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RD- Using a balance (Maths)

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 9:00pm

This week we looked at comparing mass. We used a balance to compare two objects. The children enjoyed making predictions before placing the items in the balance.  We also explored some common misconceptions and discovered that bigger items don't always weigh more than smaller objects and things that look the same don't necessarily weigh the same. 

RCD Understanding The World - Exploring Light

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 3:56pm

This week we have been exploring light.  We began by identifying light sources. We used the light box and torches to explore which materials light can travel through. We used the words translucent, opaque and transparent.  We then explored shadows and created our own shadow puppets.


RD -Exploring Light (Understanding the World/Science)

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 2:27pm

This week we have been exploring light.  We began by identifying light sources. We used the light box and torches to explore which materials light can travel through. We used the words translucent, opaque and transparent.  We then explored shadows and created our own shadow puppets.


5C - Science (Materials)

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 9:17am

In our Materials topic, we started with a practical experiment to separate mixtures using sieves, filters and magnets. We learnt that a mixture is easily separated, whereas a solution is much harder as one substance has dissolved. Have a look at our images!

Rj- Maths

Date: 10th Feb 2022 @ 2:13pm

Heaviest and lightest

This week we have been using scales to see what object is the heaviest and lightest. We thought that the bigger the object the heavier it is but we learnt that that wasn't always the case. We put a small bouncy ball and a bigger plastic ball on the scales and the small bouncy ball was the heaviest. We could believe it!!  

5C - Music

Date: 10th Feb 2022 @ 8:15am

In Summer term, we are learning how to layer different instruments, melodies and rhythms on top of each other, to create an original piece of music. We've been using

2MB Music - British Isles Songs

Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 9:50pm

In Music, we have been learning British Isles Songs. What beautiful voices we have!

2MB Science - Materials

Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 9:41pm

Today we planned and carried out an investigation about the properties of materials. We wanted to find out which ball was the bounciest. We used a leather football, plastic hockey ball, tennis ball and a  sponge ball. We decided that it would be fair to drop each ball from the top of a metre ruler and measure the height the ball bounced to. We concluded that the football bounced the highest (50cm). Therefore, the football was the bounciest. 

2MB Science Materials

Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 9:23pm

This week we started our new Science topic on materials. We learnt that materials are what objects are made from and that materials have their own properties which means they behave differently. We explored which material we could bend, twist, squash and stretch. We then looked at the suitability of materials for certain items.

2S - Science Investigation

Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 7:47pm

Today we planned and carried out an investigation about the properties of materials. We discussed the properties of different sports balls and decided how we could test them to find out which one was the bounciest.

We had a rubber tennis ball, a leather football, a sponge ball and a plastic hockey ball to test. We each made predictions and then used metre sticks to drop the balls from 1m and measure the height the bounced to. Mrs Simmons also videoed this so we were able to get accurate results.

We found out that the leather football bounced considerably higher than the other balls (58cm). The ball that bounced the least was the plastic hockey ball. We discussed why the football bounced the highest and agreed that that was because it was the biggest ball and was filled with the most air.


Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 10:57am

Practising our different serves in Badminton today. We were fantastic at the Chasse step and the underarm serve! We even had to go outside as all of the shuttlecocks were hitting the ceiling in the hall! 

2S - Science: Materials (changing shape)

Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 6:58pm

Today, we began our new science topic, Materials. We learned that materials are what everything is made from and there are many different materials.  All materials have their own properties which means how they behave under different conditions and we we discussed the suitability of some materials for certain items because of their properties.

We then talked about how to change the shape of materials by stretching, squashing, twisting and bending.  We investigated a range of materials to see if their shape could be changed using these methods.


Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 6:38pm

RJ - Star in the jar

Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 12:55pm


The star in the jar

We have been focusing on a book called 'The star in the jar '. We had our very own lost star in a jar and we discussed different ways that we could get our star back up to the sky. Our suggestions were, tie it to a rocket, ladder, airplane or a bird could fly it back up to the sky. We decided on making a long chain passing the star up to the windowsill and the next day it had disappeared! 

This week we also went on a hunt around the classroom to find objects in a jar. We used our Fred fingers to help us spell and wrote down what we found in each jar. 


RCD- Maths

Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 12:21pm

In Maths ths week, we have been learning all about Number 8. We practised how to make it in different ways. We looked at how many different addition sums we could do to make 8. Also, we had a go at telling the time using clocks. 

Nursery - A walk in our community

Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 11:28am

A walk in our community

Understanding the World/Georgraphy 

Today Nursery have been for a walk in our local community. We had to use our beady eyes to look for a path, road, traffic lights, shops, a post box and a doctors surgery. We spoke a lot about how to be safe when walking next to a road and waiting for the red man when crossing. The children have learnt about stranger danger and who helps us in our community. The children loved talking all about their local area and getting out and about. Well done Nursery for your fantastic listening and great knowledge! 

















Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 10:55am

Year 6 have been learning all about adaptation as part of our Science topic on evolution. Today, we completed an experiment involving caterpillars. We pretended to be birds and hunted different coloured caterpillars. The brightly coloured caterpillars were easier to find and the camouflaged were harder to find because of their adaptive traits. We learnt all about evolution and survival of the fittest!

RD- Starry Night (Expressive Arts and Design/Art)

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 2:55pm

In Art this week we have been exploring different techniques using oil pastels. We looked at Van Gogh's painting "Starry Night". We looked carefully at the marks he had made and practised drawing swirls, dots and dashes.  Then we created our own artwork based on this famous piece.  

RJ - Travelling to Alaska

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 2:54pm

Role Play

In class we have been comparing and contrasting Alaska, Antarctica and the UK. In our deconstrcutive role play we had lots of fun packing for our trip, building an airport and building a plane. 

RJ - Ice melting

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 2:44pm


As a class we discussed ways we think ice melts. We had to help the animals get out of the ice so we tested out our predictions. We put it under hot water, using a sharp object to break the ice, put it beside the radiator and put it in the microwave. After exploring different ways to melt ice we made our own ice, using different containers. We found out that the bigger the container the longer it will take to freeze. 

RD Star in the Jar (Writing)

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 2:42pm

We have been enjoying reading, 'Star in the Jar' by Sam Hay.   We wrote wishes on stars and recorded the items we found in jam jars around the classroom.  We use 'Fred Fingers' to sound out words when we are writing. 

RJ - Forest School in winter

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 2:37pm

Forest School

We have been having lots of fun in forest school. We have been learning about winter and when we were at forest school we noticed frost, lots of puddles and no leaves on the trees. 


RJ - Magnets

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 2:27pm


For our topic we have been exploring magnets. We had lots of fun using magnets to discover which items were magnetic in our classroom. We used hoops to sort the items we found in the classroom. We learnt that some metals are magnetic but not all metals. 

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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