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RCD Maths

Date: 14th Dec 2021 @ 10:50am

In Maths this week we have been looking at different patterns. The children had to figure out which Christmas character came next in their pattern. 

RCD Mabel's Birthday

Date: 14th Dec 2021 @ 10:47am

We planned a party for Mabel the school dog. We made banners, balloons, cards and even some party food! We wrapped presents for Mabel and gave her them when she came to visit. It was very exciting!

RCD Christmas

Date: 14th Dec 2021 @ 10:38am

The children in RCD have been writing letters to Father Christmas. We are going to post them just in time for Christmas!

2S - Maths: Division

Date: 13th Dec 2021 @ 11:20am

This week we began our new Maths unit on division.  We learnt that to divide means to share into equal groups.  We also learnt that division is the 'inverse' of multiplication which means that all the numbers in a division equation can be used in a corresponding multiplication equation. This means that we can use our knowledge of our 2, 5 and 10 times tables to help us with our division.

3C Yoga

Date: 10th Dec 2021 @ 9:21am

We have been creating our own yoga flow.

3C Yoga

Date: 10th Dec 2021 @ 9:19am

In Yoga we have been learning different poses to combine to make a yoga flow. 

3C Basketball

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 4:46pm

In PE we have been learning the skills needed to play basketball. 

3C Glockenspiel

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 4:45pm

In music we have been learning how to play Jingle bells on the glockenspiel.

3C Writing Lyrics

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 4:44pm

In music we have been writing lyrics to accompany an animation. 

3C Dictionary Work

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 4:41pm

As part of our English work we used dictionaries to research the new vocabulary we needed to help us with our work. 

3C English

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 4:09pm

In English we had to help the characters of the story Fox make some important decisions. We created a conscience alley for the character to walk up, listening to the reasons for and against going with a stranger.

3C Computing

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 4:07pm

In compiuting we have been learning about stop frame animation. We began by creating a flip book. 

3C Mosaic Tiles

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 4:05pm

In Art this half term we have been looking at Roman art and creating our own mosaic tiles. 

3C Yoga Summer Flow

Date: 7th Dec 2021 @ 3:40pm

Today we learned a new yoga flow based on the summer. We learned Warrior Pose, Boat Pose and Child Pose. 

RCD - Understanding The World

Date: 7th Dec 2021 @ 10:45am

RCD Design Technology

Date: 7th Dec 2021 @ 10:26am



Date: 7th Dec 2021 @ 10:21am

RCD- Physical Development

Date: 7th Dec 2021 @ 10:14am


1C Maths - Positions

Date: 6th Dec 2021 @ 9:11pm

During our 'positions' unit in maths, we explored and learnt all about the positions that you can come in a race, be in a queue and where in a line you can be standing. We went outside and had races, we ordered our friends using their ordinal numbers, we looked at some pictorial representations and had discussions and we put a group of people in their correct positions in a bus queue.

We have been looking at how we order a group of people into a queue and recording what position they are in based on who they are next to, behind, infront of and inbetween. We also used this knowledge to name their positions from both from the left and the right.

We are now able to say what position a person is when they are waiting for a bus, waiting for a fairground ride, running in a race etc.


1C PE - passing, keeping possession, dribbling and defending

Date: 6th Dec 2021 @ 9:00pm

In our outdoor PE lessons, we have been learning how to control a ball with our feet. We have been practising how to use the inside of our foot to pass the ball to a partner using control and coordination. Once we got the hang of this, we learnt how to dribble a ball and try to keep possesiion. We then had a go at attacking and defending a scoring a goal against an oposition.


1C Science - Humans including animals - Lesson 2

Date: 6th Dec 2021 @ 8:27pm

Using our senses

In today's lesson we learnt all about our seenses, which body part is used for each sense and how the senses work. 

We had 5 different stations set up in our classroom that enabled us to use each of our senses;

Smelling station - we had to use our sense of smell to try and itentify what was in the pots. Did we guess them correctly? We got some of them right. Some of them smelt nice but some were stinky. The items in the pots were - chocolate, lemon, blue cheese, coffee, mint sauce and vinegar.

Touch station - there were items inside a feely bag that we needed to use our sense of touch to feel and think of what the items were without peeking - the items included were pom poms, shells, rocks, fabric, rubber, leaves.

