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Gymnastics RCD

Date: 11th Jan 2022 @ 10:38am

 In this unit, children will develop their basic gymnastic skills through the topic of 'traditional tales', to include 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. Children explore basic movements, creating shapes and balances, jumps and rolls. They begin to develop an awareness of space and how to use it safely. They perform basic skills on both floor and apparatus. They copy, create, remember and repeat short sequences. They begin to understand using levels and directions when travelling and balancing.

Christmas RCD

Date: 11th Jan 2022 @ 10:32am

Before Christmas RCD had lots of fun! We had visitors come and visit us and made lots of Christmas craft! We even had a party in our classroom!

RD- Exploring 5 (Maths)

Date: 10th Jan 2022 @ 6:57pm

Nov 2021

After watching a clip from the Numberblocks  ( the children explored different ways of arranging 5 blocks.  They enjoyed challenging themselves to find as many different ways as they could.  They use mathematical language to describe their arrangements. 

6P- First Aid Training

Date: 10th Jan 2022 @ 1:18pm

We were lucky enough to have some first aid training today!

We were taught how to look after ourselves and deal with basic cuts, scrapes and grazes. We also learnt all about CPR and how to use a defibrilator. 

6P- Geography-Mountains

Date: 10th Jan 2022 @ 8:12am

As part of our new Geogrpahy topic all about Mountains we have been learning about how mountains are created.

We experiments with material and resources around the classroom to represent the Earth's natural resources and tectonic plates. We made videos using Apple clips to show how fold mountains are created ! 

Making sandwiches

Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 4:09pm

We designed and made our own sandwiches. We chose the fillings that we wanted and cut our sandwiches safely with a knife. Our sandwiches were delicious! 

Visit from Mabel - Class RJ

Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 3:52pm

Mabel came to visit us for her birthday. The children enjoyed giving her a special present they had wrapped for her. Mabel found it difficult to open the presents so we had to give her a bit of help. Mabel loved the treats and cuddles from class RJ. 

Christmas fun - Class RJ

Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 3:35pm

We had lots of fun in the lead up to christmas!

1CMaths - Partitioning and recombining numbers to 20

Date: 31st Dec 2021 @ 6:41pm

In Maths this week we have been exploring numbers to 20. Most of us are able to recognise and write the numbers but did not realise that these numbers are made up of 2 digits and that they have ......... A HIDDEN 10!

To help us understand this concept, we first used manipulatives to create the number 13 using only a ten frame. We discovered that there were more than 10 objects so 3 had to sit outside of the ten frame. We then had some coloured cards containing single digit numbers and the number 10 on our tables. We chose one of each and looked at them seperately then placed them together. Once we understaood that 13 is made up of one 10 and 3 ones, we were able to journal our understanding by drawing a part part whole model, a partitioned number sentence and then were able to see how recombining the numbers created the the original 2 digit numbers. AMAZING!!!!

1C Science investigation - Is the oldest always the tallest person?

Date: 31st Dec 2021 @ 6:32pm

Science enquiry - We wanted to find out if the oldest person in our class was infact the tallest (not including our teacher).

First we all got into a line and then moved into age order. We then labelled the oldest child and the youngest child. Some of us moved out of the line so that we could observe and discuss what we could see. We used measuring tapes to measure the oldest and the youngest children and recorded our results on our whiteboards. We then collated all of the data to enable us to answer the question. We discovered that the answer to the question was NO! Because our oldest child was not the tallest in the class.

1C DT Sliders and Levers

Date: 31st Dec 2021 @ 6:11pm

Mechanisms - sliders and pivots 

We begaun our Dt unit by exploring a variety of books and cards that have moving parts. We had a discussion about what the books were, who they were aimed at, what they were for and how the parts moved. We discoved that sliders can move up and down or side to side and pivots can rotate and move in a curve. Once we had explored how the mechanisms worked, we had a go at making our own pivots and sliders.

First we created a pivot by cutting out the two parts of a pair of paper scissors and we placed them together using a split pin. The split pin allowed the two part to move in a curved manner enabling us to make our own pair of moving paper scissors. We then had a go at making a slider using card. For this we needed to decide the direction we wished our slider to move (up and down or side to side). We got a piece of card and cut a long strip from the side, then we udsed a hole punch to make some holes and folds then cut along the lines to create the 'slits' for the slider. This was not easy, but with practise, determination and a little help from our friends, we did it!

From this, we had to decide what mechanisms we would like to use to make a moving Christmas card. We then looked at different types of moving cards and then used some of the ideas to designed our own, but before we could actually make our card we needed to make a prototype just to make sure our ideas worked (All designers do this you know). We then used all of our knowledge and skills to make our very own moving cards! We looked carefully at our designs and prototypes to ensure that we made any necessary tweaks so that our finished product was exactly how we wanted it to be. Once completed, no card is complete without a bit of sparkle! So we added LOTS of glitter! Sorry!!

