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Date: 27th Jun 2022 @ 3:05pm

Class 6P have began gouging their Lino in preparation for printing next week. Some of them said they found it to be like a work out! 


Date: 27th Jun 2022 @ 11:36am

RCD-Kenya - Understanding The World

Date: 27th Jun 2022 @ 10:36am

4R Music

Date: 27th Jun 2022 @ 9:37am

Today in music, the children have been using their knowledge of notes to create a Samba piece that reflected life in Brazil. They used a plethora of instruments and had a great time performing their final piece. 


2S - Music

Date: 25th Jun 2022 @ 9:54pm

This term our music topic is myths and legends and in this lesson, we watched a short video of 'Merlin the Magician: The Legend of King Arthur'. We then discussed what the story would sound like if it were a piece of music, particularly the part where Arthur is pulling the sword from the stone.

We listened to the song 'Good King Arthur' and discussed the structure of the song then looked at playing simple 4 beat rhythms based on a phrase relating to the story.

Sorry, only one video would upload.


Date: 25th Jun 2022 @ 9:42pm

This term, in PSHE, we are learning about being healthy and the ways we can do this.  In this lesson, we talked about sugar and the effects of having too much sugar every day.  We found out that 7 year olds like us should not have more than 24g of sugar in a day and we were shocked to find out that a single can go Coca Cola has 34g of sugar in! We worked in pairs to plan the contents of a healthy lunchbox using our maths skills and a list of foods including their sugar content.

4R Computing

Date: 24th Jun 2022 @ 11:19am

In our computing lesson today we learnt how to animate our names on scratch. We could select which action needed to  be repeated. The children were able to design and create an animation of their name. Below are some examples. 


Date: 24th Jun 2022 @ 10:51am

What responsibilities do we have to help protect the world? 

The children discussed how images made them feel and used emotive language to describe their feelings. 

They also created a 'diamond 9' diagram to sort out who has the most and least reponsibility to tackle ocean, plastic pollution. There were some fantastic debates! 

4M Maths - symmetry

Date: 24th Jun 2022 @ 9:40am

Today we have been working on lines of symmetry. We were exploring how many lines of symmetry squares and rectangles have by folding our shapes. 

4R Vikings

Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 7:36pm

What a wonderful topic! The children have really enjoyed learning all about the Vikings! They have learnt so many new things. For this lesson, we were summarising the last five lessons by creating a concept map. Well done 4R!

4R Invention Narrative Write

Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 11:47am

We have been writing our Invention Narrative stories based on the "Manfish"  and the children have demonstrated fantastic imaginations and have been able to include lots of creative writing skills they have been taught. 

Some examples of the first draft are below.

Well done 4R!

RCD- Liverpool- Understanding The World

Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 10:43am

PE Athletics

Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 9:19am

This half term in PE the children have been taking part in Athletic lessons.  They have been practising their running techniques and how to sprint faster.

1C Florence Nightingale

Date: 22nd Jun 2022 @ 9:19pm

This term in history, we have been studying the work of Florence Nightingale.

We have researched; who she is, where she was from, what she did and how she changed nursing for the better.

From studying her life, we have learned what qualities a good nurse needs such as being; kind, caring, patient, skilled, a good listener, respectful, hard working, resilient and being hygienic.

We have also been able to make comparisons surrounding what both hospitals and nursing during the 1800s and now.

Today, we had a visitor. A real life, modern day nuse who works in Arrowe Park Hospital came into our class to answer the questions that we had raised about what it is like to be a modern day nure. Here are some of the questions we asked; Why did you want to be a nurse? What is it like being a nurse? How did you keep the people safe during the pandemic (this helped us comapre how nursing and hospitals were during the pandemic and the Crimean war), How did you help the patients stay in contact with their families during the pandemic? What do you have to do to become a nurse? 

Lyndsey was lovely, she answered all of our questions in great detail and we will be able to use her answers to compare Florence Nightingale's experiences with a modern day nurse's in our next lesson.





1C sun awareness

Date: 22nd Jun 2022 @ 8:56pm

We are very prepared for summer. We have a good understanding of how to keep ourselves and eachother safe in the sun.

As you can see we are able to;

Apply our own suncream to prevent us from getting burnt.

Make sure we wear our hats to protect our heads.

Some of us have sunglasses to protect our delicate eyes from the brightness of the sun.

Play in the shade if we get too hot.

We all know how important it is to drink plenty of fluids to keep ourselves hydrated.

And eat a healthy snack to fuel our brains.

IMG_2034.JPG    IMG_2035.JPG   IMG_2036.JPG    IMG_2037.JPG


4M English - Planning

Date: 22nd Jun 2022 @ 10:57am

Planning is such an important process in English. Today we have been gathering ideas which will help us write our own invention narrative using the story of Manfish as a guide.

RCD- A Giant Jam Sandwich - Literacy

Date: 21st Jun 2022 @ 1:32pm

3D Maths - 2D and 3D shapes

Date: 21st Jun 2022 @ 11:26am

This week in maths, we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. We have been exploring their properties and have had a go at drawing and making our own.

1C Team building and athletics in the sunshine

Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 8:40pm

Today we took advantage of the lovely weather and went down to the field. We had our PE lesson and played some team building some games. We played Duck, Duck, Goose, Stuck in the mus and Follow the Leader using balancing, bending, running, changing direction and agility skills.




1C Gunta Stolzl

Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 7:18pm

Gunta Stolzl - Weaving

This term we have been learning all about an artist called Gunta Stolzl, a German textile artist who played a fundamental role in the development of the Bauhaus school's weaving workshop. As the Bauhaus' only female master she created enormous change within the weaving department as it transitioned from individual pictorial works to modern industrial designs.

We started off this unit by studying the her work and creating a fact file. We then had a go at creating our own looms using a sheet of paper and cutting strips of paper to practise weaving in and out, under and over.

As our topic was all about the seaside, we explored what the environment looks like beneath the ocean and sketched our very own under the sea scene in our sketch books using sketching pencils, oil pastels and coloured pencils. We then used this design to choose different colured and textured fabricks to actually weave our under the se scence.

Once this was completed, we observed our sketches and created sea creatures using felt, googley eyes and sequins. For this had to ensure that we studied the shapes of the creatures and choose fabricks that would capture the textures of the creatures too.

We absolutelty loved this unit of work!












Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 2:19pm

Year 6 are tracing their Native American bird design in preparation to start carving their Lino for printing this week ! 

3D Anchor - Direct speech

Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 11:36am

Ed, from Anchor, joined us today to remind us of the rules of direct speech and the children used this to create sentences with direct speech in. 

3D Relay Races

Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 11:34am

Year 3 worked in small groups to create their own warm up. They made sure to include an activity that  increases their heart races and also stretches for their arms and legs. Year 3 practised sprinting and relay races today. They familiarised themselves with effectively passing the baton to their partners. They managed to beat their time.

4R English

Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 11:02am

On Mondays we have Ed from Anchor Education join our English lessons. He teaches us how to use the correct grammar through music and rhyme.

In todays lesson it had a focus on ‘homophones’ and the children learnt a new song; to help them remember which words are to be used where.

4M English - Anchor Education

Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 10:19am

Year 4 are very lucky to have Ed from Anchor Education to come into school and teach us grammar concepts through music and role play. Today we have been focusing on homophones and really enjoyed singing the homophone song. 

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

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