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Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 12:37pm

Today we have been learning that families are all different. We drew our own family tree to compare our family with other families. 

Nursery: People Who Help Us - Teachers

Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 8:01am

Welcome to our new topic, People Who Help Us.

People Who Help Us - Teachers

Understanding the World/ Geography

We are going to be looking at lots of members of our community who help us and finding out what they do. This week we have explored who helps us at school. We had a visit from Mrs Evans, who helps cook our school lunches and Mr Perry who is our caretaker. The children have enjoyed role playing teachers, writing accident slips, taking the register and making their own special badges. 







3C Character Narrative

Date: 19th Jan 2022 @ 9:05pm

Today in English we wrote our first character narrative paragraph.

5C - Fair Trade Geography

Date: 18th Jan 2022 @ 4:38pm

  • Year 5 have been learning all about how international trading began on the Silk Road in the 13th century.
  • The pupils discovered how these pathways linked Asia to Europe and carried merchants with their commodities to new lands.
  • The children have discovered how Marco Polo travelled this route, writing a journal of his experiences that went on to inspire Christopher Columbus.
  • We have discovered how modern trading is built on import and export, and have created a bar model showing what the UK imports from China each year.
  • We have completed a case study of a Banana farmer, Melvin Joseph, from St Lucia. We learnt how lower profits and unfair trading were on the verge of destroying his business.
  • We wrote our own information texts about the impact of Fair Trade.

Class 6P- Grid References

Date: 18th Jan 2022 @ 12:29pm

Class 6P have been learning all about 4 figure and 6 figure grid references in Geography! 

3C English

Date: 18th Jan 2022 @ 10:29am

Today we have been planning our character narratives.

2S - Gymnastics

Date: 16th Jan 2022 @ 8:21pm

This week in gymnastics, we revised the positions that we had learnt last lesson (star, tuck, pike, straight, straddle, back support etc). We then had a game to see who could remember the poses and get into the pose the quickest.

We also looked at balances using different parts of the body.  In pairs, we jogged between the mats and when Mrs Simmons blew the whistle, she would shout a body part (ankle, foot, hands, elbow etc) and with our partner, we would create a balance.

2S Computing

Date: 16th Jan 2022 @ 8:15pm

We loved our first computing lesson of this term even though we didn't use the iPads. Our new topic is 'Programming' and learning about algorithms. This lesson we learned that algorithms are like a set of instructions that we give to devices like computers and iPads to make them do what we want.

We began our lesson by Mrs Simmons reading out a set of instructions to draw a simple picture.  We then compared our pictures to see who had followed the instructions well.  It was so much fun, we followed a few more set of instructions to draw other simple pictures.

After that, we paired up. One of us was the robot and the other was the person to give instructions.  The robot had to do exactly what the other person instructed.

2MB - Invasion Games

Date: 16th Jan 2022 @ 11:23am

2MB have started their new P.E unit 'Invasion Games'. They have been practicing some ball skills, whilst practicing defending and attacking positions during small group games. We have been really impressed with have fairly and cooperatively the children have been playing. 

2MB Geography

Date: 16th Jan 2022 @ 8:41am

Why don't penguins need to fly?

Year 2 have really enjoyed our new Geography topic so far. We have learnt that the North and South Poles are very cold places to live, as they are so far away from the Equator. We have also been looking at how different animals around the world are adapted to these extreme environments. We were surprised to find out that the Sahara Desert and Antarctica were both in fact deserts! The children have also been teaching us lots from home, such as camels having 3 stomachs to help them survive with very little nutritious food. Next week we will be looking at polar bears in the Artic, if you would like to do some research at home.

2MB - The Bog Baby

Date: 16th Jan 2022 @ 8:20am

Year 2 have been reading our new book 'The Bog Baby'. We have been exploring the text and The Bog Baby's habitat to dscuss what he might look like. We have also been been using freeze frames to show how we might feel if were to discover The Bog Baby.

2MB - Computing Spring 2022

Date: 16th Jan 2022 @ 8:09am

Year 2 have been enjoying the start of of new Computing unit. We have learnt that computer programmes follow a sequence of instructions called Algorithms in order to work. We have been exploring how give and follow a set of clear Algorithms. 

3C- Football

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 3:46pm

In football this week we have been learning how to dribble the ball. 

1B - Computing

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 3:42pm

Topic - Moving a robot

This lesson introduced the children to floor robots (Beebot app). They talked about what the buttons might do and then tried the buttons out. Time was spent linking an outcome to a button press. The children also considered the direction command buttons, as well as clear memory and run program buttons.

Learning objectives:

  • Predict the outcome of a command on a device
  • Match a command to an outcome 
  • Run a command on a device

3C- Music

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 3:41pm

In Music this week we have been learning about pentatonic melodies. We have been playing melodies on the xylophone and we have been composing our own.

1B - The weather today

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 3:35pm

Topic - What is weather?


This line of enquiry provides an opportunity for the children to explore how artists in their paintings not only illustrate elements of the weather but also how it makes them feel, smell and hear the atmospheric conditions depicted.  

Children looked at a number of pictures of the weather by great artists down the years. They identified the weather conditions shown and discussed which season of the year they think is portrayed. In each case they considered how the artist made them feel when they look at the painting.

The children explored what the weather is like today. They went outside and had to spot signs of the weather from observation. They looked at the trees, stones, ground, leavves. They also examined textures to indicate whether they it wet or dry weather etc. We collected a few items that were used as evidence to show to show what the weather is like, for example, for a brown leaf they may use vocabulary, such as winter, wet, cold. 

They made a scrap book style page for the weather today and their own personal experiences of the weather.

1B - P.E.

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 2:54pm

Topic- Stiking and Fielding
Learning objective: To develop underarm throwing and catching and put this into small sided games.
To achieve this goal, the children had to:
Point their hand where they want the ball to go.
Step forward with their opposite foot to your throwing arm.
Use two hands to collect the ball.
Watch the ball when it is coming towards them.

1B - D&T

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 2:38pm

Design & Technology

Topic- Mechanisms: sliders and levers 

The children designed and created their own Christmas card that could move using sliders and levers. They also used a hole punch and split pins so the Santa's body parts could move around.  

1B Christmas fun

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 2:28pm

The children had lots of fun in school leading up to Christmas last year! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year!

KS1 Hobgoblin Theatre Visit

Date: 12th Jan 2022 @ 10:03pm

Today (12.1.22), the Hobgoblin Theatre visited Townfield and put on a wonderful and very funny production for us about fairytales.

Have a look at the photos of the production.

2S - Arbour SPAG lesson

Date: 12th Jan 2022 @ 9:57pm

We were excited to welcome Ed from Arbor back this half term.

This week we focused on noun phrases.  We visited Jean-Claude's restaurant where we could order food ONLY if we used a noun phrase to describe it eg. a delicious, cheesy pizza.

2S - English

Date: 12th Jan 2022 @ 9:53pm

We have been reading our new book, The Bog Baby and looking at different features of the text.  We used our imagination to create drawings of the bog baby from the description given in the text and we also freeze framed different parts of the story and used facial expressions to show how we would feel if we caught a bog baby one day.

3D - Music (11/01/22)

Date: 11th Jan 2022 @ 12:18pm

In music, we were making our own pentatonic melodies using the glockenspiels. 

3D - English (7/01/22)

Date: 11th Jan 2022 @ 12:12pm

Look what happened to our classroom this week!! Somebody has trashed our classroom, while we were at play. They left behind some portraits of children in gilded frames. We have read our new book, 'Seen not heard' and we have deduced that the culprit may have been some of the mischievous characters from our book. 

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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