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: Gallery

1C Andy Warhol Art

Date: 5th Dec 2021 @ 9:28pm

In Art this term we have been studying the famous artist Andy Warhol. We have been learning lots of facts about his work including, the media he used, the techniques that he used, the famous icons that he painted, how he used repeated images to create his 'Pop Art'.

We have really enjoyed this topic because we have learnt all about portraits. We have studied our faces using mirrors, taken digital images of ourselves and used these to sketch and create colourful self portraits in the style of Andy Warhol.

We have been learning all about,                                                                                                                         

  • colours; hot, cold, contrasting and complimentary,
  • textures to create mood using pressure, 
  • use of different media to create the desired effcts - paint, pencils, wax crayons and oil pastels.

Once we had explored all of the above, we chose our favourite complimentary and contrasting colours to create our repeated image self portrait pop art!


2S PE - cricket

Date: 5th Dec 2021 @ 6:07pm

In this week's cricket lesson, we practised our aim with bowling at the cricket stumps and then we practised our batting skills in a game of 'Smash It!'.  It was such a lot of fun :)



2S Maths - multiplication

Date: 5th Dec 2021 @ 5:59pm

Over the last couple of weeks we have been looking at multiplication using the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

We learnt that when we muliply it is as if we are adding equal groups together and so the answer will always be the same as or greater than the number in each group.  We also learnt that we can change the order of the numbers in a multiplication equation so, for example, 6 x 5 = 30 and 5 x 6 = 30 so 6 x 5 = 5 x 6.

We used arrays to show groups of and practised this using concrete resources such as multilink and counters.

2MB Science

Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 10:05pm

This week, the children have been enjoying exploring different materials in Science to see how waterproof they are.

5C - Trip to Museum/Gallery

Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 4:02pm

Year 5 had an absolutely superb day at the Liverpool World Musuem and the Walker Art Gallery. This trip supported our recent topics on Space and in particular our writing unit based on the Apollo 11 moon landing. We enjoyed a fantastic experience in the planetarium where we saw a magnificent trip around the solar system on the screens above our heads.


In the afternoon, we went to the gallery to look at Victorian Artwork - we sketched our favourite paintings. The children were a credit to Townfield Primary School.

1B - 5 senses activity

Date: 2nd Dec 2021 @ 9:53pm

Science  - Exploring their 5 senses 

The children had such a great time during this lesson! 

5 tables were set up for the children to investigate using their 5 senses with a variety of activities. 

They spent 5 mins at each table.

Touch table – items in feely bags children write on post-it notes what they think they are.

Sight table – different items with magnifying glasses.  Central piece of paper to write down some interesting describing words.

Taste table – different plates of food. Children had to write down different adjectives used to describe them.

Smell – pots of different smelling items, covered with holes. Children to match the labels to the correct pots. 

Sound – opaque pots filled with different objects. Children shake the pots and try to guess which objects are inside.

At the end of the lesson, the children had to discuss the findings of their investigations and the true identity of the objects were revealed. They had to discuss these questions:

-Did they guess correctly?

-Which sense did they find the hardest/easiest to use?

-Did anything affect their ability to use their senses during the experiments?

1B - Science

Date: 2nd Dec 2021 @ 9:45pm

Topic- Animals Including Humans


The children worked together in groups to identify, name and label the basic parts of the human body.

1B - Art

Date: 2nd Dec 2021 @ 9:27pm

Topic - Andy Warhol

With the media and chosen colours, the children had to colour in the background for their own Andy Warhol artwork. They had an A3 piece of card split it into 4 parts. Using their chosen media, the children had to fill in one square with one colour, then they coloured in the other squares using their other chosen colours. 

1B - Art

Date: 2nd Dec 2021 @ 9:19pm

Topic - Andy Warhol

The children have been looking at the features of Andy Warhol’s work:

  • portraits
  • bold colours
  • repeating images
  • uses 4 colours

Children will eventually be making their own Andy Warhol artwork using a self-portrait.

During this lesson, the children were experimenting with colours and different types of media to see which one they liked best (oil pastels, paint, coloured pencils and wax crayons). The children then choose what media and what complementary colours they would like to use for their final artwork.  

1B - English

Date: 2nd Dec 2021 @ 9:06pm

Topic - Traditional tales (Rapunzel)

The children have been enjoying the traditional tale Rapunzel and the model text Dexter and the Troll. They have become familiar with the structure of the texts and understand they are stories where a good character overcomes a bad character. 

For this lesson, the children have been focusing on Dexter and the troll and how this story has five main parts called paragraphs. 

The five main parts:

  1. Introducing the kind character and where they live
  2. Bad character traps good character and is unkind
  3. Kind character gets treated badly
  4. The good character makes a plan
  5. The good character scapes

The children had to work together in groups and read the 5 statements about each part of the story Dexter. Through discussion, they had to place them in the correct order (see below).

Part Sequence Activity
1 Dexter is a boy with blue eyes and black hair.
2 Dexter is trapped in a cave.
3 Dexter is made to make troll soup and told he
can never leave.
4 Dexter decides to make a plan with his rat friend to
5 Dexter and the rat make troll soup and

After putting them in order, the children had to re-enacted the story through role-play and freeze framing to represent each part of the story. 

1B - P.E.

Date: 2nd Dec 2021 @ 8:44pm

Topic - Invasion 

The children have been developing their throwing skills to a teammate. They worked In pairs with one ball, stood opposite each other 4m apart and practised bounce passing to each other.


3D - Our weekly learning update (26/11/21)

Date: 29th Nov 2021 @ 9:01pm


In Maths, we have been learning how to divide by sharing equally between groups. Year 3 have really impressed me by showing off thier times tables to help them with their division. Keep practising your times tables Year 3.


