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Blue Group - Read, Write Inc

Date: 18th Feb 2022 @ 7:51pm

This week we have been reviewing set 3 sounds and have read the book 'Jade's Party' about a girl whose father plans a birthday party for her but when she and her brother go shopping for the party supplies, they pick up the wrong shopping bags on the bus.

To finish this unit, we wrote our own party invitations.

RJ - Maths

Date: 18th Feb 2022 @ 1:23pm

RJ - Chinese New Year

Date: 18th Feb 2022 @ 1:15pm

Chinese New Year 

This week we have had lots of fun learning about Chinese New Year. In our role play area we created a Chinese takeaway and using our phonological knowledge we were able to write down orders. We learnt facts about Chinese New Year and read the story about the Chinese dragon. Using our fine motor skills we created dancing dragons, using split pins. We also used worked as a team to build a dragons head to do the dragon dance. 

RJ - Samba beats workshop

Date: 16th Feb 2022 @ 7:22pm

Sumba beats 

We had fun had fun in our Sumba beats music lesson! We worked as a team and listened for the beat. 

Nursery - Stay and Play

Date: 16th Feb 2022 @ 1:32pm

Thank you so much for joining us for our Maths themed stay and play. We hope you enjoyed our informative chat about how early maths is taught at Townfield Nursery. 












Nursery: People who help us - Fire service

Date: 16th Feb 2022 @ 1:13pm

People who help us-  Fire service

Understanding the World/ Geography

Today we had a visit from Merseyside Fire and Recue Service. We had so much fun seeing all their equipment and looking at the very impressive Fire Engine. We have been learning how the Fire Service help us and what special equipment they need to do their jobs. We asked questions such as "How fast can the Fire Engine go?", "How do you use the hose?" and "Where do you keep the water?"

We have really enjoyed all our visits this half term. Well done Nursery for making us so proud!













5C - Safer Internet Day

Date: 16th Feb 2022 @ 11:28am

To celebrate Safer Internet Day 2022, 5C took part in a virtual assembly around the theme of coming together for a better internet. We discussed ways to show respect and not apply pressure to others whilst online. We produced some posters suggesting the best ways to achieve this.

2S - Science: Materials

Date: 15th Feb 2022 @ 7:33pm

Today, our science investigation involved testing 4 different materials for rigidity. We made our predictions based on what we already know about the properties of different materials then we carried out our investigations. To do this, we suspended weights from 4 items (metal can, wooden spoon, plastic ruler and cardboard). Once those items/materials began to bend, we recorded the weight needed to achieve this. 

we actually found that the wooden spoon would not bend at all with the weight. Wood was our most rigid material.  Cardboard was the least rigid.

1B - Science - Wild Plants

Date: 15th Feb 2022 @ 5:20pm

Wild Plants: 

Children learned that a plant is wild if it can grow by itself outside without the need of people to look after it. If a wild plant grows in a garden it may be called a weed. 

Common Wild Plants: 

Children looked as some common wild plants that they may find in England. Examples incude nettle, ivy, bramble, buttercup, daisy and dandelion. They discussed the shape, size and distinguishing features of these plants. 

Wild Plant Hunt: 

In pairs, children hunt for wild plants in a suitable outside area, marking their frequency using a tally on the Wild Plant Hunt Tally Sheet.

Children marked the frequency of the wild plants they saw with a five bar gate tally. They added up their tallies  and wrote the corresponding number in the box at the end. Children dicussed which wild plant they saw the most of and the least of.

1B- English - Writer Hints

Date: 15th Feb 2022 @ 5:11pm

Model Tex

Hermelin the Detective Mouse
Hermelin is a detective mouse that lives in Emily’s attic at number 33
Offley Street. He is an adventurous mouse who loves to solve
mysteries. One Monday morning, the residents of Offley Street were
in a real flap! Some of their precious belongings had gone missing!
Their priceless diamonds, reading glasses and loved pets. They had
all disappeared! Luckily, Hermelin was able to find all the items that
the residents had lost.
He set about writing to each of the people on Offley Street to tell
them where their belongings had gone. They were so thrilled they
decided to have a party and wrote an invitation to him. Now they
could meet Hermelin and thank him.
The next day, Hermelin read the letter and was excited. He felt a bit
nervous. But when the people realised he was a mouse they were
mean. They shouted ‘What a horrid mouse that is!’ Things got
knocked over and Hermelin was nearly injured. They didn’t like mice
because mice were pests! Hermelin ran for his life.
Eventually, he made it all the way back to Emily’s attic. Hermelin
knew it was now time for him to leave Offley Street and sadly went
to sleep. Early the next morning, there was a mouse-sized note that
had been left for him while he slept. The note was from Emily and
she wanted Hermelin to work with her. The were to be detectives
together. Hermelin and Emily became the best detectives in the
land. Where will their next detective adventure take them?


Children had to work in pairs to read the 'Model Text' and identify and give exmaples of the writer hints. This included:

-phrases to help move the story on  

- noun phrases to describe important objects  (adjectives to describe a noun)

- exclamation  marks to make some  sentences stand out 

- end the story with a question 

- words that join ideas together - because, and  (conjunctions)

- use story language

1B - Counting in 10s and 1s

Date: 15th Feb 2022 @ 4:39pm

Topic- Numbers to 40

Lesson Objective: To be able to understand that digits represent tens and ones; to be able to represent numbers using Base 10 materials and numbers.

