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2MB - Science

Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 10:00pm

We have been exploring animal life cycles and how humans grow and change as we get older this week. 


2MB - Black History Month

Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 9:57pm

Year 2 have been presenting their findings about John Archer

2MB - Cricket Skills - Lesson 1

Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 9:56pm

This week the children have enjoyed their first cricket coaching lesson

4R - Woodland Learning

Date: 2nd Nov 2021 @ 11:59am

Exploring technology

Date: 30th Oct 2021 @ 3:08pm

Over the last half term, the children in Year 1 have been exploring technology in our world and what it is.  They have also used the trackpad on the laptops to select items on the screen and the keyboard to type.  In an online app called Paintz, they created pictures and wrote their names underneath.  They even practised using the shift key to use capital letters for their names. 

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PE Teamwork (Physical Development/PE)

Date: 29th Oct 2021 @ 9:39pm

We have been learning how to move around safely in the hall and follow instructions.  We know how to adjust our speed and change direction to avoid bumping into obstacles or people.  This week we worked in pairs, following instructions.  


We played a game called Friendship Trains

Children work in pairs, they stand one behind the other. The child at the back places their hands on the shoulders of the person at the front. The child at the front is the train driver. Children walk around in the teaching space in this way and respond to the following commands:

  • Go: walk around (progress this to jogging once children demonstrate moving safely)
  • Stop: freeze and stand as still as a statue
  • Crossing: stand in a big star shape
  • Change drivers: children swap places with their partnerMake this harder by adding in the following:
  • Train tracks: lie on the ground in a straight shape next to your partnerKeep a safe distance from your partner in front.Look for your own space when travelling around

Counting Games (Maths)

Date: 29th Oct 2021 @ 9:09pm

We have been learning how to count accurately.  To help us practise we have been playing lots of counting games.

Exploring Maps (Understanding the World/Geography)

Date: 29th Oct 2021 @ 7:38pm

We discovered an aerial photograph showing the route Goldilocks took when she discovered the Three Bears cottage.  We talked about the features we could see and then drew our own maps.

Then we used Digimaps to explore maps of our local area.  We had fun zooming and out to change the scale of the map.  We located the school and our playing fields, the local shops and the road that runs past school.  Some children had a go at finding their address on the map so they could see where they live. 


Autumn Art (EAD/Art)

Date: 29th Oct 2021 @ 7:14pm

We had great fun collecting and observing Autumn leaves.  We talked about the different colours before using these to influence our Art work.  We explored colour mixing with pastels and paint.  

Exploring Three (Maths)

Date: 29th Oct 2021 @ 7:03pm

We explored different ways of arranging three counters.  The children were encouraged to describe their arrangement e.g. two on the top and one underneath/three in a straight line/ a diagonal line/a triangle shape/in a pile.  They also had to prove that it did show three.  Great explanations and reasoning Class RD, well done!

Creating New Stories (Literacy)

Date: 29th Oct 2021 @ 6:50pm

Using features from the traditional tale, The Three Little Pigs we created a new class story called the Three Tiny Fish. The children innovated the story buy changing the characters and key features.


In our story the first fish builds his house out of seaweed, the second fish built his house from shells and the third fish built a strong house from rocks.  Each house was visited by the huge, scary shark!  He tried to get in but the fish said, 'Not by the scales on my finny fin fin.'  But he swished and he swashed and he knocked down the first two houses. Fortunately he couldn't knock down the third house, so the fish lived happily ever after.  


The children created their own stories by changing the characters and the materials used for the houses.  They had some brilliant ideas.



The Three Little Pigs (Language & Communication/Literacy)

Date: 29th Oct 2021 @ 5:33pm

The children have had great fun using puppets and masks to retell the story of the Three Little Pigs.  

3D - Black History Month and Reading (22/10/21)

Date: 26th Oct 2021 @ 9:04pm

During the month of October, the UK celebrates Black History Month. The main aims are to celebrate the achievements and contributions of black people not just in the UK, but throughout the world and also to educate all on black history.


Mr Chalmers wrote a beautiful poem for Black History Month. We explored this poem and its messages. We then used our skill of summarising to identify the main points that the poem was portraying. 

BHM poem1.JPG  BHM poem2.JPG  BHM poem3.JPG

In addition, we researched Septimius Severus, who was a black Emperor of Rome. This linked in with our recent topic of the Romans and children used their prior knowledge to help with gaining information about Severus. 


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3D - What have we been learning this week? (22/10/21)

Date: 26th Oct 2021 @ 8:46pm

Wow - just like that we have come to the end of our first half term in Year 3. It has been a great half term, with lots of interesting learning and the children have settled back into school really well. Take a look at some of our learning. 


In maths, we have been finishing our topic on adding and subtracting with renaming. The children have explored and used different methods such as column addition and column subtraction, numberlines, partitoning and using Base-10 equipment.

Adding subtracting 3.JPG Adding subtracting 5.JPG  Adding subtracting 2.JPG

Adding subtracting 4.JPG  Adding subtracting 6.JPG Adding subtracting.JPG


This week, our topic was RE. Our lessons all stemmed around how we can show 'thanks'. The children came up with different ways that they show thanks in their lives. During this time of Harvest, we collected for the foodbank, which is a way that we show thanks. Children explored how Christianity and Judaism celebrate Harvest and how they can show thanks. 




Bonjour! Children have been really enjoying our weekly French sessions. They have been learning how to introduce themselves, where they live, numbers and body parts. Trés bien 3D. 

