Maths lesson and joined in with our Maths Linked provision.  

We are currently exploring number 10.  In this activity we found different ways of making  ten by splitting 10 counters (seeds)  between two pots.  

1C English - Where The Wild Things Are week 2

Date: 26th Mar 2022 @ 12:26pm

This week we have been exploring the text. We have listened to the story, role-played it, used new vocabulary from the text and written sentences which included noun phrases. We have also written our own poems using just verbs and nouns;

Shimmering moon,

Dancing monsters,

Gnashing teeth, 

Swaying trees,

Twinkling stars,

 We then sequenced the pictures from the story and next week we are going to re-writing the sotory ourselves!




1C PE Dance - Pirate Dance

Date: 26th Mar 2022 @ 12:22pm

THEME: Pirates

  Learning Objective  To copy, remember and repeat actions that represent the theme.

First we needed to learn and practise some actions . We had to imagine that we had a telescope in our hands. On the spot, we looked in different directions with our telescopes in two different directions, each time changing the direction we looked after 4 counts. Total 8 counts. We had to use big movements, moving from high to low and side to side.

We then marched in any direction we wanted for counts 1-4. Counts 5 and 6, we had to stamp one foot, make a fist with one hand and swung it across our body. Counts 7 and 8, we stamped with the opposite foot, made a fist with the opposite hand and swung it across our body. Total 8 counts.

Next we had to turn to the right, imagine we were pulling the sails, pulling one hand down then the next for counts 1, 2 and 3. On count 4, we jumped and turned to face the opposite direction and  Repeated counts 5,6,7 with the pulling action, and jump count 8. We repeated this twice, totalling 16 counts. Bending our knees as we pulled the sail down, on the spot moving from high to low. Jumping and turning in the air to face the opposite direction.

After that, we had to take one big step to the side, leaning allof our body weight to one side, and twisting our arms to the side, as if steering a ship, for 4 counts. Repeating this by leaning to the other side for 4 counts. Repeated twice, totalling 16 counts Transfering our weight to the side that we were leaning to.

Then we used a stepping movement to one side for 4 counts, imagining we were sweeping the floor, then a stepping movement to sweep to the other side. Repeating the stepping movement travelling forwards for 4 counts, then backwards for 4 counts. We used our arms to show a sweeping action.

Finally, we had to think about how we would travel if we were walking a plank. We did 16 counts of walking the plank in a straight line, wobbling from side to side, one foot in front of the other, using expression to show being nervous or scared with a big jump at the end!

Once all of these moves were practised a few times, we had to remember and put them together to create a dance. This was so much fun!! Even Mrs Loftus' son joined in with us!

5C - DT - Framed Structures

Date: 25th Mar 2022 @ 4:00pm

5C have been studying framed structures and what mechanisms are required for them to be successful. We began by studying existing frameworks and learning what specific frame they required. The children looked at examples such as The Eiffel Tower, The Bird's Nest Stadium and Tower Bridge. We then began to experiment with paper straws to find out which shapes were the more secure. Finally, we planned and created our own model using wooden beams. 

Nursery - Farm Visit

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 1:11pm

Down on the Farm - Understanding the World/Science/History 

The children enjoyed meeting the animals from the Farm as part our Spring topic. They especially enjoyed meeting Tinkerbell the kid goat and the Chinchilla. 
























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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

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