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RD -Trapped in ice (Understanding the World/Science)

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 2:27pm

We came in this morning to dicover some toys trapped in ice!  We have been learning about ice so we were able to use our knowledge on melting to release the animals.  


Here are some of our suggestions


Put the ice in the sun

Put the ice on the radiator

Run hot water over the ice

Drop the ice

Put salt on the ice

Put the ice block under the hand dryer

Use a hammer to break the ice into smaller peices

RJ - Gymnastics

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 1:54pm


This term we have been developing our gymnastic skills through the topic of 'traditional tales', to include 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. We have been exploring basic movements, creating shapes and balances, jumps and rolls. We are aware beggining to be aware of space and how to use it safely. We have been performing basic skills on both floor and apparatus. The children copy, create, remember and repeat short sequences. They begin to understand using levels and directions when travelling and balancing.

RD Floating and Sinking (Understanding the World/Science)

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 1:51pm

We have been exploring floating and sinking.  We tried to predict whether each object would float or sink before testing it out.   We discovered the shell sunk unless you turned it over and then it floated!

RD- Transient Art (EAD/Art)

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 1:47pm

We looked at pictures of magnified snowflakes.  We then used loose parts to create our own snowflakes.  We like working with loose parts as it is easy to review and adapt our artwork.  

RCD- Understanding The World- Sources of Light

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 1:43pm

This week we are exploring sources of light. We looked at how shadows and reflections are formed. The children used torches to make shadows and some children made puppet shows. 

RD- Developing the role play area (Communication and Language/English)

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 1:35pm

We are developing our role play area.  Can you help us?

Role play is vital as it allows children to revisit familiar and unfamiliar events, explore their social and emotional lives, develop language and communication as well as developing their imagination.

In school, classrooms have ‘home corners’ were children have opportunity to develop role play in the context of their own lives. These will be enhanced over the year with the arrival of a new baby or a new puppy or there could be a problem like a water leak or a burglary!

We also have ‘deconstructive role play areas’ both indoors and outdoors, which have more open ended resources that can be turned into anything depending on who is playing in there. These areas will be enhanced throughout the year depending on the topic and the interests of the children e.g. resources to play vets, hairdressers, café etc.

We constantly need to update our resources to make role play appealing. You may have many unwanted items in your home that could support us with this. 

Large boxes and  tubes

Bread crates
Large pieces of fabric
Tea towel
Birthday cards
Tape measures
Child’s dressing gown
Child’s slippers
Camping mugs
Working clock
Small lamp
Living plant
Child’s umbrella
Picnic basket/hamper
Child’s sunglasses
Child’s scarf
Child’s gloves
Indoor plant
Soft toy dog
Dolls clothes

This week we talked about decorating.  We discussed how you plan changes.  This could include looking at different ideas and taking measurements.  Then we added a box of enhancements (tape measure, magazine, paint brushes/roller, wallpaper) for the children to use in their play.


RD- Exploring Magnets (Understanding the World/Science)

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 1:18pm

We have been investigating with magnets.  We had great fun using our magnets to discover which items were magnetic.  We used hoops to sort the items we had checked.  We noticed that some metals are magnetic but not all metals.  Plastic, paper, fabric and wood are not magnetic.  



Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 12:13pm

We are currently learning about money and how we can make wise financial decisions. We've learnt how to store our money safely and places such as bank accounts, wallets and piggy banks. We've also considered the risks of debt, bankruptcy and the importance of budgeting.

2S - Art: Lamps and Lanterns, Lesson 6

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 8:53pm

Today was our final Art lesson for our Lamps and Lanterns topic.  We used the stampers that we had created yesterday, to decorate our lanterns.  Take a look at the photos to see how well they've turned out.


2S - Computing

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 8:49pm

Today, we practised designing our own grids to use in the Blu-Bot app. Next week, we will use the skills we learned today to create an interactive grid in the theme of our choice and actually transfer this to the Blu-Bot app to use for programming/creating our own algorithms.

Blue Group - Read, Write Inc.

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 8:42pm

Today, we used our plans to write our letters describing our bedrooms. All the children had wonderful learning attitudes and wrote super letters.

RCD- Gymnastics- Physical Development

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 10:37am

In PE this week RCD explored travelling around, over and through different apparatus.


RCD- Expressive Arts and Design- Starry Night

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 10:21am

In Art this week we have been exploring different technqiues using oil pastels. We looked at Van Gogh's painting "Starry Night". We enjoyed making our own version using the same technqiues that Van Gogh used.


1C Computing - programming and giving and following directions

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 10:10pm

Our new computing unit for this term is all about programming and moving a robot.

In lesson 1 we learned about using buttons to programme a robot (Beebot). We learned how to use the control buttons to make the Beebot travel from one destination to another. We worked together to use the control buttons to make the bot move.