We finished our Roman inpsired art unit this week and 3D had lots of fun. We designed and created Roman Mosaic tiles. 3D then learnt how to grout to connect and fill in the gaps between thier tiles. They looked great!


3D - Roman trip to Chester

Date: 29th Nov 2021 @ 8:47pm

Year 3 had a fantastic day in Chester learning all about the Romans. They dressed up as Roman Soldiers and re-enacted different defense techniques in the amphitheatre (they even had a go and knocking down a 'teacher defence wall'). They had fun being archaeologist and exploring Roman artefacts. 3D really showed their resilience and continued to smile despite the traffic delay! 


6P-Art-Henry Moore Inspired Sculptures

Date: 28th Nov 2021 @ 12:52pm

Year 6 have really enjoyed their most recent Art topic learning all about Henry Moore and his WW2 inspired art.

We have been using wires to make human sculptures of the people he drew seeking shelter in the London Underground during the Blitz.

2S Grey Group Read, Write Inc

Date: 27th Nov 2021 @ 10:04pm

During part of our daily Read, Write Inc lessons, we work in pairs to read through our texts.  One of us acts as the teacher using the 'teaching stick' whilst the other reads.  This week, our story was called 'The Lion's Paw' and it was all about a Roman slave called Androcles who befriended a ferocious lion.

2S Art lessons 4, 5 AND 6

Date: 27th Nov 2021 @ 9:56pm

This week we had our final 3 lessons for this Art unit.

During lessons 4, 5 and 6, we created the background for our picture using chalks and oil pastels to create a fire effect.  We used red, orange and yellow and blended the colours together to make it look like fire.  It was extremely messy but lots of fun.

We then began to design our Tudor houses using strips of black paper and to finish our artwork, we added to the fire effect using red, orange and yellow tissue paper to make it look as if the fire was engulfing the houses.

We love Art so we were sad when it was over but we all created excellent pieces of artwork based on Rita Greer's depiction of the Great Fire of London.


2S Anchor Education

Date: 27th Nov 2021 @ 9:50pm

This week when Ed from Anchor Education came in, we learned all about similes which reinforced what we had been learning during our English lessons this week.  Ed makes our Anchor time lots of fun with funny games, rhymes and songs.

Nursery - Celebrating Birthdays

Date: 25th Nov 2021 @ 3:09pm

Over the past two weeks we have been learning about birthday celebrations. We have loved playing in our home corner making special party tea's, and writing party food shopping lists, we even got to have party food for lunch one day in our classroom. We have enjoyed learning how to play new party games such as musical bumps, musical chairs and musical statues. We have also celebrated a number of real birthdays in Nursery with 4 of our friends turning 4. We enjoyed singing happy birthday to them as well as writing birthday cards and making beautiful patterned wrapping paper.

Here are a few pictures of what we have been up to, learning all about birthdays and why we celebrate them.








3D - What did we do this week? (19/11/21)

Date: 24th Nov 2021 @ 9:02pm


This week, we created moving images using the iMotion app on the iPads. Children drew images and then used a skill called ‘onion skinning’ to help draw new pictures to give the illusion that their images are moving.


Art this week was linked to our Romans topic. The children practised their shading skills and then sketched fantastic drawings of a Roman Soldier.

Children also designed Roman Mosaic tiles. The children used cardboard squares to paint their design on and use it as a printing tool in their sketch books. 3D you are super artists. 


3D - Look at our learning (12/11/21)

Date: 24th Nov 2021 @ 8:43pm

Have a look at some of our learning this week.


We finished off our Forces and Magnets unit this week by exploring magnets and their strengths. We measured the strength of each magnet by how many paper clips they could hold. Look what we found.

Year 3 then collated their results and drew bar graphs to record their results. How great do they look?


This week, we have started our unit on multiplying. Year 3 have been using lots of different ways to mulitply using their x4 and x8 times table. Knowing your times tables is SO important. Keep practising them Year 3, I know some of you have already been doing it - keep up the good work. 

6P- Planting Trees Day Out!

Date: 22nd Nov 2021 @ 7:26pm

Class 6P had a fantastic time planting trees in the local community this week!

They planted over 100 trees and are looking forward to watching them grow for many years to come! 

2S PSHE - Emotions

Date: 21st Nov 2021 @ 8:55pm

Mrs Simmons is a little late posting this (she forgot she had photos!).

This half term in PSHE, we are learning about emotions, their physical effects on our bodies and what causes us to feel the way we do.

In lesson 1, we discussed all the different emotions we know and identified how people were feeling in photos from their facial expressions. Have a look at a few of the photos showing how we are feeling.

2S Maths - multiplication

Date: 21st Nov 2021 @ 8:41pm

This week, we have been looking at multiplication, specifically the 2 and 5 times tables.  We used concrete resources to work out different methods to show equations in the 2 and 5 times tables. We also discovered that we have our own concrete resources to help us with our times tables - our fingers!

Next week, we are looking at the 10 times table!


2S Art Lesson 1-3

Date: 21st Nov 2021 @ 8:34pm

In Art this week, we have been looking at Rita Greer's painting of 'The Great Fire of London' (lesson 1). We have also experimented with sketching pencils, oil pastels and charcoal - which we found out was very messy - to create our own studies of Tudor houses (lesson 2).

We then used a range of different media (in red, yellow and orange) to create fire effects. We used tissue paper, chalk, colouring pencils, oil pastels and paint.  It was such fun! (lesson 3).







sketching 1.JPG

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sketching 5.JPG

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paper strips 12.JPG

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fire media 3.JPG

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2MB The Great Fire of London Art 2

Date: 20th Nov 2021 @ 1:01pm

To end our week, the children experimented with oil pastels, chalk pastels, paint and tissue paper to create fire. We had lots of fun but got a little bit too messy again!


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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

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