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Year 5 - Weekly Overviews (Autumn 1)

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 12:35pm

We are always extremely busy in Year 5! As well as providing pictures from specific lessons/activites - this is where you will find all of our weekly overview collages from what we've been up to.


4M History - Tudors

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 12:31pm

During History this term, we have been exploring the 'Troublesome Tudors'. We focused on Henry V111 and his 6 wives - Can you believe he beheaded his wives just because they couldn't give him a son? 

We also studied the Battle of Bosworth and the causes of this battle - the children loved learning all about the gruesome consequences. 

History Tudors .png

2 MB Reading

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 12:13pm

In Year 2, we are thoroughly enjoying our Reading this term - we have completely immersed ourselves into nature... During Woodland story time, we are loving reading 'Hedgehog by Dick King Smith', around our firepit. We are keeping with the theme of nature during our class story time too; we are listening to the adventures of 'Mr Fox by Roald Dahl'. We were all so shocked when Mr Fox had his tail shot off by the farmer!

Hedgehog.jpg  Woodland Reading 2.jpg  Woodland Reading.jpg

Fantastic Mr Fox.jpg  2MB Story time.jpg

We haven't just been reading for pleasure; we know how important it is to develop our own reading skills such as skimming texts to retrieve information and being able to identify features within a text. We have worked hard to answer comprehension questions about 'A River' and also copied the author's style to write our own adventure stories.

A River.jpg  Reading A River 1.JPG  Reading A River 2.JPG  Reading A River 3.jpg  Reading A River 4.jpg

In 'Steps to Read', we have been reading and discussing the features of non-fiction texts, in particular, 'The Sea Book by Charlotte Milner'. We have identified: table of contents, headings, sub-headings, different style fonts, pictures with captions, diagrams with labels and we've even learnt all about glossaries. Did you know that octopuses squirt ink at their predators to confuse them?

Sea Book Front Cover(1).jpg  Reading Sea Creatures.JPG  Reading Sea Book 2.JPG  Reading Sea Book 3.JPG 


4M English- The Whale

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 12:13pm

What a fabulous half term we have had completing our English learning. We have been studying the book "The Whale", we have produced two excellent writing outcomes: A setting description and Newspaper report. Have a look at some amazing examples below. 

Writing stories as good as these is a long process. We have to plan, write and then edit and redraft - 4M have worked extremely hard on their writing this term and I am very proud of them! 

English pictures.png

History- The Romans

Date: 20th Oct 2021 @ 3:57pm

In History we have been learning about the Romans. We have learned all about Julius Ceasar, Boudicca, the invasion of Britain and the legacy the Romans left for us. 

English - Matching Captions with Emotions

Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 5:13pm


The children are working together to read captions from the Model Text 'Major Glad, Major Dizzy', then matching the emotions with them.




P.E. Team Building

Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 5:08pm


Children had to work in groups of 4 and start behind a line in a hoop. The back children took the back hoop, then passed thier hoop along the line to the front of their group. All the children then had to shuffle up a hoop. The chlidren had to communicate and work together, helping eachother to move the hoops. 




Black History Month

Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 4:52pm

During Black History Month we have been studying famous black people in history. We have learned all about Septimius Severus, he was a Roman Emperor from 190CE until 211CE. 

Black History Month

Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 4:46pm

As part of Black History Month, in music we have been learning about Ray Charles and Aretha Franklin. We have compard their songs and learned to sing some of their famous hits! Darley even had a go at singing solo!

Circle Time

Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 4:39pm

In our PSHE work we have been having cirle time. This is an opportunity for us to discuss our topic and also to discuss anything that is worrying us. 


Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 4:33pm

In music we have been making our own tunes and writing them down using musical notation. 


Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 4:25pm

We have been learning about digital devices. Today we drew a picture on paper and then drew the same picture using a digital device. We decided there were good points and bad points to both digital and non digital drawing! 


Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 4:22pm

In French we have been learning lots of new words but we have particularly enjoyed learning the song "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes"

Reading For Pleasure

Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 4:18pm

We Love Reading!

In 3C we love to read! We have organised our book corner so we can look after our books and know where to find fiction and non fiction books. book corner.JPG

We have made book marks to help us keep our place in our books. 



We have 2 librarians who keep our book corner tidy and organised! 



Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 3:57pm

This half term we have been reading books about forces, magnets and rocks. We have focused on non fiction books and using the books to find answers to questions. 



