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Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 2:28pm

This week we have been looking at number formation and doubling. 

2S - Music: Melody

Date: 22nd Mar 2022 @ 9:40pm

In music this week, we used tuned instruments (glockenspiels) to follow a melody. We used a notation for the song ' Once a man fell in a well' and played along to it. 

Year 2 Neil Armstrong & Amelia Earhart

Date: 22nd Mar 2022 @ 8:27pm

Today in History, Year 2 interacted with Neil Armstrong & Amelia Earhart via Zoom calls. We found out lots of information about the landing on the moon, in 1969 and about Amelia Earhart's flying adventures. We even got chance to ask them questions!

RCD- Farm Animals- Understanding The World

Date: 20th Mar 2022 @ 6:08pm

his week the farm came to visit our school!  There was a variety of small and large animals. We learnt lots of new facts about the animals and were able to stroke and brush them. After the visit we wrote about the animals!

5C - Philharmonic School Trip

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 4:21pm

We had a fantastic morning at the Philharmonic Hall in Liverpool. We listened to a journey across the world with different music from Africa, Europe, North and South America. It was fantastic to watch a real orchestra and see the different sections we have been learning about in Music with Mrs Mimnagh.

6P-Visit to Philharmonic

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 2:12pm

Today we took Years 5 and 6 to see the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra's "Musical Tracks" School's Concert! These concerts have been running for 80 years and have been attended by 18000 children every year! The fun-filled concert was presented in partnership with National Museums Liverpool and explored the topic of migration. The children also got to sing a specially commissioned song called, 'Songs of Home in Hope Street,' accompanied by the Orchestra. Years 5 and 6 had a great day out! 

1B - English - Making Predictions

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 11:42am

Lesson 1 - Making predictions about a text

Immersion into a text - there were some props from a story that had arrived into our classroom! There was a boat, an invitation to a wild rumpus, a crown and a wolf suit. We found out that the items were all taken from a story that we are going to be sharing at a later stage. We examined the items and discussed who they may belong to, what they may be used for, what clues they may give about our new story and who might use the items. We worked in pairs to discuss and record our ideas. What is a wild rumpus? We found out that this is a party, possibly in a wild place such as a zoo, a forest, a jungle, out at sea or a desert!

1B - Claire House Cake Sale

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 11:38am

Today, Year 1 and the rest of Townfield pupils helped to raise lots of money for Clare House. So many of us brought in cakes and donations and made the event a wonderful success! Thank you so much for your generosity towards such an amazing cause.

1B- Story time with Mabel

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 11:32am

The children LOVE story time with Mabel. This week's story was the tradtional story 'Pinocchio' but with a modern twist!

1B- PSHE - Different Families

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 11:27am

Topic- Relationships

Lesson 3- Different families


Children discussed their families - people who live in their house.  

Children looked at other families and talked about ow are they different and how they are the same. 

They were then given a photo of themselves to put into a Venn diagram.  Both sides were labelled with what families may like to do. The children had to put their photographs in the correct part of the Venn diagram. If they don’t enjoy any, they put their photos on the outside.  

Throughout, it was highlighted that there are things that are different and the same in some families. 

1B - Dance - Tree and Leaves theme

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 11:13am

THEME: Trees and Leaves

Learning objective: To remember and repeat actions and respond imaginatively to a stimulus.

Success Criteria
Use a change of direction and speed to make your dance look interesting.
Use clear actions to help to tell the story.

Creating the dance:

  1. A seed curled up on the floor, growing to a tree -8 counts.
  3. Swaying in the wind - 8 counts.
  5. Leaf falling from the tree, including two changes of direction - 8 counts.
  7. A big gust of wind and travelling around the space as chosen by the pupils for 8 counts.

1B - RE - Islam - The Prophet Muhammad

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 10:55am

Topic - What do Muslims believe in?

Lesson 2 : Who was prophet Muhammad and why is he important to Muslims?


Children learnt that muhammad was the founder and  the last prophet of Islam and that he was seen as an important leader to Muslims.

Children gave examples of what makes a good leader and who is a good leader to them.


The children talked about what  a leader is and what they do. They discussed a leader sets an inspiring or good example. 

The children then learnt about Muhammad the prophet:

Muhammad is believed by Muslims to be the last prophet sent by God (Allah). 

They believe he is such a special leader that he has over 1.5 billion followers who respect him, all over the world. People have followed his teaching for over 1400 years.

More than 1400 years ago he taught all Muslim people how to follow God. He is so special that when Muslims talk about him, when they say his name they say ‘Peace be upon him’. And when they write his name they put the letters ‘PBUH’ after his name. 

The children listened to some stories that helped show how Muslims think of God (Allah) and how following God shows them ways to behave such as, ‘Muhammad and the cat’ and ‘The Crying Camel’. (Muslims believe it is wrong to show pictures of Muhammad and to show his face, and that any images you see of him are not actually of Muhammad).

