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: Gallery

5C - Art

Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 2:42pm


In our Art lessons, we are studying the work of artists who lived during the Victorian era. In particular, we are learning about Georgia O'Keeffe and William Morris. Below are some images of the wonderful work we've been getting up to.

2MB Woodland Art

Date: 18th Nov 2021 @ 10:51am

WC 15th November

In woodland Learning this week, we created 'Nature Mobiles' using twigs, twine and natural objects from the forest. 

2MB Read Write Inc.

Date: 18th Nov 2021 @ 10:34am

WC 15th November

Now that we are confident with our Speedy Sounds and Fred Talk, we have started to read our new book 'The Duckchick'. We loved using our 'teaching sticks' when reading with our partners. 

2MB Art The Great Fire of London

Date: 18th Nov 2021 @ 9:57am

WC 15th November

In Art this week, we have been looking at Rita Greer's painting of 'The Great Fire of London'. We have also experimented with sketching pencils, oil pastels and charcoal - which we found out was very messy - to create our own studies of Tudor houses. 

Nursery- Stay and Play

Date: 17th Nov 2021 @ 10:42am

We just wanted to say a big thank you to all who came to our stay and play focusing on World Nursery Rhyme Week. We always love opening up our doors and welcoming you all in.

A reminder of our focus songs for this year are;

Head,shoulders, knees and toes

Incy, Wincy Spider

Wind the bobbin

Down in the jungle 

Sleeping Bunnies







Nursery - Celebrating Bonfire Night

Date: 16th Nov 2021 @ 2:25pm

This week we have been celebrating Bonfire Night. We have discussed how and why to be safe around fire and fireworks. We could talk a lot about this as we have our campfires in forest school time and know the importance of being safe. We enjoyed using the instruments to recreate the sounds of fireworks and knew some our loud and some are quiet. We also made some lovely sparkley firework pictures and even made some chocolate apples. We enjoyed predicting what will happen to the chocolate when it is melted, "it will be sticky and soft", "it will stick to my fingers", "it will smell super chocolaty". They even tasted delicious too!




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Nursery - Celebrating Diwali

Date: 16th Nov 2021 @ 8:00am

This week we experienced a taste of Diwali celebrations. We set out our diya lanterns which we had made from clay and tasted some delicious Indian foods. We tried poppadoms and mayo chutney, onion bhajis and samosas. We have also read the story of Rama and Sita and made some beautiful Rangoli patterns and Mehndi. 








2S P.E. - Cricket

Date: 15th Nov 2021 @ 9:25pm


Over the last two weeks, we have had our first two cricket sessions with Mr Rickman, a coach from the Cheshire Cricket Foundation. The children have really been enjoying learning some new cricket skills such as batting, catching and aiming for the wicket.

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2S Maths - Multiplication

Date: 15th Nov 2021 @ 8:59pm


This week we have started to learn about multiplication, specifically the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.  During our first lesson, we looked at multiplication as equal groups and used our concrete resources to see how many ways we could show that there was 4 groups with 3 cupcakes in each group.

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KS1 Grey Group, Read, Write Inc.

Date: 15th Nov 2021 @ 8:46pm

Read, Write Inc: Get Writing!

Today (15.11.21) saw all of Key Stage 1 begin the writing element of our new phonics scheme, Read Write Inc.

Mrs Simmons has grey group and today we started our book, Rex to the Rescue.  Hear are some photos of us working in partners to read the 'Speed Sounds' and the 'Story Green Words' that are contained within our book.

The child with the lollypop stick is acting as the teacher...





2S Woodland Learning w/c 7.11.21

Date: 15th Nov 2021 @ 8:36pm

2S Woodland Learning W/C 7.11.21


This week, the children of 2S had great fun making art out of natural materials such as leaves and twigs that they sourced from our woodland area.

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1C Marvellous Materials in Science

Date: 14th Nov 2021 @ 7:40pm


Our science topic this term has been 'Marbvellous Materials' Our lessons began with the arrival of some penguins trapped inside blocks of ice! We had to  think of the best way to release the penguins without physically smashing up the ice After a short discussion, we decided that the best way to release them without harming them would be to melt the ice. As a class, we decided to investigate which of our ideas would melt the ice the quickest; 1, holding it in our hands, 1, licking it, 3, blowing on it, 4, wrapping it up in material. we had a discussion about how to make this a fair test. So, we made sure that we kept everything except where we were melting the ice the same.Once we had planned our experiment, we made some predictions and were able to explain epredictions. We then performed the investigation and observed the ice melting ove a 30 minute period. We recoreded our findings into a table of results. We discovered that the ice melted much more quickly in our hands because our hands were very warm.



Science enquiry 2

Before starting our second inquiry, we had a mini quiz using our knowledge organisers. The teacher asked us questions and we had to find the answers on our knowledge organisers. This helped us to remeber facts from our previous learning.

In our second enquiry, we investigated whether the aerea of the classroom would effect the rate of melting a block of ice. We planned this experiment through discussion as a whole class and agreed on the areas of the room that we would place 5 blocks of ice (on the window ledge, by the fan, on the radiator, on the teacher's desk and by the door. Again, we made prediction on the order that the ice would melt from quickest to slowest), We used Ipads to time the rate of melting and recorded our results in a table. We discovered that the ice on the radiator  melted much quicker than the other areas, however, the ice on the teacher's desk was not far behind! Our results were recorded into tables in our books. We made observations, predictions and conclusions and again checked to see if our predictions were correct or incorrect.

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6P Maths-Fractions

Date: 13th Nov 2021 @ 7:51pm

We have started a brand new topic in Maths...Fractions!

We have been working really hard this week to simplify and find equivalent fractions! Our work on finding common factors and multiples before half term has really helped us with this! 

