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: Gallery

5C - Yoga

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 10:13am

3C Aborigional Art

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 2:25pm

Today in Art we learned about Aborigional Art and created our own hand paintings.

Nursery: People who help us - Supermarket workers

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 1:15pm

People who help us - Supermarket workers

Undertsanding the World/ Geography

This week we have been learning about shop workers and how they help us. The children have designed how their Nursery shop will look each day and have played beautifully together. They have been writing their own shopping lists, counting out coins and popping their shopping away in our home corner.






Nursery: People who help us - Doctors

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 1:09pm

People who help us - Doctors

Understanding the World/Geography

This week we have been learning who helps us at a hospital. Josh’s Mummy and Daddy came to visit us and told us about their jobs as a Doctors. We have enjoyed making hospital beds out of our crates and making our poorly babies feel better. We have written down medicine they needed and how to help them get better.




Class 6P-French

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 10:26am

We have been learning all about the weather in French! We have learnt a song to help us remember how to say the different types of weather and actions to go along with it! 

5R PE: Tag Rugby

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 9:15am

This term in outdoor PE we have be learning about Tag Rugby.  The children have learnt how to pass correctly, looked at tagging techniques, how to evade defenders and played mini games of 4 v 4. 

2MB Art - Lamps and Lanterns

Date: 26th Jan 2022 @ 10:07pm

This week, we began our fabulous Art topic based on lamps and lanterns. So far we have looked at lamps and lanterns through the ages and discussed a variety of festival lanterns from different cultures. We have mainly focused on our observational sketching skills, and are now really excited about making our own lanterns using withies and wet strength tissue paper. 

2MB Maths - Length

Date: 26th Jan 2022 @ 9:43pm

This week in Maths, we have been learning how to measure and compare lengths of objects. We looked at different measuring equipment: metre rulers, tape measures and rulers. We also discussed abreviations for metres (m) and centimetres (cm). Putting our mearsuring skills to the test, around the classroom, was our favourite task so far. 

3C Art

Date: 26th Jan 2022 @ 2:45pm

Today in Art we used chalks and charcoal to create cave drawings.

6P-Dodgeball lessons

Date: 26th Jan 2022 @ 12:22pm

Class 6P have really enjoyed their most recent dodgeball topic! They have really enjoyed learning lots of new skills and playing full class games. 

5R PE Yoga

Date: 26th Jan 2022 @ 8:51am

This Term the children have been learning about Yoga in their indoor PE lessons. We have been practising our breathing techniques and learning stillness in our bodies which the children found tricky! We have also been learning the sun salutation flow and creating our own flows. 

5C - Computing

Date: 25th Jan 2022 @ 4:34pm

5C have started our new topic on databases in computing lessons. We firstly learnt what a data base is and collated information on different animals to make a small scale paper database of our own. This week, we have been looking online at a variety of databases and how to find the information we want quickly and efficiently. 

2S - Music

Date: 24th Jan 2022 @ 8:56pm

Today in our music lesson, we learned the lyrics to 'London Bridge is falling down' (though some of us knew it well already).  We then listened to a piece of classical music and identified some of the instruments being played.  After that, we observed a photo of a busy London street and imagined that we were standing in that street.  We discussed the noises and sounds we would hear if we were there and then in groups, imitated these sounds using body parts or items from around the classroom.

2S - Geography

Date: 24th Jan 2022 @ 8:52pm

In our last two geography lessons of the topic, we explored the similarities and differences between the Arctic and the Antarctic.  We discovered that if all the ice was to melt, under the Arctic would be ocean, but under the Antarctic would be land which is why it is a continent.  We also found out that polar bears live in the Arctic and penguins live in the Antarctic and both are adapted in different ways to living in these harsh environments.

We then had to plan a route for a polar bear to get from the Arctic (North Pole) to the Antarctic (South Pole) - see photos.

2S - Maths (Length in metres)

Date: 24th Jan 2022 @ 8:17pm

In today's lesson, the children were asked f they have an idea of how we could measure things. They were asked to come up with some ideas and share them. We then explored measuring tapes and metre sticks and learned that 1 metre = 100cm.

Children then created a grid in their journals and went around the classroom with a metre stick finding objects that were less than 1 metre and objects that were larger than 1 metre. 

2S - Computing

Date: 24th Jan 2022 @ 8:11pm

This lesson focused on sequences and guided the children to consider the importance of the order of instructions within a sequence. Children created sequences using the same commands in different orders. They then tested these sequences to see how the different orders affect the outcome.

The children were reminded that sets of instructions can be thought of as algorithms; an algorithm is a precise set of ordered instructions, which can be turned into code on a computer.

Children then created different algorithms using four given arrow instructions (forwards, forwards, left turn, right turn).  They had to arrange the four arrows in different orders to make four different algorithms for their partner to follow.

Computing 5R

Date: 24th Jan 2022 @ 3:41pm

This week in computing, we have been learning about databases.  We looked at databases on the website J2data and generated questions which we could the answer using the information on the database. 