The Crying Camel - 

They thought about the difference this story could make to how a Muslim person lives their life.

Children then wrote on post-it notes words that describe Prophet Muhammad as a person/leader. 

Many Muslims believe Muhammad PBUH was a very important leader. The children discussed as a class who is a good leader to them and why. 

For their task, the children wrote about who is a good leader to them and why.


1C English - Where The Wild Things Are

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 9:01pm

Lesson 1 - Making predictions about a text

Immersion into a text - there were some props from a story that had arrived into our classroom! There was a boat, an invitation to a wild rumpus, a crown and a wolf suit. We found out that the items were all taken from a story that we are going to be sharing at a later stage. We examined the items and discussed who they may belong to, what they may be used for, what clues they may give about our new story and who might use the items. We worked in pairs to discuss and record our ideas. What is a wild rumpus? We found out that this is a party, possibly in a wild place such as a zoo, a forest, a jungle, out at sea or a desert!

We then examined the details within the invitation. We discussed who it was addressed to (us, Year 1), what it was inviting us to ( a wild rumpus), where the rumpus was being held (where the Wild Things are), and when it was taking place (tomorrow). We learned what RSVP (respondez s'l vous plait - Please reply) means and thought of some ideas that we could write when replying to this invitation. In our reply, we included Dear Wild Things, we thanked them for the invite and accepted and then included some questions such as; Can I bring a friend? What type of food will there be? What type of cake will there be? Who else will be there? What time does it start? 

We then thought of some ideas of what we would wear to the rumpus and included these in our reply (this was a great way to include some noun phreases such as; Long, stripey trousers and a frilly blouse, Bright red, sparkly dress with a white cardigan and a Spiderman suite with shiny, black boots).

2S - History

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 8:13pm

Today, we discussed the significant events in Amelia Earhart's life and how and when she died.  We were shocked to discover that neither her plane nor her body has ever been found and talked about what we think may have happened to her on her round the world final flight.

We then sequenced the main 12 events of her life and decided which events in her life were most significant and why.

RJ - Exploring toys in the past and present

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 5:58pm


This week we have been exploring toys from the past and present. We had a special visitor come in to speak about toys in the past and games they used to play. The children were able to ask questions about these and got a hands on experience with some old and new toys. From exploring the toys from the past and present we noticed that there are a lot of differences but also some similarities. 

RJ - Parents maths stay and play

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 5:14pm

Maths stay and play 

We had lots of fun showing our parents what we do in our maths lessons. 

Year 2 - Claire House Cake Sale

Date: 16th Mar 2022 @ 7:24pm

Today, Year 2 and the rest of Townfield pupils helped to raise lots of money for Clare House. So many of us brought in cakes and donations and made the event a wonderful success! Thank you so much for your generosity towards such an amazing cause.

2MB -History Amelia Earhart

Date: 16th Mar 2022 @ 6:36pm

This week in History we have been learning all about Amelia Earhart and her early experiences of flying. We discussed the pros and cons of travelling across the Atlantic Ocean, in 1928, like Amelia. The children then argued, in the role of Amelia, reasons for or against making the dangerous flight. After our debate, the children then had chance to change their minds before writing their reasons in their History books.

5C - Cake Sale

Date: 16th Mar 2022 @ 5:14pm

Imagination Makers Club

Date: 16th Mar 2022 @ 2:15pm

The children listened to the story "The Dot" which is a wonderful story about art and creativity.

Following the story, the children got very imaginative with their brilliant drawings


Cookery Club

Date: 16th Mar 2022 @ 1:06pm

Our creative cooks busy preparing some delicious dishes to share at home.  

RCD- Cake sale

Date: 16th Mar 2022 @ 12:05pm

2S - History

Date: 15th Mar 2022 @ 9:08pm

Today, we began our new History topic 'Neil Armstrong and Amelia Earhart'.

We already know lots about Neil Armstrong as we learned about him in Year 1.

To begin our topic, we started looking at the life of Amelia Earhart and how her childhood adventures carved the way for her future.  She was always a very adventurous, daring child and at the age of 7 built her own mini rollercoaster which she ultimately crashed and told her sister that it felt like she was flying. She also saw the Wright brothers with her father in 1908 and in 1920, at the age of 23, had her first short flight in a plane.

We talked about the career path she chose and the fact she couldn't settle down in a job moving from nursing to mechanic to medical research before becoming an aviator.

We discovered that she was a trailblazer as she became the first woman to fly at 14,000 feet before being the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.

We then had a debate about whether or not we would have taken the flight across the Atlantic. Based on our answers, we split into two groups and discussed reasons then nominated spokespersons to put forward our arguments. This resulted in some people changing their minds.

We then wrote down our reasons in our History books (see two examples in photos).

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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