5C - Reading

Date: 18th Oct 2021 @ 8:44pm

Have a look at what we've been getting up to our in Steps To Read lessons.

6P- French

Date: 18th Oct 2021 @ 8:19pm

We have been learning lots in French this term including how to say how many pets we have and what we look like! We love playing the competitons and have begun to write some French sentences!  Have a look at the pictures below. 




6P- Music

Date: 18th Oct 2021 @ 8:15pm

Class 6P have really loved their music lessons this term.

They have enjoyed learning all about rhythm and loops and creating their own using the website 'Incredibox!' 

They also really enjoyed using the Glockenspiels to recreate some Jazz music! 





1C History Explorers

Date: 17th Oct 2021 @ 8:36pm

In our history unit this term, we have been learning all about two very famous explorers.

Christopher Columbus. First, to generate a discussion around who our first mystery person could be, we looked at some artefacts to give us some clues. We discovered that this mystery person must have been a traveller. We thought this because there was a compass, a globe, a map and a telescope. Our next task was to think of some questions that we would like to ask this person. We used open-ended questions so that we could find out more about them. Next, we were introduced to a portrait of Christopher Columbus and watched a short video about one of his most famous voyages. We learnt a lot of facts about him and created a simple fact-file. Here are some below;

IMG_0201.JPG  IMG_0199.JPG   IMG_0200.JPG


Once we had learned all about Christopher Columbus' voyage, we made comparisons about his journey a present-day sea journey.

We discovered that we would much prefer a modern-day sea journey!!!

IMG_0188.JPG  IMG_0189.JPG  IMG_0197.JPG  IMG_0198.JPG

Our next famous explorer was Neil Armstrong. We found out that he was the first man to ever walk on the moon!!!!! We watched footage of his famous mission, looked at what the surface of the moon is like (it is NOT made from cheese!). We created a list of all of the things that Armstrong would have needed to take to the moon with him.


Our final task was to compare the two explorers and their missions. We compared the places that they went, how they travelled, what they accomplished and how people remember them now! We discovered that although Christopher Columbus was popular at first because he  found the Americas, once people found out that he had stolen all of the people's riches and made the locals do ALL of the horrid jobs on board his ship, people changed their opinion of him. Neil Armstrong was very popular and people really liked him, his mission changed the world for ever!!!

IMG_0259.JPG  IMG_0261.JPG  IMG_0262.JPG  IMG_0260.JPG

1C Computing

Date: 17th Oct 2021 @ 7:48pm

Today we have been learning how to use the trackpad (mouse) on a laptop to draw a sketch of ourselves. We have then explored how to add text to a picture. We found this activity quite tricky, but, with some extra practise, we will get better!

IMG_0159.JPG   IMG_0160.JPG   IMG_0162.JPG

IMG_0163.JPG   IMG_0168.JPG  IMG_0169.JPG


Date: 17th Oct 2021 @ 3:04pm

We have been researching the meanings of different words from our book 'The Ironman'


Date: 17th Oct 2021 @ 3:02pm


Anchor Education with Ed

Date: 17th Oct 2021 @ 3:00pm


2MB History

Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 8:03pm

The children really impressed us with how they found out about London in 1666 from paintings and Samuel Pepy's diary. We even figured out he was a musician from a very small piece of paper he was holding! 

3D - What have we been up to this week? (15/10/21)

Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 6:46pm

Hello everyone! This week concluded our History topic, which was about The Romans. It has been fantastic to see just how engaged the children were in learning about The Romans and they have been developing their skills to Think Like a Historian. Take a look at some of our learning this week.


We began our new book in our Steps To Read lessons this week. It is called 'The Wild Robot' and is a book based on the Iron Man. The children loved reading this book and exploring Roz, the robot. 

The Wild Robot.jpg


Romans (6).JPG     Romans 1 (1).JPG     Romans 7.JPG

The heirarchy of the Roman Soldiers.                 Timeline of when the Romans ruled.                   Julius Caesar


Roman 3.JPG  Roman 4.JPG

We explored the three Roman invasions on Britain. 


This week, we explored how computers are connected and the key components of a network. The children role-played how computers are connected and the purpose of each component. 

Computing 2.JPG  Computing 3.JPG  Computing 5.JPG

This shows 3 desktop computers passing             This shows how desktop computers can save files through using a 'server' to store this 
messages between each other using a                  information. 



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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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