1C Gymnastics shapes

Date: 23rd Jan 2022 @ 7:41pm

This week in PE we have been learning how to develop gymnastics shapes. We had to squeexe our muscles to make them feel hard and tense. This made our shapes look more professional. We also had to point our toes and hold our shapes for 5 seconds. We were very good making sure we tried our best and we also worked well in teams. .

We learned how to to the following shapes;

 Tuck                                      Pike           

Straddle                              Dish          


Star                              Arch      


Date: 23rd Jan 2022 @ 7:35pm

This week we have been exploring shapes and patterns.

We started off by exploring solid shapes by handling them and naming them. We then went on a walk to identify the shapes within our environment. Once we had completed this episode of learning, we used our knowledge and understanding to draw some objects, name them and label the name of the 3D shape.

In our next lesson we explored 2D shapes. We revisited the names of some regular, common 2D shapes then learned all about their properties. We then went on to draw 2D shapes, we labelled them by name and by their properties (number of sides and number of corners).

In lesson 3, we grouped a selction of 2D shapes according  their colour, size, properties and names.

In lesson 4, we had to draw upon what we had learned about 2D shapes and create patterns. We are now able to create and explain our patterns (some in simple terms and some in more advanced terms) E.G. Cirle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle  ... and Big red square, Little yellow circle, Big blue rectangle, Big red square, Little yellow and so on. circle, Big blue rectangle, 

lesson 5 - we cut out some 2D shapes, cut them in half, mixed them up and had to glue them back together in our books and label them with their correct shape names. This was a lot of fun!!

All of the class achieved to learning objectives and enjoyed every activity.


Addition and subtraction

Date: 23rd Jan 2022 @ 5:17pm

Over the last couple of weeks, the children have been exploring addition and subtraction.  We have looked at how we can record these calculations in different ways e.g. part, part, whole diagrams, numberlines, ten frames or equations.  We also found all the possibilities in addition and subtraction number families. 


1C Hermelin

Date: 22nd Jan 2022 @ 11:56am

Our new book for this term in English is called Hermelin the mouse detective.

Image result for hermelin the detective mouse

You can find out more about the book by clicking the link below.

We begin by immersing the children into the story without actually showing them the book.

We used props ( typwriter, map, binoculars, magnifying glass, pencil, chesse and envelopes) and illustrations to find out clues about the main character.  The Children came up with some fantastic ideas; They thought the character might be an explorer, a detective, a mouse catcher, a traveller, a writer or a police man! We explored the props and illustrations and used both inference skills to answer questions about what was going on in the picture and posed questions to find out more about the character. The children hot seated the teacher (who was in role of the main character). They asked their questions and the teacher answered the question without giving away who the character actually was.


1C Geography - What is weather?

Date: 22nd Jan 2022 @ 11:19am

Our topic for geography this term has been all about weather. The lines of enquiry included;

What is weather?  How does it affects our lives?  How does the weather changes through the seasons?     What activities and celebrations do we engage in throughout the seasons? Is the weather forcasts are reliable? What are the different weather symbols and what do they mean? How and why is the weather different around the world? How are both the Sahara Desert and the Antarctica both deserts when they are so different?

We used video footage and discussions to find out about the seasons; how they change and how they affect our lives. Drawing upon our knowledge and ideas, we created a seasons picture that included; activities, weather conditions, feelings such as (Winter - Christmas, Snow, cold, excitement, bare, freezing etc). Then we explored some famous artists impressions of weather conditions and discussed how the art made us feel, what seasons were being portrayed and how we could tell. 

We went outside to explore what the weather was like by using our observational skills. We looked around and found clues that would tell us what the conditions were like on a particular day. We looked at trees, grass, leaves and felt rocks to see if they were wet or dry. we gathered some of the items from the outdoors and used them to create a piece of art that inluded vocabulary to describe the weather such as, autumnal colours, tectures, feelings etc.  

We looked at how meteoroligists forecast the weather. We learned about wind speed and direction and how using a wind sock can measure this, cloud coverage is measured using an Oktas scale and rain fall is measured using a rain gauge. After all of this learning, we explored weather forcasts. Over the week, we looked out at the weather and recorded our observations, we then used the BBC weather forecast to compare and see if the forecast was reliable. We found that the only parts of the weather forecast that were slightly different from our observations were the temperature and the wind speed.

We then looked at maps of the world to explore what the weather was like in each of the countries. To enable us to do this, we needed to learn all about how to use a key. We really enjoyed this lesson and found out about why the weather differs depending on how close or far away from the equator the countries are.

Our final lesson was all about comparing the Sahara and the Antarctica. We found out that they have lots similarities AND differences! They are bothe deserts but one is hot and one is cold, one is covered in sand and one is covered in ice. They are both dry, both have storms and both have very few residents.


6P-Scratch Computing

Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 2:49pm

Class 6P have been learning all about variables and coding using Scratch! 

2S - Music

Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 2:18pm

Our topic in music this term is 'On the island' and we have been learning some old, typically British folk songs.  Last week we discussed the sounds we can hear when we are near the sea and also learnt  the folk song, 'My Bonny lies over the ocean'. This week, we discussed sounds of the countyside and recreated those sounds with our hands and mouths.  We also learned the short folk song 'Lavenders blue'.  Watch the videos attached to see parts of the lesson.

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

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