French 1 (1).JPG       French 1 (2).JPG            

French 1 (3).JPG












Have a lovely half term and we will see you when we are back for some more fantastic learning!










1C Maths - Subtraction

Date: 26th Oct 2021 @ 3:23pm

October 2021 - Maths- Subtraction within 10.

We have been learning lots of different ways to subtract; Counting back, using a number line, writing sutraction stories, using our fingers, drawing pictorial representations, using a number bond diagram (part, part, whole) and writng subtraction sentences. We have also been using manipulatives to help us when we need them. As you can see, we are still in the aerly stages and making a few little errors, but errors are good! They help us learn.


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1C RE - Harvest

Date: 26th Oct 2021 @ 2:44pm

In RE we have been learning all about Harvest. We have learned all about how we can help other's who are in need  by sending a cow, giving foods to food banks and sending clothes.

We paid particular attention to how Harvest is celebrated in Islam by exploring Sukkot.

Sukkot is a week-long festival in the Autumn and is held after the harvest has been gathered. In  preparation for Sukkot, Jewish people build a makeshift outdoor shelter and decorate it with fruit and other decorations. The shelter (Sukkah) has to be covered with branches and leaves and the sky must be visable through the roof so they are reminded of the presence of God in the heavens as a reminder of the impermanence of the construction. Families eat their meals in the Sukkah each day. Those families from warmer climates actually sleep in the Sukkah for the entire festival. 

Particular objects are key symbols in the celebration of the festival:
- A lulav (a collection of branches of palm, willow and myrtle) - the lulav is waved in 6 directions to show that God is everywhere; north, east, south, west, north west, and a cross formation, . Each object holds it own symbolism as follows:

- The palm - symbolises the spine

-The willow- symbolises the lips

-The myrtle - symbolises the eyes

- An etrog - a lemon type fruit which symbolises the heart

These serve as a reminder that Jewish people must worship God with all parts of their body.

Here are the children creating their own mini sukkah using, card, tape, sticks and leaves. The  children had so much fun making them!

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1C Major Glad, Major Dizzy journey

Date: 26th Oct 2021 @ 2:11pm

In Year 1, we have been exploring a book called Major Glad, Major Dizzy. The story is about two old toy soldiers who have been lost under some floorboards for a long time. We have learnt so much based on this story such as; learning what a noun is and describing the noun using adjectives,

We used speech to ask and answer questions. We also learnt about how to use time adverbials to sequence events within a short story

Learning about and using new vocabulary in our wriitng,

We have been learning how to answer comprehension questions by finding the answers within a text and tesxt marking as well as using our inference skills.

And even planning and writing our own version of a lost toy story. For our stories, we created a plan to show the four parts of the story and then we used the plan to help us to write the story.           

Our next sequence of learning will include; learning how to reply to a short letter.



RE- Harvest

Date: 26th Oct 2021 @ 11:11am

In RE we have been learning about Harvest. We thought about all the things we are thankful for. 


Date: 26th Oct 2021 @ 11:09am

We have been learning about how computers are networked. We learned that a network switch makes it easier for computers to communicate with one another. We also learned that if we added a server to the network then we could store files for others to access. We used skipping ropes to role play a computer network. 

Woodland Learning

Date: 25th Oct 2021 @ 3:16pm


The chlidren really look forward to their woodland learning day! Take a look at these photos of some children having a great time learning outdoors.



Date: 25th Oct 2021 @ 3:09pm


The children love it when it is story time at the end of the day and when the teacher reads to them!

The children are excited to read our new class novel 'George's Marvellous Medicine' by Roald Dahl.



Children in Class 1B also really enjoy it when they can choose their own book from their very own class library! They have lots of different ways they can read their book, whether that may be in our cosy reading corner with cushions, on the carpet or on their table with their friends!





P.E. - Fundementals

Date: 25th Oct 2021 @ 2:57pm

The children have been exploring a combination of jumping and skipping in an individual rope.



R.E. - Sukkot, the Jewish Festival

Date: 25th Oct 2021 @ 2:54pm


Sukkot is a week-long festival in the sutumn and is held after the harvest has been gathered. In  preparation for Sukkot, Jewish people build a makeshift outdoor shelter and decorate it with fruit and other decorations. The shelter (Sukkah) has to be covered with branches and leaves and the sky must be visable through the roof so they are reminded of the presence of God in the heavens as a reminder of the impermanence of the construction. Families eat their meals in the Sukkah each day. Those families from warmer climates actually sleep in the Sukkah for the entire festival. 

Particular objects are key symbols in the celebration of the festival:
- A lulav (a collection of branches of palm, willow and myrtle) - the lulav is waved in 6 directions to show that God is everywhere; north, east, south, west, up and down. Each object holds it own symbolism as follows:

- The palm - symbolises the spine

-The willow- symbolises the lips

-The myrtle - symbolises the eyes

- An etrog - a lemon type fruit which symbolises the heart

These serve as a reminder that Jewish people must worship God with all parts of their body.

Here the children creating their own mini sukkah using, card, tape, sticks and leaves. The  children had so much fun making them!


4M Woodland Learning

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 1:17pm

During our first half term, we have been having lots of fun exploring the outdoor environment. Have a look at all of the activities we have been doing.

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4M Woodland Learning - Reading

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 12:37pm

At the end of each woodland learning session, we take some time to read our book 'Running Wild' by Michael Morpurgo. Reading outside of the classroom provides us with a different environment to explore our book and gives us time to wind down after an exciting Woodland lesson. 

Woodland Reading.png

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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