6P Science - Making Circuits

Date: 13th Nov 2021 @ 7:45pm

Class 6P have been learning all about circuits as part of our Electricity topic in Science. During this lesson we saw lots of diagrams of circuits. We had to predict in which circuit the buzzer would be the loudest and then build the circuits correctly to test our predicitons. 

6P Woodland

Date: 13th Nov 2021 @ 11:26am

Woodland Learning

Class 6P have been having a fantastic time in their Woodland sessions this week. They have been completing some brilliant Art work using natural materials and have been getting very muddy in the Autumn sunshine! 


W.C. 08.11.21

Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 12:47pm

W.C. 08.11.21


The children have began to understand what being 'in possession' means and how to dribble towards a goal. The children also practise how to stop a rolling ball by using their feet. 



The topic this term for science is 'Materials'. The children had to explore how to save the penguins in the ice cube without smashing it. They found out the only way to save the penguins, was to melt the ice. The children explored 4 different methods to melt the ice to see how this affects the rate of melting. The different methods were; 1. holding an ice cube, 2. breathing on an ice cube, 3. wrapping the ice cube up in a material and 4. putting an ice cube by the radiator. The children found out holding the ice cube was the quickest way to melt the ice beacuse our hands are warm.

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Year 1 have started a new topic is maths, all about Positions. For this lesson the children had to race against each other to practise using  appropriate positional language (ordinal numbers) for up to 10 positions. The children then ordered numbers using positional language in their journals. 





Year 1 have started a new book for their English topic called Rapunzel by Bethan Woollving, which they are super excited about! Below are the children working together in pairs to identify and highlight adjectives and nouns in sentences. 

Rapunzel by Bethan Woollvin | Waterstones



Mrs Keenen kindly came into Class 1B to talk about Anti Bullying Week next week. She talked about what bullying is and what we should do if we experience bullying with ourselves or with other people. Mrs Keenen used the STOP sign to help them remember (see below). The children will be creating an anti-bullying poster focusing on the STOP sign.

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For our second investigation the children explored whether the position of the ice in the classroom would change the rate of melting. We decided to place the 4 ice cubes in different positions; 1. by the window, 2. by the door, 3. by the radiator and 4. by the fan. The children planned the investigation as a whole class, deciding what we are going to change and keep the  same (fair tests). The children then made predictions on which ice cube would melt the quickest and slowest, some explaining their reasons why. The children then performed the investigation and observed the ice melting over a 30 minute time period. The children recorded their results (see below) and found out the ice by the radiator melted the quickest because it is warm and the ice cube by the door took the longest to melt because it was in the shade. 

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4M Science: States of matter

Date: 11th Nov 2021 @ 12:14pm

During science this term, 4M have been exploring states of matter and the changes of state. We were able to complete lots of investigation including:  Do gases weigh anything? Which temperature causes chocolate to melt the quickest? We discovered what happened to the particles when they were changing state. 

Science autumn 2.png

4M English: Leaf by Sandra Dieckmann

Date: 11th Nov 2021 @ 12:08pm

During English, we have been exploring our new book 'Leaf" by Sandra Dieckmann. We have been making predicitions based on the front cover and the blurb. We were able to make connections to previous book we had read to help us form our predictions. Also, we have been exploring noun phrases and how we can up level our language to make our sentences more exciting for the reader.

English autumn 2.png

5C - Music Lessons

Date: 9th Nov 2021 @ 4:54pm

Here are a few pictures of what we've been learning about in Music. So far this year, we've studied Sea Shanties and we're now learning about the Blues. 

5C Science (Water Resistance)

Date: 9th Nov 2021 @ 4:51pm

Autumn 2 - Force
Year 5 have been continuing our Science lessons about Force with a practical experiment. The children worked in groups and designed three boats - each with a slight moderation. We then used a pool of water and a hairdryer to test their water resistance. We learnt that the less water resistance an object faces, the faster it will travel. 

Autumn 2 - Materials

We have been learning about materials and their properties. We discovered how some changes are reversible and irreversible, including practical experiments on thermal insulation and solubility.

Art and design

Date: 8th Nov 2021 @ 2:14pm

We used different materials to make firework and bonfire pictures.

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Date: 8th Nov 2021 @ 1:55pm

'We're going on a bear hunt'

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Physical Education

Date: 8th Nov 2021 @ 1:44pm

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Our learning this week 18.10.21

Date: 8th Nov 2021 @ 10:21am

Thsi week the children have loved learning about our Black History Hero, Pablo Fanque.  The children researched and created Pablo Fanque factfiles and listened to the Beatles' song For the benefit of Mr Kite in which he is mentioned.  We also had a special music lesson to celebrate Black History where the children learned all about Jazz and even had a go at scat singing.  Our Topic for this week was RE and studied the story of Daniel from the bible.  We learnt about the Jewish Laws of Kosher and discussed which laws in Britain we fel were unfair or unjust.


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3D - Our learning this week (5/11/21)

Date: 7th Nov 2021 @ 5:28pm

3D have had a great first week back after half term! Have a look at some our of learning this week.



We have started our new book in English, 'Fox' by Margaret Wild and Ron Brooks. We explored a fable narrative, which was inspired by Fox and discussed the message - Never trust a stranger. 


Fox Immerse.JPG


This week we started our new Science topic - Forces and Magnets. We conducted an investigation, which involved friction. The children investigated how long it would take a car to travel down a ramp with different types of surfaces on. The children had lots of fun exploring the different surfaces and some were surprised when they found out what material had the least and most friction. 


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                         Carpet                                                             Cardboard                                          Cotton wool

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                                                                 Wood                                                                                      Sandpaper

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

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