1B - Measuring Height and Length

Date: 15th Feb 2022 @ 4:36pm

Lesson Objective

To be able to apply knowledge of length and height to solve problems.

Lesson Approach

Mind Workout
Children had to compare the length of the objects shown. The objects were not all placed at the same starting point so the children had to count the number of units that correspond to the length of each object. Then they need to use this information to compare their lengths and complete the given statements.

Maths Journal
Emma has measured the length of two ribbons using different non-standard units, paper clips and ice lolly sticks. Pupils need to decide whether or not Emma's statement is correct and explain why.

1B - Clay Sculptures

Date: 15th Feb 2022 @ 4:24pm

Making Mini Models: Using clay, children had to make mini models of objects from the natural world.


Children had to make a solid base and mould the rough shape of the object first. Then they added texture of the object to their model by using modelling tools.

1B - Art - Henri Matisse

Date: 15th Feb 2022 @ 4:19pm

Children have looked at the French artist Henri Matisse’s and discovered he was a painter, draftsman, sculptor, and printmaker. Matisse was known for his use of bright colours and printing leaves to create printed images. The children had a go at creating their own Matisse inspired art work, by using brightly coloured paper and cutting out a leaf shapes.


1B - Creating Land Art

Date: 15th Feb 2022 @ 4:06pm

Land art  is a part of the landscape that is left to erode naturally. As a class, the children had to identify the materials that land art sculptures could be made from. 


The children went into the forest and made their very own miniture version of land art in small groups, just lke Goldsworthy.


1B - Art - Andy Goldsworthy

Date: 15th Feb 2022 @ 3:54pm

Andy Goldsworthy 

The children learnt about the artist, Andy Goldsworthy, who was famous for land art. They discovered Goldworthy used lots of natural materials such as twigs, leaves, rocks, ice, human hair and logs!

Children wrote facts about Andy Goldsworthy’s work in their sketch books with examples of their artwork.


RCD- Chinese New Year- Understanding the World

Date: 15th Feb 2022 @ 1:36pm

This week we have been learning all about " Chinese New Year". 

We looked at the animals of the Chinese Zodiac decided who would have which year named after them and heard all about the story and how the rat cheated. Also, we made Chinese New Year cards as part of our writing challenge this week. 

We learnt that a dragon is a symbol of China and is an important part of Chinese culture. The dragon symbolises wisdom, power and wealth and brings good luck. In ancient times when there was no rain for a long time people prayed for rain with a dragon dance and dragon dances after planting were also a way to pray against insect attacks nowadays dragon dancers are performing during festivals occasionally act as a means to chase away evil spirits and welcome the good times. 

RCD- Maths

Date: 15th Feb 2022 @ 1:30pm

This week in Math we have focussed on Number 9. As we are doing all about " Chinese New Year" we had some Chinese themed activities.

We were 

-Representing different numbers on a 10’s frame.

-Measuring dragons with unifix.

-Measuring noodles.

- Ordering numbers to 10.

2S - Maths: Mass

Date: 15th Feb 2022 @ 12:45pm

Today we used measuring scales to measure a range of items from the classroom. It was quite challenging as we had to work out what the small lines on the scales meant.  We worked out that each small line was equal to 20g.

2S - Music

Date: 14th Feb 2022 @ 10:09pm

We had our final music lesson of this half term this morning. We performed the three songs we have learned over the last few weeks; 'My Bonny lies over the ocean', 'Lavenders Blue' and 'London Bridge is falling down'.

Rj- Music

Date: 13th Feb 2022 @ 8:39pm

This week we learnt that tempo means how fast or slow a song is.  We had fun listening to different types of music and decided if it was fast, moderate or a slow tempo. We moved around the room as if we were an animal eg tiger, kangaroo and a tortoise. We thought about the tempo of the music as we did this. 

RJ- Exploring light (Understanding the world)

Date: 13th Feb 2022 @ 8:04pm

This week we have been exploring light.  We began by identifying light sources. We used the torches to explore which materials light can travel through. We also learnt how to make a shadow small and big by using the torches. We used the words translucent, opaque and transparent.  We then explored shadows and created our own shadow puppets and used our hands to make animal shadows. 

2S - PE: Gymnastics

Date: 12th Feb 2022 @ 10:56pm

This week, we began our lesson with a few games of walking tag which we love.  We are limited to space as this lesson is in the hall and the game also involves gym mats which are 'no go zones'. This means we have to walk around the mats avoiding the targgers and although it's a walking game, we get very hot because it's very competitive.

in gymnastics this week, we looked at different rolls.  We practised our forward rolls, barrel rolls and pencil rolls. Next week, we will put these into a mini routine.

2S - Computing

Date: 12th Feb 2022 @ 10:48pm

In computing this week, we transferred the grids we designed last lesson into the Blue-Bot app on the ipads. We then used our programming skills to move the bot from the start to the finish of the course grid we had designed.

1B - Observational drawing

Date: 12th Feb 2022 @ 4:13pm

The children looked at different materials that could be used to make a nature sculpture, e.g. leaves, stones, feathers, flower petals, wood/sticks, acorns, pinecones.

The children then used their sketch books to create observational drawing of some natural materials they could use to make their own nature sculpture.

They had to look carefully at their natural material and think about what shape is was and if there were any little lines, bumps, wrinkles, spikes and curves. 

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

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