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2MB- DT in Woodland Learning

Date: 2nd Feb 2022 @ 9:57pm

All I can say is 'wow' - what an amazing experience for the children and so much fun!


Date: 2nd Feb 2022 @ 6:25pm

Today we discussed who we would speak to if we were the victim of bullying or knew someone who was. 
We know that it is always better to tell someone if we are being hurt or someone is saying mean things to us.  
We discussed 'STOP'.  This tells us that bullying is 'Several Times On Purpose' and we should 'Start Telling Other People'. We also spoke about how this fits in with the ethos of TPS; Look after yourself, Look after others, Look after our school'.

We then created posters about who we can speak to if we are being bullied.

2S - Art: Lamps and Lanterns, Lesson 5

Date: 2nd Feb 2022 @ 6:15pm

Today, we created our own stampers using cardboard and string. This is so we can print our own designs onto our lanterns (tomorrow's lesson).

Some of also added strips of coloured wet strength tissue paper to our group lanterns. 

The photos have not uploaded in order unfortunately.

3C Final Art Pieces

Date: 2nd Feb 2022 @ 2:38pm

Today we have created our final art pieces by combining all the skills we learned in our previous lessons.

What is the weather?

Date: 1st Feb 2022 @ 9:59pm

In year 1, we have been exploring the weather.  We started by looking at the seasons and what kind of weather we might experience.  We made careful observations when we compared the actual weather with the local weather forecast. Using our map skills, we found countries and used the key to tell us what the weather is like in those places. Finally we explored the followin* question. 5: How can Antarctica be a desert when it’s the coldest place on Earth?


2S - Art: Lamps and Lanterns, Lesson 4

Date: 1st Feb 2022 @ 9:26pm

Today, we used wet strength tissue paper and a mixture of PVA glue and water to cover the skeletons of our lanterns.

5C - Art (Cityscapes)

Date: 1st Feb 2022 @ 4:39pm


In our Spring topic, we will be learning about Cityscapes and studying the work of Charles Fazzino. He created vibrant, colourful images of major cities, creating a genre called Pop 3D. Although his work isn't actually 3 dimensional, he used different techniques to create that illusion.

2S - Music

Date: 31st Jan 2022 @ 2:02pm

In our Music lesson today, we worked in groups to compose our own musical soundscapes.  In our lessons over the last three weeks we have learned songs about the sea, the countryside and the city and discussed sounds we would her in these places then replicated the sounds using our voices, our bodies and percussion instruments.

Today, in our groups, we secretly chose either the sea, countryside or city and composed a piece of music.  We then performed these to see if the other children in our class could guess which location we had chosen.

2S - Computing

Date: 31st Jan 2022 @ 1:58pm

This week in computing, we made predictions about where our bots would end up if we followed the algorithms given.  This was quite tricky but also a lot of fun.

2MB - Making our Lamps and Lanterns

Date: 30th Jan 2022 @ 8:12pm

This week, the children have really tested their teamwork skills when making their lanterns. They worked together to create a study structure using withies and masking tape. We were very impressed with how well the children worked together and preserved when things got a little fiddly! 

2S - Art: Lamps and Lanterns, Lesson 3

Date: 30th Jan 2022 @ 6:04pm

Today was a challenging and fiddly lesson but we loved it!  We worked in groups and created the 3D skeletons for our withy lanterns using withies and masking tape.  Next week, we will be using wet strength tissue paper to cover our lanterns and then we will create our own stampers to decorate them.

Have a look at our photos to see just how well we did in lesson 3.

2S - Art: Lamps and Lantern, Lesson 2

Date: 30th Jan 2022 @ 5:56pm

Lesson 2 began with us practising drawing 3D shapes on our whiteboards.  We learnt how to draw a cuboid in preparation for our observational drawing of a lamp/lantern.

We then talked about sketching and creating an observational drawing by continually looking at what we are drawing, keeping outlines light and identifying different shades, tones and colours etc.

Mrs Simmons had placed a different lantern on each table.  We then used the remainder of the lesson to create an observational drawing of the lantern on our table and Mrs Simmons was very proud of our results (unfortunately these photos will not upload in order).

2S - Art: Lamps and Lanterns, Lesson 1

Date: 30th Jan 2022 @ 5:47pm

This week, we began our new Art topic, Lamps and Lanterns.

To begin with, we learned about the life of Florence Nightingale, how she changed nursing and improved the cleanliness in hospitals and why she was known as 'The Lady of the Lamp'.

We then studied lamps and lanterns from different points in History as well as from different cultures. We chose three pictures of lamps/lanterns, labelled them in terms of their colour, shape, size, materials and then sketched them on the topic title page of our Art sketchbooks.

1C Computing - moving a robot

Date: 30th Jan 2022 @ 5:38pm

Computing Lesson 1

Topic - Moving a robot

Learning objectives:

  • Predict the outcome of a command on a device
  • Match a command to an outcome 
  • Run a command on a device

This lesson introduced the children to floor robots (Beebots). Together we discussed what we thought the functions of each of the button's were and then explored how they worked. We then used the Ipads to programme the beebots and direct them to a given place by using the direction command buttons, as well as clear memory and run program buttons.