Sight station - this station had a variety of objects that we closely observed using magnifying glasses. We then wrote some adjectives to describe the objects in detail (shiny, rough, bumpy, scratchy, smooth, soft etc).

Listening station - there were pots with items inside that we had to shake and listen to. We then had to tray and guess what the items were. We recorded our ideas onto a sheet of paper. (rocks, coins, shells, leaves, popcorn, rice).

Tasting station - we had six different items of food to taste, we had to have a little nibble of each of the foods so that we could actually taste them. We then had to use an adjective to describe each taste and record whether we liked it or not. The foods were, salt and vinegar crisps, rocket, chocolate, toothpaste lemon and ginger. We used a variety of vocabulary such as; sour, sweet, creamy, soft, spicy, hot, minty, grassy, yummy, yucky etc.

At the end of the lesson, we discussed the findings of the investigations and the true identity of the objects were revealed. We then had to discuss these questions:

-Did we guess correctly?

-Which sense did we find the hardest/easiest to use?

-Did anything affect our ability to use our senses during the experiments?


1C Science - Animals including humans

Date: 6th Dec 2021 @ 8:21pm

Lesson 1 of our Animals including humans science topis saw the children labelling the different parts of the human body.

First we had a quick quiz where we had to point the the body part that the teacher called out. we then wrote out some labels and worked in groups to label one of our classmate's body. This was so much fun!!

We then used the outline of a body to label the body parts with a partner.


1C Rapunzel

Date: 6th Dec 2021 @ 7:53pm

Traditional tales (Rapunzel)

This term the children have been enjoying the traditional tale of Rapunzel.

We began the unit by having a visit from a mystery character! The character had visited our classroom and left behind some glitter, a black, pointy hat, a coudren, a spell book and a broom. They had left our classroom window open and there were glittery footprints left outside!.Once we checked the school cameras, we noticed that it was a witch who had visited us. Was this a good witch? A bad witch? A witch looking for somewhere to stay? We had lots of questions that we wanted to ask the witch so we wrote them all down.

We then moved on to look at the characters in our new book (Rapunzel). Together, we decided that the witch was an unkind and selfish character because she locked poor Rapunzel in a tall, dark tower. We used lots of adjectives to describe the characters, emotions to describe how they were feeling and also compared them to other good and bad characters from other traditional tales.

We explored new vocabulary from the text and used these words in our sentences. Then we looked at a model text called Dexter and the Troll. This text had lots of similarities to the Rapunzel story; there was an unkind troll who trapped poor Dexter in his own cave. He made Dexter eat rotten soup with toenails in it!

Exploring both texts enabled us to  become familiar with the structure of the texts and understand that traditional tales are stories about a good character overcoming a bad character. 

Using all of this knowledge, were able to identify that the stories had 5 main parts; 

  1. Introducing the kind character and where they live
  2. Bad character traps good character and is unkind
  3. Kind character gets treated badly
  4. The good character makes a plan
  5. The good character escapes

The children had to work together in groups and read the 5 statements about each part of the Dexter story. Through discussion, they had to place them in the correct order (see below).

Sequence Activity
1 Dexter is a boy with blue eyes and black hair.
2 Dexter is trapped in a cave.
3 Dexter is made to make troll soup and told he
can never leave.
4 Dexter decides to make a plan with his rat friend to
5 Dexter and the rat make troll soup and escapes.

After putting them in order, the children had to re-enacted the story through role-play and freeze framing to represent each part of the story. 

We have thoroughly enjoyed both of the above texts and have even planned and wriiten our own traditional stories. Our stories will be posted on our class page once they are completed.


2S - Science: waterproof materials experiment

Date: 6th Dec 2021 @ 7:53pm

In Science, we are leanring all about the properties of different materials.  We devised an experiement to test how waterproof (or not) certain materials are.

Using water droplets carefully applied using a pipette we tested foil, fabric, toilet roll and paper.  We found out that foil was completely waterproof as no water passed through at all and toilet roll was least waterproof as the water applied soaked through into the beaker below.

2S - Music

Date: 6th Dec 2021 @ 7:40pm

In our music lesson today, we listened to Christmas songs and listened out for the pulse.  Once we had recognised the pulse, we developed our own actions to show the pulse of the music.

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Townfield Primary School

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