Once we had learned how the controls worked, we used the Beebot App on our Ipads and worked through some progressive levels. Each level had more moves and directions to make the bot get to it's final destination.

In lesson 2, we revisited the same controls to practise giving commands and directions to a partner. This was so much fun! First we gave commands such as; Hop, Lie down, sing, stand up, turn around, smile etc. Then we used directional language to direct our partner from a starting and finishing point within our classroom.



1C PE Gymnastics

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 9:50pm

In our indoor PE lesson this week, we revisited the gymnastic shapes from last week and used some of these to balance a been bag on our bodies. We had a go at the following;

  •  balance it on their head whilst standing on one foot
  • balance it on their back whilst crawling around the mats on hands and knees
  • balance it on top of their shoulder whilst walking around the mats
  • balance it on their stomach and crab walk around the mats and tense the body part holding the beanbag. 

1C Henri Matisse

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 9:36pm

In Art this week, we have been studying the work of another famous artist called Henri Matisse.

We researched facts about his life and his work and created a fact file. Similar to Andy Goldsworthy, Matisse uses natural materials in his work, in particularly, leaves. We observed his work and found that some of his art also resembles Andy Warhol's style whereby he uses complimentary and bright colours. 

Once we had researched his work, we created some of his leaf cut-out art. As you can see, this is where we incorporated our previous knowledge of Andy Warhol's work to create a pop art style piece.

We also used our newly gained knowledge to create some leaf prints using printing paint, leaves and rollers; this was fun!

The part we loved the most was incorporating the work of both Andy Goldsworthy and Henry Matisse in one piece; we used leaves to create clay sculptures! We used all of our observational skills, our senses and some sculpting tools to create a real-life effect!



1C Conjunctions

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 9:29pm

We have been learning how to use conjunctions to extend our sentences.

We took some short sentences from the Hermelin story and worked with a partner to decide which sentences could be joined together by using 'and', 'but', 'so', 'also' and 'because'. We found that the conjunction 'and' was the most common but were able to change some of the text and punctuation so that other conjumctions would be effective.



Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 9:04pm

Class 6P have had an amazing week completing their Batik Art designs. They have beeen working with hot wax and ink to create work inspired by the ancient Mayan civilisation. Pictures of our final pieces will be posted soon. 

1C Maths - Length and Height

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 8:10pm

This week the children have been learning how to measure hight and lentgh using both standard and non standard units of measure. 

They explored measuring objects from around the room using paper clips and body parts (hands and feet)  as units. They learned how to correctly use vocabulary asociated with height and length such as; tall, taller, tallest, short, shorter, shortes and long, longer, longest. They gained a good understanding of the fact that non-standard units of measure act as approximate measures.

We then moved on to learning how to effctively use a ruler; beginning at 0cm, ensuring that the 0 was set right at the beginning of the object and then looking closely to see where the object ended to record the length and height using cms. The children now understand how to use the correct vocabulary in the correct contexts such as; long and short for length, and tall and short for height.



2S - Art: Lamps and Lanterns Lesson 6

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 8:06pm

Today was our final Art lesson for our Lamps and Lanterns topic.  We used the stampers that we had created yesterday, to decorate our lanterns.  Take a look at the photos to see how well they've turned out :)


5C - Tag Rugby

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 2:11pm

5C have been really enjoying our tag rugby lessons and are showing real improvement in our understanding of the skills, tactics and teamwork required. We have been practising our agility skills and playing small sided games to develop our passing technique. Children have enjoyed the contrast to our basketball topic and enjoy the thrill of 'driving' to the tryline.

5C - Decimals

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 2:08pm

5C have started to learn about decimals and how they are linked so closely to fractions. We have been using place value discs to represent different numbers.

Nursery: People who help us - Police

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 1:13pm

People who help us - Police

Understanding the World/Geography 

Today we had PC Luke and PC Becky come to talk to us about how they help us. We had a FANTASTIC time asking questions such as "how fast does the police car go?", "do you have any police dogs or police horses?", "how do you use your walkie talkie?". The children learnt about the special orange button on the walkie talkie, how to be safe when driving fast and how the police find missing people. The children also got to enjoy exploring lots of police equipment and even got to go in the police car. They enjoyed pressing the siren and seeing the blue flashing lights.
The children were so well behaved and polite to our guests. Well done Nursery!







2MB Art Lanterns

Date: 2nd Feb 2022 @ 10:57pm

In Art, we used wet strength tissue paper and PVA glue to cover the skeletons of our lanterns. Once the white tissue paper had dried, we then collaged, using colourful tissue paper, for decoration. The next phase of our Art journey is to print patterns onto the lanterns using the relief tile patterns that we created today. 

2MB - Invasion Games 2

Date: 2nd Feb 2022 @ 10:01pm

The children had a lot of fun practicing scoring goals in P.E. They were very keen to show me the different types of goals they could score to win a range games, and how they might react!

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

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