1C Yoga

Date: 31st Dec 2021 @ 6:01pm

As part of our yoga unit in PE, we learnt how to create stretching poses linked to the Wild, Wild West! Our poses included; the cow, the cactus, the dog, the cowgirl, the tumbleweed and the snake. I wonder if you can idemtify the poses in our pictures?

1C Christmas

Date: 31st Dec 2021 @ 5:54pm

What fun we have had this festive period. On Christmas jumper day, we enjoyed a lovely Christmas lunch with our friends, served by our own year 1 teachers. We pulled crackers, wore party hats and sang along to the Christmas songs being played in the background. Our teachers also sat with us to eat their Christmas dinner too.

We had a visit from Father Christmas who came round to visit our classrooms with his special friend Rudolph and we each received a fabulous story book as a gift.

We made Christmas cards for our loved ones, played party games; music chairs, music bumps, musical statues, Father Christmas says and pass the parcel, We won lots pf prizes and even ate our party food in the classroom with our teachers. 


3D - DT

Date: 22nd Dec 2021 @ 1:06pm

In DT, we were looking at how to construct boxes using a 2D net. We have been exploring boxes, have looked at differnet ways to make boxes and strengthen the sides. We designed a box to fit a chocolate biscuit.

3D - Christmas in 3D

Date: 22nd Dec 2021 @ 12:52pm

Merry Christmas everyone!

Take a look at what we have been getting up to during the Christmas period.


Date: 21st Dec 2021 @ 1:29pm

Year 2 have have a fantastic time getting warm and toasty by the campfire!

1B - English

Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 12:19pm

The children in Class 1B have been reading a set of instructions on how to tame a troll. 

They have been looking at what an imperative verb is.

An imperative verb is one that tells someone to do something, so that the sentence it is in becomes an order or command. For example in this sentence (a command, outlining an action that must be done): Fold your clothes up.

During this lesson, the children had to work in pairs to highlight all the imperative verbs in the instructions. 

1B - Christmas dinner/ jumper day

Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 12:10pm

The children had lots of fun on Christmas jumper day. They even got to have a delicious Christmas dinner!


Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 12:04pm

Mechanisms- Sliders and Levers

The children have looked at a variety of books and cards that have moving parts. They had a discussion based on what it was, who it was for, what it was for, how the parts move and how it moved.
The children then e
xplored using tools such as scissors and a hole punch safely, to assemble, join and combine materials and components together in order for it to move. In this case, the children cut out parts of the scissors, hole punched the middle and combined the parts together using a split pin. Children explored how their scissors were able to move around in a curve and this was called a pivot.

2S & 2MB RE Visitors - Laird Street Baptist Church

Date: 16th Dec 2021 @ 7:45pm

On Tuesday (14.12.21), we were lucky enough to have visitors from Laird Street Baptist Church who came to sing Christmas hymns with us and tell us the Christmas Story using their puppet 'James'.  We really enjoyed listening to the story and singing the songs and they even kindly brought us all some chocolate :)

2S - Food Technology - Our finished vegetable kebabs

Date: 16th Dec 2021 @ 7:37pm

On Wednesday, we began to plan and design our vegetable kebabs and then we went to the hall to make them.  Our peeling and slicing skills came in very handy and we also had to be careful threading our chosen vegeatbles onto the pointy, wooden skewers.

When we had completed our kebabs, Mrs Evans kindly roasted them for us and most of us enjoyed them as a pre-break snack.

2S - Food Technology - Investigating vegetables

Date: 16th Dec 2021 @ 7:33pm

This week, we enjoyed two full days of Food Technology as part of our D.T. curriculum.

We investigated different vegetables (courgette, tomato, mushroom, celeriac, parsnip and pepper) feeling them and smelling them (see photos - there were some interesting reactions) and then wrote about what we had discovered in terms of their shape and texture.

We then talked about food hygiene and the reasons why hygiene is so important when handling and preparing food as well as sfety when using utensils such as knives. peelers and graters.

After that, we went to the hall to practise our peeling,grating and cutting techniques (see photos).  All the children took to it brilliantly and also cleaned up well after themselves.


5C - RE

Date: 15th Dec 2021 @ 3:56pm

Year 5 are learning about Christmas this term. To kick-start our topic, we had a fantastic visit from the Laird Street Baptist Church who reminded our children about the real meaning of Christmas, with the help of an electric guitar and many festive songs. 

5C - DT

Date: 15th Dec 2021 @ 3:48pm

Making Bread

We have been learning about bread products and how they are made. We considered how wheat is converted into flour and found out the countries which create the most wheat across the globe. After this, we tasted a range of breads and made notes on their taste, texture and quality. The breads included wholewheat, crumpets, naan bread and a variety of Subway breads (the children were very excited by this!)



2MB Food Technology - Kebabs

Date: 14th Dec 2021 @ 10:23pm

So far this week in DT, we have learnt about the famous chef Marcus Wareing. We have also explored vegetables and learnt how to chop, grate and peel them safely. We are so excited to design and make our vegetable kebabs, during our next session.

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Townfield Primary School

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