1C Andy Goldsworthy Art

Date: 30th Jan 2022 @ 5:35pm

Art - Andy Goldsworthy - Land Art

Week 1 -

We first researched the work of Andy Goldsworthy and found out lots of facts about him. We used our knowledge to create a simple factfile/page. Andy Goldsworthy is a land artist who only uses natural materials that are available such as; trees, stone, leaves, wood, flowers, rocks, mud, grass, water and ice. Did you know that he once used COW POO and HUMAN HAIR in one of his sculptures?????

Once we had gained some knowledge about him and his style of work, we went out into the forest to collect a natural object that we later used for our observational drawings. For this we needed to look very closely at the shape, texture, composition and colour of our object and use both shading and different pencil pressures to create effect and tone.

After this, we went back into the forest to create some land art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. We observed the common shapes and materials that he appeared to enjoy using the most. We LOVED this activity! You will be able to see in the photographs just what we have remembered and included in our work.

1B - English

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 12:21pm

Miss Byatt read the book 'Hermelin' to the children and they really enjoyed the story.

The children had to familiarise the text structures and how it is split into 5 main parts. The children had to work in pairs to read the statements and place them in the correct order. 


1B - Story time with Mabel

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 12:13pm

The children love it when Mabel comes into class for story time! This week we read the book 'The Smartest Giant in Town'. 

1B- Geography

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 12:08pm

Topic - What is the weather?

Children explored what a key on a map does – it explains to us what the signs and symbols on the map mean.

They looked at a map that shows hot and cold countries and a map showing the countries of the world. They ecplored what tghe weather was like in different countries around the world. They found out most countries of the world will fall into one or more categories of the weather key on the map. However, most countries of the world will fall into one or more categories of the weather key on the map. Example, Brazil (hot and wet); Australia (hot, hot and wet; warm and warm and wet) and China (warm, warm and wet, cold and hot). 

The children then looked at a globe together with the map and had to dicuss where most of the cool and cold places occur compared with warm and hot places? Generally speaking the greater the distance from the Equator (an imaginary line drawn around the Earth exactly halfway between the north and south poles) then the colder it becomes with places closer to the Equator being much warmer. 

They found out in the summer we receive much more sunshine than in the winter so we therefore feel much warmer. As a result, we are more inclined, for example, to visit the beach in the summer than we are in winter! So it is the same with the Equator and north and south poles. Very simply, places around the Equator receive more sunshine during the year than places close to the north and south poles. More sunshine or solar energy means warmer weather and less sunshine/solar energy means cooler weather.

This was illustrated very effectively by holding up a globe and encouraging a pupil to shine a torch (representing the Sun) at it. Because the world is round, the middle band of the Earth around the Equator is closer to the Sun. Also, the Sun’s rays are falling on a much smaller area at the Equator than at the poles and therefore they are more intense.

The children had to work in partners to look at the maps and the key to write down what the weather was like in the countries China, Brazil, Canada, Russia and Australia.

1B- Grouping shapes

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 11:55am


Lesson Objective- To be able to group shapes using different criteria.


Children had cutouts of the different shapes with different colours. They had to work in partners to categorise the shapes they have into two or three groups and explain what they have done. Children could group the shapes by sides, corners, colour and shape.


1B - English

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 11:49am

We have started a new book to focus on in English called Hermelin. 

Hermelin: The Detective Mouse: Grey, Mini: 9780857550231:  Books


Before we read the book, we had to respond to part of the text in the book. We focused on the illustration of Offley Street (pages 1 & 2). 

The children had to think about and answer these questions with their partner. They the had to write down their ideas around their sheet.

  • Would you like to live here? Why? 
  • What can you see happening in the illustration? 
  • Does this look like a happy street to live on?  
  • Can you spot anything unusual?  
  • Do you think the suitcase might belong to anyone who lives on this street? 

Miss Byatt then had to act the role as the main character, Hermelin (without revealing who she was) in the story. The children had to come up with questions to find out more about the character.

1B- P.E. Striking and Fielding

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 11:43am

Learning Objective- To develop striking a ball with my hand and equipment.

Using a racket:

In pairs with one racket and a ball ball between them. Pupil A begins with the racket, pupil B stands next to them with the ball. Pupil B drops the ball on the floor for pupil A to strike after one bounce.


     Pupil A then had to practise throwing the ball with an underarm throws for pupil B to strike. Pupil A retrieves the ball and they change roles.


1B- Maths

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 11:34am

The children have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. They have also leant about their properties and how many corners, sides and faces they have.

1B - Gymnastics

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 11:28am

Learning Objective- To develop quality when performing gymnastic shapes.


Children had to make shapes using their bodies.


  1. Pike
  3. Straddle
  5. Tuck 
  7. Star 
  9. Dish 
  11. Arch 


The children then had to work in small groups to make letters with their bodies. 



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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

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